Sunday, July 31, 2011

Swines and Bovines

Finally, we have had at least three consecutive days of warm, sunny weather...  I realize the rest of the nation is absolutely fed up with the heat...but we need a little thawing out of sorts in these here parts..  Never in my life, until now, have I worn boots in July.  And these were big, super-huge, hot in both ways if you ask me :-)  hahahahaha...At least the boots hide my un-pedicured toes...and trust me, that is a very GOOD thing.  E.V. spent the day doing her E.V.-type things...panting and such.

"Mama, I'm hot.  Please, pretty please buy an air conditioner...and while you are at it, hurry it up and put more ice in my water bowl!"

She is a little diva, that's for sure!  I quickly reminded her that she would need to get a day job if we were to splurge on an air conditioner.  It didn't take long for her to drop the notion of A/C.  She doesn't roll out of bed before 11am...nor does she 'work.'  She doesn't want to mess up her nails since they look so fabulous and I won't even address her 'back problems.'  We try not to bring those things up...Again, she is sensitive!  The heat eventually did cause her some irritation...

"Good grief, Mama.  Could you put that stinkin' camera down for AT LEAST five minutes...Can't a girl enjoy a good bone in peace????  Don't you have a dinner to cook or something?!?!?!"

She was absolutely crabby to say the least.  I personally attribute her sass to the heat, and not my obsession with photo-taking...  It makes me feel better to think in that direction.  Besides, I am hardly one to obsess, about anything!  :-)

E.V. continued to enjoy the I watched in incognito...and was able to snap just one more photo of her bone chewing experience...I just know, when she's old and in a nursing home, she will totally thank me for being just a tad overzealous with the photos.

"This bone is delicious from every angle...I just hope know one is watching me...I need my privacy!  Can't a gal get a little privacy around here???  Mama, what ARE you doing hiding behind that door...and is that a CAMERA in your hand???  You PROMISED!"  

Just wait until she goes to her first Prom...and don't even get me started about college....there aren't enough tissues in this house to even think about such things!!  Nor enough MB's on my memory card! :-) 

I explained and apologized for quite some time...occasionally one cannot help themselves, especially when such a sweet face is involved.  Anyway, it's gonna cost me two trips to the dog park and a scoop of vanilla ice cream for her forgiveness..  She drives a hard bargain!  At least I got off relatively easy this evening :-)  I took a deep breath and then proceeded to make this evening's meal.

Shall we begin with the menu and preparation photos...I prepared a medley of vegetables that were broiled and previously tossed in a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, crispy polenta 'fries' with  a delicate hint of gorgonzola cheese.  My sides were served alongside a steak wrapped in bacon secured with rosemary 'toothpicks' and topped with short rib pan jus.'s Sunday.  And as you can see...I had a TON of free time :-) 

Broiled vegetable medley...Simple and so tasty!

To make these amazing, great french fry alternatives, make polenta and spread in a cake pan to cool in the fridge, then cut into 'fries.'  I sprayed with cooking spray and broiled until crispy.  Be sure and include the gorgonzola cheese...It is key!!   I love fried foods...only this was sort of cheating and didn't create such a mess.  Heck, if my flip-flop were fried, I would probably inhale it in about two seconds!  Yay fried foods!!

Simple, organic, perfect and grass fed.  One could not do more explaining.  I pan seared until a luxurious crust was achieved on both sides.  Yay for leftovers, too!  And we don't want to neglect the bacon that enveloped this bovine beauty!...yay for bacon as well!  Swines and bovines...that could totally be a song!!  Or at least a reality TV show.  I've seen what's on TV these days, I would not be surprised!  I could make millions!!  UmmmmUmmmm!

Once all components were brought together, they made for a truly splendid meal!

Drum roll, please....(I have no ability to insert sound effects..otherwise it would have been awesome!)  But certainly not as awesome as this meal!  HaHAHAHAHA.

I wanted to note that I cheated, in a sense, on the short rib pan jus...I had some left over that I had frozen from the short-ribs I made last week.  I deglazed the pan with a little butter and added the sauce...It was ideal on the steak...I am so glad I saved!

Even E.V. was willing at this point to take time out from her bone to mooch some people food.....Fortunately for her I am a total sucker!!
"Mama...puhhhhhhhhhhh-leeeeeeseeeeeeee!  Don't you have even a morsel for a cute gal like myself??  I'll do anything!  I swear!!"

And it only gets worse once we move onto dessert.  Thank heavens for ice cream.  Yay!!  Thanks, as always, for joining a couple of mischievous chicks just keeping in real in the Pacific NW!  Enjoy!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

E.V.'s on a roll...literally!

Sorry for ditching my fans for the past two days....And, for the record, I use the term 'fans' rather loosely...I do not believe I have really reached a point where I have those.:-)  Someday, when I do, I will list you all...personally...  I promise!   I had cats and other catastrophes with which to well as an entire list of one likes excuses whether they are legitimate or lame, however I'm back..with a vengeance!

Before I proceed to the delicious spaghetti and mozzarella-stuffed meatball meal...we shall start with our afternoon walk in the park.  It was rather hot here, for a change!
"Mama, it's hot out here...can we just lie in the grass for a minimum of ten minutes??"

Which we actually ended up doing because she wasn't about to matter what I tried!  She's rather stubborn.

The more I tried to be convincing...the more adamant she was about not really leaving said 'cool' spot...So I finally gave up.

Once I actually did get her to move, we proceeded to the park...where she rolled around in sand and grass...  That is just GREAT for your carpeting and furniture, by the way.  Just GREAT!

"Look, Mama!  I'm great at rolling around in grass AND sand.  Aren't I special????"  Yes, she is 'special' in her own way only a mother could love :-)

Once we were done lurching around the neighborhood rolling in things (A stupid bee stung me in the ankle thereby making it difficult to you care!  hahahaha  Just kidding..but it really hurt!)...I managed to make a meal.  It was pretty tasty! 

I purchased some roma tomatoes and slow-roasted them today with some garlic make the sauce...homemade sauce is the ONLY route....seriously.

Cored, sliced in half, topped with Italian herbs, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Roasted for about 3-4 hours at 275 degrees..I then peeled the skins and pureed.  Salt free and super delicious!

Being the carnivore I am...I couldn't help myself.  I made meatballs...only these were special meatballs.  Inside were little pearl-sized pieces of mozzarella cheese...which makes the meatball THAT much better.  You just need to trust me on this one...

Typical meatball recipe...only with mozzarella cheese in the middle.  It makes for a nice surprise!

IT all came together once I finished my angel-hair pasta...

Topped with a little fresh basil and parmesan cheese....simple, affordable and scrumptious!

This is pretty much a no-fail meal....and I encourage you to give it a try soon.  You totally need to put cheese in the middle of your meatballs.  Umm..Umm..Delish!  Have a great evening.  Thank you for your patience as I bailed the last two shouldn't happen again.  After all, a girl does have to eat!!  Even if it IS alone! :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Confit, Sweet Pea?? Confit??

E.V. was quite enthusiastic with this evening's experiment....a unique adaptation to the traditional duck confit.  I don't feel any shame, I won't was successful for once!!

"Did I hear you say confit, Mama?  Get your unsightly purple-toed horse feet away from me....I just can't bring myself to look!  I have high tolerances, but I really must draw the line somewhere!  Just kidding, Mama!  Now bring me some confit and hurry it up!"

When I went to bed last evening, there were two chicken legs and thighs hanging out in my refrigerator, corrupting the other contents of my refrigerator, so I was eager to come up with an idea to make sure they were on a dinner plate this evening.  But in what capacity was my quandary.

I couldn't get the leg out of my mind...perhaps it is because I have a thing for legs..don't tell anyone, though!  I wanted to do something I had never tried before, as there are so many traditional ways to cook a chicken leg and I've pretty much tried them all.  When I thought leg..I thought about a duck leg..perhaps because I had poultry on the brain, or perhaps it was from lack of sleep.  Regardless, I remember seeing duck confit on menus.  I have never tried, because I can't eat duck.  It doesn't do much for me, personally.  (no offense to anyone that does enjoy duck).  Then I thought if you can confit duck, you could probably confit chicken!  I turned to the Google for advice...Google never, ever lets me down! 

Chicken ready for the oven!

Basically, you generously season the meat with pepper (and salt if you are so inclined), garlic and herbs.  It is then poached in fat (I used olive oil) at a very low temperature for several hours.  I cooked at 225 for an hour and then 350 for another hour and forty-five minutes.  It was heavenly!

Cooked confit!

I will be the first to admit that I was rather skeptical once I had read about the method.  However, this cooking process created meat that was so succulent and abundant with flavor.  You could serve whole, however a lot of the recipes I found instructed you to remove the meat from the bone, shred and place atop greens or pasta.  I chose to shred and mix in a parmesan risotto.  Here are the risotto components, as well my side of yellow squash.

Risotto, peas, garlic, parmesan, onions, stock, thyme, wine and yellow squash.

I was quite pleased with the results.  It was tremendously flavorful, super easy and probably one of the cheapest meals I have ever prepared.  The only down-fall is the time involved in the poaching process.  But, if you're going to be around the house, you can slap it together, slap it in the oven and fuh-getta-bout-it!  In my family we notoriously 'slap' things gram was best at 'slapping' stuff in the oven :-)  No basting or baby-sitting required.  Here's dinner...

Can I get another Amen!  Amen!!

I garnished with parmesan cheese and some fresh thyme.  It truly is worth trying....Not something you will soon regret.  A dish packed with flavor...I was really trying to get the whole flavor point across..I hope I have succeeded..., not to mention, it will still leave your wallet packed with cash!  Hahahahah!!  E.V., aka Sweet Pea, aka Peavilicious, aka Squibbles and Bits, aka Squeebs, aka The Big 'E' really liked it...she's my biggest critic...literally! :-)  Have a great evening!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Best-O Pest-O...seriously...

I was really struggling this evening...not because I did not have an absolute delicious, inexpensive and healthy meal in which to share...but because when I logged onto my computer, I was very disappointed at they type of "news" that took center stage.  It's just sort of sad...All I will say is that if the government had the money 'she' spends in fake eyelashes alone there would be no deficit, nor would Social Security be in jeopardy...and we'd never have to work another day in our lives!!

"I've got your back, Mama...I couldn't agree more.  We both have eyelashes that are WAY prettier than hers!"

Unfortunately we had no entertaining double dates this evening...your typical Monday night.  Zzzzzzz...and YAWN for that matter...  Although Jerry did call E.V. back...she was esctastic...lucky gal!  I have yet to hear from Ben, the dirty rat!  Oh, are just a bunch of fickle pickles!  I still have least for the summer and he seems to be working out thus far..although it's only been a day and a half.  He hasn't had time to work on my last nerve.  hahahahaha....I warned him....a place for everything and everything in its place....

This evening for dinner...could totally become a vegetarian meal if you were so inclined, but since my middle name is Chicken (althought I am NOT a chicken, per sey) and I have tons of it taking up space in my freezer...I added chicken to the pesto dish.

Zucchini and carrot 'pasta,' basil-sunflower pesto and a sunflower encrusted chicken breast.

I went the healthy route, pasta-wise.  Instead of traditional pasta I used zucchini and carrots.  Super inexpensive, way more healthy and they don't possess the carbs traditional pasta typically does.  I marinated the chicken breast in lemon juice, olive oil, dried basil and garlic then dredged in pulverized sunflower seeds.  It made a spectacular crust!  The pesto contained basil, garlic, olive oil, parmesan cheese and sunflower seeds.  It was sooooo good!  And allow me to mention....sunflower seeds are about 10x cheaper than pine nuts..  I've always been a fan of pine nuts..but these little babies really pack some flavor.  And I should also mention...that I so bravely broke out my mandoline...not to be confused with the mandolin.  Although, I briefly broke out into song with my cello..hhahahah..not really...but that would have been a total HOOT!  This one precisely juliennes vegetables....word to the wise, and speaking from experience.  BE SURE and use the saftey thingy-whatever it is called.  Otherwise, one would end up having a julienned middle finger...and trust me... again, I speak from experience....the pain is unspeakable, the carnage unbearable...and most importantly, no one...except perhaps Hanibal Lecter wants a piece of your middle finger in the 'pasta.'  Again...I'm just putting it out there...take it as you will.  Painful, with a capital P!  Here is the final product...

Even E.V could hardly even bear the beauty...

"Take it away, Mama...I can't looks just too yummy!!  I fear I may do something very unlady-like, and I know how you'd disapprove!"

She absolutely had no problem eyeballing me in the kitchen while I cleaned up...although she's never, ever offer to help with the dishes...Sad, but I have accepted the fact...
"I wish I had your energy, Mama....That's all I'm sayin'!"

Although there were no additional purchases or members to the household, E.V and I managed to hang in there...we're living the dream..that's for sure!  Hahahaha....Make some pesto.  It does a body good...and it'll take your mind off of lots of things!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Double Date Night!!

Before I delve into the date deets...I will first introduce you to the newest member of the household.  I didn't want to do it, but I really, really, really had no choice...
Meet new fan.

Now a new fan purchase my not be very exciting to most....but when you live alone, you have to seize opportunities as they are presented.  Don't get the wrong idea about the two of us.  He knows there is no 'us.'  Before I made the commitment to bring him home, we had a long talk at the Fred Meyer...I explained my expectations.  He is well aware that he is to remain cool at all times, and he can only come into the bedroom if he respects my '5 foot rule..'  Otherwise, we're over.  I don't care what sort of tricks he has up his sleeve...I have boundaries!  He also is well aware that once he has served his purpose, his new home will be on the corner of Dolph and 30th holding a 'free' sign.  A gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do!  I was considerate enough to consult with the other members of the household before allowing Felix to stay.  E.V was opposed and hates anything that creates a sudden type of movement, but she was quickly out-voted by the sofa, Sharon and end tables Eddie and Rick.  I run a mean democracy in these here parts!  Barstools Betty, Mort and Ethel wanted to stay out of the entire thing.  And, I really do not blame them at ALL!

I will have you know I assembled him myself, and yes, I am most certainly bragging..simply because I had only ONE leftover piece.  Unlike everything else around here I have put togther with an allen wrench and my wits!  I realize there should never be any leftover pieces..but the directions were quite confusing.  I could have used more pictures!  It took a good hour or two.  It gave us a chance to bond, considering the rough time I had given him earlier in the day.  Heck, if the summer goes well, maybe I'll just keep the little rascal around and when I retire, he could come along to Belize with me!  It could very well be a hoot!  Next year I believe I'm getting a box fan...the box fan had me at 'no assembly required.'  I already have a name picked out, too...Billie Joe.  Here's looking forward to next summer!

Now that introductions are out of the way....Allow me to move on to the double date E.V. and I had this evening, with two very cool and sweet fellas named Ben and Jerry.  E.V and I did have a minor 'girl' incident over who got to be with Jerry...but we compromised.  IF she let me ride shotgun, she could have Jerry all to herself...I'd be OK with Ben.  We feasted on Phish Food and Americone Dream.  It was heavenly.  But that E.V., let me tell you, she is QUITE the diva.  I never thought she'd ever be ready to go....

"Mama, does this harness make me look fat?????"

Again, she drove me crazy and we just could NOT leave until her make-up was perfect!
"Am I wearing too much mascara???  What do you think of this eyeshadow??  Do I have bone breath??  Did you remember to bring Tic-Tacs???"

Several hours later we were off.  The date was a hoot!!  I did catch E.V and Jerry making out later on the sofa...but quickly turned the other cheek.  Unfortunately, there are certain moments in your life that you wish were more like text push delete and it is as though they never existed....However, this was not such said moment.  Her secret is 'safe' with me because I'm very good at keeping my mouth shut.  hahahahahahaha. 

After the excitement-filled date, we decided to have some dinner.  It was much later than I hoped, but I just couldn't get Jerry to leave my apartment.  I finally had to get Felix to rough him up a bit.  So, I guess we'll see if E.V. gets a call tomorrow morning.

"Mama, what's that heavenly aroma coming from the kitchen?!?!?  Yum!!"

It didn't even reach 90 degrees today, but it was hot here for a change.  I'm not complaining, again, as mentioned multiple times, I am not one to complain.  And for those of you in any other part of the country...please do not show up at my front door with clubs and torches...I know you have suffered...and suffered greatly.  I'm also a sympathetic kind of gal, too!

Bacon blue cheese burger on a potato pancake 'bun' although it sort of looks like a blob...again, lighting is critical.  I should just eat sooner...  Note to self.. :-)

I smelled the heavenly scent of grilled meat, and thought it was a perfect evening for a burger!  It is atop a potato pancake.  I was going to grate the potato, because potatoes are great.  hahahaha..  Then, realized I didn't have a grater, which makes me not so great!  hahahaha.  (aren't puns the BEST!).  I had no choice but to use a microplane zester.  I love the zester, but to zest a potato is just brutal.  My arm was numb and I could hardly grasp a tissue.  Anyway, it was easy to make and quite tasty!  To brown and somewhat melt the cheese, I used my creme brulee torch!  One of THE most awesome tools around!

"I rock!  Not only am I useful in the kitchen, I also make a great weapon.  I can melt someone's eyeball completely in less than 10 seconds!"  Powerful words from such a small device!  Be afraid...very, very afraid.  Intimidation is critical! :-)

It was very handy to have Torch Tony around this evening.  Especially considering I have about the world's second worst stove in existence.  Seriously, I was thinking it would be better to go back to the Flinstones age...a metal box with a fire-breathing dragon that lives underneath..primitive, but yet ingenious!.  I am quite certain it would cook my food more efficiently and evenly that my present oven.  However, I'll say it again...I never, ever complain!!!

Thanks for joining us.  I apoligize for the lack of a post yesterday.  I went out to dinner with a friend and wound up not cooking here at my place.  It was delicious!!  Take care and have a great evening.  See you later!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lookit here son, I say son, I say...I say...did you see????

Ahhh....Erasure!  Honey, I'm still free.  One of the Best. Bands. Ever..  If you change your mind...I'm the first in line... Love it!!  My accolades for the obscure '80's song and it has absolutley nothing to do with my meal, nor the title of my post...but that's how I tend to roll sometimes...  A woman on the edge...and not always in a good kind of way.  Just kidding...perhaps!   I felt it necessary to take a shout some of the unrecognized artists...seriously, not many can pull off silver-glitter Doc, we need to pay respect where respect is due...

Shall we commence with the meal...I was hungry this evening...especially considering my prior illness...Sometimes I am just a poor photographer...good thing I have a day job.  hahaha!

Creamy roasted red pepper sauce with asparagus tips and Italian sausage...tossed in some angel-hair pasta.  It's all about the simple things in life...

Yum!  For the red pepper sauce, I broiled half a red and a yellow pepper...because that is what I had...then peeled off the skin.  I diced, along with some garlic and onion and added to a cup of cream...reducing on the stove-top until slightly thickened.  I then blended it in a blender along with some paprika and cayenne...I added it to some pasta, asparagus, and served the sausage along the side.  Very, very easy and so great.  It was one of my favorites...Then I sprinkled with some parmesan cheese...

Not a half decent meal for an individual.  It covered all of the bases...and kept me busy for a sufficient amount of time...  As well as out of any sort of trouble...not that I would ever do such a thing.  I am well past sneaking off into the evening  to steal mailboxes and you can all take a deep sigh of relief :-)  Although, the wind-goddess was a sight of beauty...very heavy, but beautiful none-the-less :-)

It breaks my heart that I am not able to include my sweet pea in this evening's blog...she, like Cheez-It, chose to remain elusive this evening...and unfortunately there is not much I can do.  I would provide you with some other sort of something...but I cleaned tonight and that is just down-right lame.  Lookit here son, I say son, did ya see that hawk after those hens!?! just makes me want to watch Fog Horn Leg Horn cartoons..hahahahah.  Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball.  Eye.  Ball.   Uhhhhhh,  I say...I say...  Hahahahah.  Have a great evening...make some pasta...the carbs will thank you later, as will the roasted red peppers..they just are dying to fit in!!  Like everyone else!! Later, alligators!  Perhaps we could try alligator out for size..ahahahah...I don't do the swamp thing...I was just throwin' that out for a good laugh or two...or maybe not.  Again, it's a good thing I still have my day job... :-)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sorry, but chickens just don't really have fingers....

I was really on the fence about whether or not to post something tonight.  We had our weekly work luncheon, and I became terribly ill afterwards.  Although my meal was spectacular, I highly doubt I can ever look at a ravioli the same way ever again.  Sad to say...I know.  But, I will not dwell on how I felt.  I will spare you the gory details.  I did rest up, because I needed to go my weekly date with the cats up for adoption at PetSmart.

Much to my surprise, there was an entire new batch of kitties.  I could feel the pressure.  Just after I had learned all of their names and in which cages they belonged...I was suddenly faced with a whole new team of cats.  I am praying I do not get an angry call from The Oregon Cat about how they've been scarred for life because they were put back in the wrong place.  I'm holding my breath AND crossing my fingers.

They all are so very cute and sweet.  I had hoped to capture more photos than I did, but whenever I turn on the camera, they suddenly disappear...maybe pets in general just aren't all that into being photographed...

The elusive Cheez-It.  Quite the camera shy gal...

There was also another orange cat named Pumpkin.  I am amazed at the creativity (or shall I say lack thereof) of some people...It's like calling your black dog, Blackie, or your brown dog, Brownie..  Perhaps they were under lots of pressure???  Heck, maybe they just were big fans of Cheez-Its.  I am, I have to admit.  Cheez-Its are pretty darn good!

A cute pair...names unknown...

I was under soo much stress, worrying about mixing them up, that I totally forgot their names.  The gray one refused to come out of her kennel.  The other one in the front had quite a personality. 

Here is Blossom.  She's rather feisty.

I absolutely and totally remember her...because she hid under the entire stack of kennels and wouldn't come out.  Not even for wet food.  And allow me to offer you some very helpful advice...cats do NOT like to be poked at with a broom handle.  Unless facial lacerations and your vision are of little or no concern to you...  It took me a good thirty minutes to finally get her back in the cage.  Again, the show at the PetSmart was rather entertaining.  If you ever need a good laugh, stop on in Thursday evenings after 5.  I'll leave a tip jar outside the glass enclosure :-)  Feel free to laugh at will...

I suppose I should get back to the point of this blog...the whole cooking part-thingy!  I wasn't even going to make anything to eat, considering how icky I was feeling earlier, but a nice cold Coke and a bag of pretzels seemed to snap me back into shape.  However, I seriously have very little, food I made chicken fingers.  They hit the spot.  In fact, E.V. is still hanging around in the kitchen crying for the fingers!

I have no before pictures for a multitude of reasons...firstly, I was just plain lazy and lacked energy to make a semi-decent presentation, it also was getting very dark out and the lighting was extremely poor.  Oh, and I really needed some actual food and couldn't wait to eat.

Ta-daaaaa..........Chicken Fingers

I coated the chicken with eggs and Panko breadcrumbs...always use Panko.  The BEST breadcrumbs ever.  I would never lie about something that crucial.  I mixed in some herbs and spices, but will be as secretive as Colonel Sanders at this point. :-)  I made honey mustard dressing with equal parts honey and mustard, a little bit of mayonnaise and some cayenne...for a little heat!  I baked at 425 for 10-15 minutes until done.  They were rather tasty, and much better for you...not to mention, baked!  Even though chickens don't technically have fingers...I really like these!  Be sure and try them soon. 

E.V. was not willing to be photographed today.  Perhaps it's the weather...or just her typical teen-age behavior.  I have decided I won't hold it against her..

Have a great evening!  Thanks, and go make some chicken fingers.  Yummy!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last of the American Girl....

And one of a well....I'm the last of the American girls :-)  Oh, and a runaway of the establishment incorporated!

Ahhhh...where should I begin?!?!?!?  E.V. has already retired to the bed in a heap of exhaustion.  I feel pretty much the same way...but not sure why.  We didn't climb a mountain or do anything that would cause said exhaustion....Perhaps we've become a clan of lazy women.  hahahhaa...  Shhhhh....I didn't say that out loud.  The LAST thing I need is for her to become disgruntled with me.  It's a small me on this one!

Finally...the sun decided to make an appearance.  However brief it may have been, we all were able to absorb a tad bit of vitamin D.  Who couldn't use a little bit of that?!?!?  Again, I have gotten off-track.  I tend to do that...  Actually more that I care to admit.  But we'll keep that little secret between you and I.

This evening was a 'tribute' to a great little Pennsylvania city...Pittsburgh!  I made a Pittsburgh salad.  For those of you unfamiliar wtih the town (if you need explicit details, contact my sister...she can tell you EVERYTHING), they make a mean salad...topped with (wait, please make sure you're sitting down for this...I can't be liable for any type of head injuries)...FRENCH FRIES!  Yep..I DID say it out loud.  Who could not love, love, love a french fry??? And atop a bed of lettuce and vegetables...I'm guessing they just cancel each other out.  You get the healthy part...but you also can enjoy the greasy deliciousness!!!  It's the best of both worlds!  It could only be compared to a Primanti Brother's sandwich...french fries AND cole slaw.  Ummmmmm.  Not a bad display for one of the thirteen original colonies.  Remember that song?!?!?!?  Maybe only a resident of one of the Thirteen Original Colonies could recollect that song. 
In a very short period...we will be part of a yummy salad!  We are sooo lucky!!...A brief and insightful commentary from Oregon vegetables!

The salad consists of steak, FRENCH FRIES, and whatever vegetables you have at your disposal.  Traditionally, it would have provolone cheese and ranch dressing.  I, unfortunately, had neither.  I made my own blue cheese dressing... Stay tuned later this week for the 'secret' dressing recipe.  hahahahah.  It really is not secret, but it is pretty good.  After I frenched my fries and cooked the steak, I assembled the salad...  Here she is, in all her glory!

Check out my OTHER new plate.  Thank you Fred Meyer... :-)  At least I don't need to purchase a setting for multiple individuals.. economically speaking of course, but if this plate were a good kisser, it would fulfill all my desires and I'd be in heaven! :-)

I coudn't possibly end one of my blogs without a photograph of the woman of the house...and it's not me...sorry to disappoint.  Anyway, you probably would be disappointed...just like my neighbors, who, I am certain are very irritated over the fact I have played the same song repeatedly for the past two hours...  YAY for apartment living.  ahahahahahahaha.

"I love THIS couch...why did I wait so long to hop on up????!?!?!?!?  Terrific purchase, Mama!"  Again..if she just had thumbs, it would be a match made in heaven!

As I was delving into random photos on my desktop...I came across this beauty..

Lookin' good, Dad.  I miss you!

Aside from a shout-out to the best dog in the world, I wanted to include one for the best Dad in the world!  You all have a terrific evening...and go make a salad WITH fronch fries and maybe some fronch dressing.  Hahahah.. Remember that????  Better Off Dead = Best Movie, EVER!  You won't be sorry!!  Trust me..I wouldn't lie about something of this nature!! :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Maybe the Dingo ate your Le Creuset...

Today began with a relatively uneventful start.  But, I suppose that is a very good thing to say considering it is only Tuesday...same-old, same-old in these here parts!  As like any other day, E.V. and I ventured to the park where she felt an obligation to roll around in the sand.  She tells me it was strictly for pleasure, however I totally know she had a secret objective...she did it simply because I had just vacuumed and felt it necessary to litter the house with sand.  Who doesn't want sand all over their carpeting??  I know most people just love, love, love sand all over the house!  It's like living at the beach!!  Well, I have decided...just THIS once, I will forgive her.  Maybe she really did have an itchy back or something.  Regardless, here she is chillin' in the sand!  It's a shame we weren't on the coast...or in Belize...they have gorgeous sand!

"Mama...I love this sand!  But, could you please hand me a tissue?  I really could use a tissue!"

After the outing, I returned to the apartment to begin the evening meal.  Allow me to commence with a brief explanation...well, it probably won't be brief, because I am seldom brief when it comes to words, but regardless...I felt the need...  I just don't know why!  Where was I???  Oh, yes, explaining my meal.  It is summer.  One would equate summer with flip-flops and sundresses, not Uggs and yoga pants.  For some unspecified reason, we seem to be the only area within the continental United States that is not suffering through some sort of heat wave.  It is actually cold here.  Yep, cold and wet.  Sometimes the sun will make a brief appearance...but he's still a stranger in these-here parts!  Well, as I digress...I presume I should get back to my point.  Ummm, point...  That's right!  Dinner!!  I made braised short ribs.  Actually, just one rib since it was for one and I couldn't possibly eat two ribs.  It is a little 'comfort-foody' for summer, but (and here is the weather connection...I told you I had a point!), considering how it's been, it was a perfect dish!
"We're so excited we were rescued from the grocery store.  It won't be long now until we have fulfilled our be part of a delicious dish!  Thank you, Lesley!  You're the greatest!"  Pshawww, thanks guys!  I couldn't have done it without you.

Back to the recipe...which could clearly be doubled or quadrupled, depending on your feeding situation.  Again, as with every other dish, the versatility and flexibility is undoubted.  I diced 3/4 of a carrot, two large crimini mushrooms, 1/2 stalk celery and 1/4 of a red onion.  You could absolutely use a yellow or white onion...I personally prefer the red as far as taste is concerned.  Heck, you could even do a sweet onion, but after a terrible experience five years ago involving sweet onion flavored potato chips, I can't do a sweet onion.  I'll spare you the details.  Trust me, you'll thank me for my discretion later.  It wasn't a very pleasant experience.  Now that we've addressed onion preferences,  shall discuss the remainder of the ingredients photographed?!?!  Browned prosciutto, red wine, beef stock, and fresh herbs.  No one ever wants to forget the fresh herbs!  They make the world go 'round!  Well...I did also have a beef short rib.  We wouldn't want to leave the star of the dish out of the picture!

I browned the prosciutto in my Le overkill to say the least, especially for one lonely, old short rib, but I was not about to pass up the opportunity to use a cooking vessel as precious as my Le Creuset.  Le Creuset, Le Creuset...maybe the dingo ate your Le Creuset.  hahahahaha.  Remember that line???   This is the part where I would have inserted a photo of said Le Creuset...but something has gone awry and I can't load photos... Don't worry, though.  I'll save it and post it later!  :-)

Once the proscuitto was browned, I removed and browned the short rib that I had dredged in flour and spices.  After that process was finished, I removed and added my diced vegetables, cooking until softened.  Once they were soft, I deglazed with the wine and added the stock, herbs, pepper and the rib.  I placed it in the oven at 350 degrees and cooked for an hour.  If you were to make a normal-sized portion, you would want to cook at least two hours.  I removed an placed all atop some mashed potatoes.

Check out my new plate!  A break from the squares.

I have to say, it was quite delicious.  The broth is amazing.  You could always be a total fancy-pants and strain the liquid..but the little veggies made it taste even that much better.

Talk about utilizing all aspects of the meat...once I was finished...E.V. was able to enjoy the bone.  Yum!

"Thanks, Mama!  This bone is better than one from the store!  I'll be sure and thank you later by rubbing your feet.  Oh, wait.  That's right...I don't have thumbs!  I guess you'll just have to miss out!  Sorry.  My bad." 

If ever there was a time I wish she had's right about now.  That and at 3am when she needs to go out to the bathroom.  If she could walk herself, I'd be set for life!  Hahahaha.  I will close by saying thanks again for joining us!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wardrobe Malfunctions and other embarrassing moments...

Before I delve into this evening's meal, I will have you know that I am a complete and utter idiot.  No, no, please do not argue with me on this....I felt the need for this disclaimer.  You are about to accept cooking advice from someone that just wore their skirt upside down AND backwards for the past ten hours...not even noticing the tag was near my leg.  The very leg I have used ALL DAY to WALK!  This coming from someone who can spot a speck of dirt from three rooms away.  I have no clue how that could happen...perhaps I am losing my touch?!!?!?  Regardless, it is quite embarrassing..especially when you're trying to do your best to look relatively put together. :-)  That, in-itself is quite a challenge...  This ranks along with the moment when my bikini top was knocked off by a gigantic wave in New Jersey....only I hadn't realized...until small children began to convulsive on the sand, nearby.  It haunts me to this day....  Maybe that's why I am still date-less on a Monday night....Oh, well, at least I have Chef Gordon Ramsay to keep me company this evening :-)  Yay for Mondays...that's the only reason there would EVER be a YAY.  I hate Mondays!!

Tonight I made a quesadilla.  Ummm.  Ummmmm...  I've put the entire backwards skirt-thing behind me, as well as the unfortunate New Jersey incident, and have decided to focus on what was important.  Dinner.  This was so easy, versatile and delicious.  Here are the elements of my masterpiece.  And keep in mind, 'masterpiece' is used quite loosely....I tend to embellish things in these parts.  E.V. doesn't seem to complain :-)

Peppers, onions, chicken, cheese and Mexican spices....

I decided to whip out the old cast iron pan.  Well, not literally...there is no whipping out a billion pound piece of kitchen equipment.  My wrist almost snaps when I merely pick it, again, I use the term quite loosely.  I used this pan because it is best for charing any vegetable....and aided in the taste of my quesadillas.  And, one would imagine that after I have used the word quesadilla repeatedly, at this point I could correctly spell such word....I must be a slow learner...Here's dinner....

Quesadilla...Topped with Guacamole, Salsa and Sour Cream...Heaven on a plate!

Judging the serving size...anyone that knows me, also knows that I did not eat all four sections.  I had one....and will save the rest for later :-)  Can't get too much of a good thing!  I would have elaborated more on the cooking process, however these bundles of heaven speak for themselves!  It's a quesadilla, enough said.  Did I spell it right that time??  I'm becoming confused....

The battery life on my camera is dwindling....hence no E.V. photos..but she is comfortably hiding under the bed.  As always, thanks for tuning in....see you tomorrow!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fish Limericks

I will be perfectly honest...seldom am I witty, or humorous...especially in one breath...however, this evening I felt the need to create some limericks..   I was serving fish for dinner....and one would not associate fish with limericks, but, sitting on the couch I had a brain-storm.  I guess you could call it that, or an aneurysm.  You be the judge.  Perhaps it is the solitary confinement of my apartment which prompts these "ideas."  It is sort of like being in prison, only here I have luxuries such as toilet paper and shoe laces.  And there are no floating pencils in MY toilet!   hahahahaha.  (a few of you may get that....)  Alright...shall we get back to dinner, and my humor.  Both of which can be hard to swallow at times. I on a roll tonight!?!?! 

There once was a piece of fish
Who had one very special wish..
Please poach me or fry me,
Don't be afraid to try me
I just want to be the star of the dish!!

There once was a piece of cod
That one might fine to be quite odd
He yearned to be eaten
But not until a meetin'
Where he exclaimed "I used to have quite a bod!"

There once was a fish from Nantucket
Who found himself stuck in a bucket
His fate was sealed...
He'd make such a meal
Until he leapt into the water...crying... 'Suck it!'
(you were expecting something a little more off-color...just admit it...I know better than to do such a thing! :-))

Now, as I have just exhibited...I am no Emily all can relax.  Perhaps I should just get back to what I do  Again, that could be argued, but trust me, my cooking is a whole lot better than my limericks.  As that is not saying much...but it is saying something ...

This evening we had fish.  It, I believe, is the first fish I have cooked since being in the new apartment!  (scallops not included).  I created a little cod packet with potatoes, served with asparagus bundles on the side.  Below are the ingredients prior to assembly.

It's a yellow, yellow world....There once was a gal who loved yellow....  I'll stop, I promise!

The packet consisted of thinly sliced potatoes tossed with olive oil, pepper and minced herbs, then topped with cod, chopped olives, garlic slivers and lemon slices.  Wrapped in aluminum foil and baked at 400 for around 20 minutes.  Please be mindful when you open your packet...steam burns!  My hands look like I was personally involved in the Manhattan Project!  Either that, or I've been a welder for the past 25 years wearing nothing but a speed-o.  Just watch out!!  Ouch!!  Burns leave scars!!  While the packet baked, I added my asparagus bundles, wrapped in proscuitto into the oven.

Asparagus with balsamic and prosciutto.

Again, all were baked in the oven, and were pretty tasty.  Well under $3.00.  The leftover funds can be used for your therapy, allowing you to recover from my questionable limerick debut.

Amongst my limerick creations and cooking, E.V. and I found some time to go for a few walks...We found ourselves in the apartment lobby.  She was actually in search of biscuits..but the office was closed.

"I need me a biscuit, mama...I don't know what I'm gonna do without a biscuit!?!?"

She quickly recovered, and as you can see, she would totally survive without said biscuit.  She needs to be mindful.  Unfortunately they don't make Spanx for dogs!  Don't ever tell her I said that.  Then I'd be the one in the dog house!  Not that we have a dog know what I'm saying.

I'll go down the same road as usual since I'm that kind of gal.  Thanks for joining us and make yourself a tasty packet of cod deliciousness.  So easy, inexpensive and yummy!!

There once was a lass that cooked...
Her social calendar was seldomly booked.
She made something great,
To put on your plate...
Now all the cute boys are hooked.

Hahahahha.  Not in THIS lifetime.   Have a great night!!