Monday, October 31, 2011

I Miss You....

Gotta, love, love, love blink-182..well, you don't, one ever listens to me anyway..hahaha..regardless, it is is Halloween..ick...i am predisposed to complaining...yup...ick..So, before I trek further into the blog..and my hysterical find at The Fred Meyer...and my meal..I will take a moment to get one thing off my chest...of the flat variety, do doubt...tisk-tisk...jesting evening shout-out, so to speak..

In loving the greatest dad..08/03/47-10/31/08

Moving my hysterical find..Raise your glass, my friends....shake some bootie, is'sho'

The newest, and flashiest addition to the Brennan posse...Tinsel Tim!

Personally, I feel it is a tad early for Christmas merchandise to be available..but, heck..gotta pick this stuff up before it is gone!  I'm using him to write up my Christmas cards..which will be going out next week...hahahahahaha...hardly..that is the capricious Lesley talking...haahahaha..nah...I don't do, get over it now..need a tissue???

"So, Mama...What's grosser than gross??? Pork-flavored jolly ranchers!  Ahh, I continue to crack myself up!!  hahahahahah"

I can share with you a spectacular photo of Tinsel Tim....which features one of his greatest attributes...hmmmmm..can you even begin to imagine????

His FOOT...silly!  I hadn't really given it all that much thought until I began writing about Tinsel would think...he should, in all actuality have TWO feet, no???  There were no disclaimers on the packaging, and, as you know, I always inspect that, very carefully..but he is an Ostrich, right???  Even they have two legs...I will let this go for now..but it still is rather upsetting...disturbing, even...regardless, he is a complete and utter hoot..However I do have a proclivity for obsessing about irrelevant things...hmmm...WIP, my friends...

Now, I was able to find something else on The You addition to blink-182...Mumford and Sons!  They make for excellent chair dancing....and wand worthy, even..shhh..and that Mumford...can call me anytime...I'm way taller than that Carey Mulligan chick..and we have the same haircut...just sayin'...tisk-tisk..

"Yup, Mama...You look like a million dollars...AFTER taxes...hahahahahahaha"

Oh, my goodness...we have strayed sooo far off cooking even feasible at this point??? hmmm...well...I suppose if we focus..that entire focusing concept, is rather difficult at times...Alright, already..WE had crying ...only I am allowed to participate in the aforementioned crying ..and it typically never involves chicken...just chainsaw jugglers...yes..I wanted there...get over it! all begins with Savory Cherry Compote....

Cherries, honey, rosemary, red onion and olive oil...

It is savory...not unsavory like myself...hahahaha...again, yet another lame attempt by the Lone Foodie with a clever remark...Witticisms...I'll give those up...for Lent, perhaps...when is Lent?????  I should know the answer to that question...I should!

Saute red onion in olive oil, add cherries, rosemary and honey....cook for a bit..

Proceed to flatten a chicken IS fun....and then continue to slice your finger...and from what I recall..the index finger is a rather important HURTS!  Regardless, I stuffed the flattened chicken breast with feta cheese, rosemary and garlic...browned in a skillet, the finished in the oven..

See!  You were going to complain about chicken...who could EVER complain about is YUM and total of I really need to whip out my list...and my whip, for that matter????  hahahahaha...just kidding...about the list, um, no..the whip..that's right..I was totally kidding about the whip...tisk-tisk..

To accompany our chicken and cherry compote, of the savory variety..we had couscous..with toasted pine nuts and asparagus tips...I have tons of tips regarding asparagus....feel free to expert, of the tip department, so to speak....

Couscous, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, asparagus and pine nuts

We are THISCLOSE to the final meal...I know how you feel...this evening will end, my're not stuck in some bizarre Twilight Zone...or the perpetual blog, so to speak...nope..I'd never lie to you..

Feta stuffed chicken...cherry compote and couscous...Again, I STRUGGLED with this is off...way off...  I find it most unfortunate that its appearance was not of the same caliber as its was actually rather's like a chicken with black, for is!

OK...I need a time machine...H.G. Wells....where are you??????  I wanna be a time traveler..well, that and one of those Warblers...however I would not want to visit the Island of Doctor Moreau...I am willing to take responsibility for the things I have created...see above...SO, where is that paper bag????  hahahaha...just sayin'  Go listen to Mumford and Sons...appreciate all of the small things...if you love something, you must set it free...even if it kills you inside...being capricious is not necessarily a bad my hoot-owl book...don't forget your fittens...see you all tomorrow..yup...I'm still on the yup thing..OH, and go purchase a Tinsel Tim..hurry!  Before The Fred Meyer runs out!  No regrets!  Isn't it ironic, don't you think????

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Woman's Best Friend....

Today I received, quite possibly, the most perfect pet...I use the term 'pet' rather is a pet nonetheless...and does not require 3am walks...and what were you expecting...????  Allow me to introduce the newest addition to my posse...and as we covered earlier this week..I DO have a posse...tisk-tisk...

Isn't she a HOOT?!?!?!?!?  I love her!  I named her she does make me happy...she is apt...for the APT...hahahahahaha...

However, I do sense a bit of competition, so to speak...amongst other dog in this household...
"Um, yeah, Mama...get rid of that call it a dog...but it isn' has invaded my territory...and is just a tad to 'happy' if you ask me...."

Shall the mayhem ensue...a dog-fight of sorts...should be a hoot!  A little girl-on-girl fight...hahahaha...nah....not really....I'm making all of this's been a slow evening..for a Saturday night...yup...totally..shhhhhhh...

Today was...full of distractions...interesting...although I DID get to wear my case you cared..or wondered...which I highly doubt...although, I thought I'd throw that out there...JIC...

My gals...both awaiting plates to clean...patiently....hahahaha...the shenanigans...never cease over here on the west side...again, shhhhhh....

Hmmm...I DID make soup....a bisque actually, and a burger...B2B...bisque to burger....not nearly as stupendous as F2F...but...what are you going to do...other than sing SO loud...every redneck in America can hear you!  hahaha...yes!!!  King for a Day...still absolutely and totally wand worthy...and on the menu this evening as well..

Shrimp, sherry, seafood stock, butter, thyme, garlic, cream and tomato IS probably best I mentioned the the unfortunate event you were not able to read them in the photo...hahahahah...I am case you were wondering..

Toss shrimp in a little thyme...however, only if you have the time..sorry...I am rather certain I have exhausted that joke....just couldn't is super late...insomnia does not do a body good...nope...however, fittens...they are a different story...but now I have gotten way off track...SO..I have been listening to something I should not..I won't mention any names....Darren..*cough* Criss...ahem....anyhoo...roast in the oven for 10 minutes...give or take...

Meanwhile...prepare the other is a struggle...daily life is a struggle...especially for us...yup....oh, and BTW..yup is my new favorite is!  fo'sho'

OH, my precious Felicity!  I love her so...She well as rolls...yup...

Moving the cooking portion of the blog..which was my original intention, so to speak...

Saute garlic, onions and then add your cooked shrimp...a little cayenne...

We then get to move the other highlight of the evening...well, it IS morning by now...we get to use the blender!  Yup....Bob...makes an all his glory...accompanied by my new friends from this week...most of the ginormous variety...

Bob the Blender...almost ready for action..yup...almost...

Now, once you have sauteed needs to be blended..hence the need for Bob..I'm always thinking...and prepared...I should have been a boy scout...just like I should have been one of those Warblers..equal opportunity, my friends...yup....

Looking down the barrel of a blender...yup...blend away!  Shake a little bootie, too...grab that sweet moonbeam...watching you is the only drug I need...yup...

It all comes this chaotic atmosphere....perhaps not the best place for one with an aversion for chaos...just sayin'...yup...

Flour and butter...a little roux...then add a bit of tomato paste and the shrimp mixture you blended..oh, and a little heavy essentially, there are zero fat and calories in this'sho'...

"So, Mama...know why the shrimp wouldn't share his treasure????  Because he was a little shellfish...hahahahahahahha...again, I continue to crack myself up!"

I did make a burger...of the buffalo variety...cajunized..since The Fred Meyer..which typically has EVERYTHING..did not have jalapenos...I was crushed..oh, well...I'll live, I suppose...I am a survivor..yup...

My burger...and my fitten...not EXACTLY the perfect does not want to eat a burger while wearing these...nope..I speak from experience...just sayin'...yet again..The burger had onions, bacon and cheddar cheese...hmmmm...

Again..for the millionth time...this lighting..I AM at a loss..still diligently working on a solution..I do not want to eat dinner at I will figure something out....for reals!  yup...
Bisque...ick...not ick..but the photo is ick...but tasty...yup...

The complete meal...completely me!!....although, it was enjoyed...and the heartburn continues to linger..yup...

I did have a little help in the clean-up department...thankfully....."So, Mama...a shrimp walks into a bar.....hahahahahahhahahaha...Got any more dirty dishes????"

We are off...yup...make some was delicious!  Do not neglect Green Day or new inflatable pets...(although I sense a nose IS twitching...)....of the Felicity variety..they rock...Fittens, continue to be this household...I wish to give a shout-out and Happy Birthday to a loyal reader..out in No Po...who continues to get younger each year...just like me...have a great day, Amy...thanks for reading!..  Always look on the bright side...yup...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Prodigious Pink Handcuffs

Yup...No stuttering here, my friends...they rock..they are pink..they are functional..they are fun...we are totally sympatico....yup....hahahahaha...unfortunately they are teeny-tiny...maybe could be used to subdue a squirrel...or something of that nature...however, as I have professed want need anything..go visit The Fred Meyer...yup...

I had no one on whom these could be used..and trying to catch a squirrel is MUCH more difficult than one can imagine...SO, I hung them off of my skeletons...not the ones in my closet, mind case you were wondering...they would require much larger handcuffs...shhhh.....

It is absolutely amazing what one can find in the little quarter machines in the lobby of The Fred Meyer...and speaking of handcuffs...I was fortunate enough to obtain this gem, as well...lucky day for us gals over here on the west might say...tisk-tisk...not really...embellishment, my friends...complete and utter embellishment...we're just trying to be positive...otherwise..we'd be in a puddle of tears....

For Fifty Whole, too, can own one of these is a does not function as a handcuff..but makes a mighty-fine necklace..I wore it for most of the day...well, until it began to turn my neck green...such is life....Isn't it a HOOT?!?!?!?!...Raise your glass...shake some bootie...where IS that wand??? IS Friday night...time to party like rockstars and such...

"Hey, Mama!  Nice pink fittens!  I want some...although, they would probably be pittens....merely because I have paws!  Get it??!?!?!?!?  Hahahahahhaa...I crack myself up!"

We ran a few errands today, and had coffee with my friend Sue...oh, and did keep us out of trouble...however, Sue was not impressed with my giant pencil...I did take it with me to the Starbucks...she suggested therapy..hahahahaha..not for the pencil, mind you...

"So, ya know what is a frog's favorite drink???? croaka cola...hahahahahaha..get it???  Is that Teenage Dream???   Well, turn it up!!  What are you waiting for!  Jeesh!!!  That Darren Chriss...hmmm and yum....."

Oh...I know..I have totally gone off the deep IS the weekend..we roll no other I will share with you one other find at The Fred made me IS a toy...I named it my Projectile Pez..simply because it dispenses candy much like that of a Pez, but with throws it right into your face...and can get some distance..rather impressive for $.99...

I call him Eli...after Eli Manning...he is a quarterback, for the Giants...pretty darn, cute, too..shhhhh...and, oh, boy...can this thing shoot candy across a room...I was expecting to be disappointed by the disclaimer on the you know I always carefully inspect the packaging...but it did deliver...and then some...for reals!

Hmmm...where was players..delivering..packages...Darren Chriss...I have TOTALLY gotten way off track...I really should do something about these afflictions...they almost seem to have gotten worse....I blame CSJ's..yep...and yup....

Anyhooo...we cooked...I know!!  Who would have known!!  I am so far off track...I feel like Bugs Bunny...and I even took that left turn at Alburquerque...We had sea bass..I understand I JUST had it last's my new chicken...and my new favorite fish...I LOVE it!  It was prepared with saffron cream, potatoes and asparagus....easy and simple...tisk-tisk..No, it was..for reals...

Sherry, cream, butter, sea bass, saffron, thyme, asparagus and potatoes...which were not part of the picture...they were boiling..not from anger, but because they were meant to be mashed...although that may cause anger in some potatoes, however, not these potatoes...I explained the rules and what was sayin'

There were very few dinner prep was a relatively simple meal to prepare...well, I will make a Friday night confession..I DID get so caught up in cooking, I maybe, kinda, sorta forgot to snap some photos...oops...I will not happen again..I blame...Weezer...oh, and The All American Rejects...and my wand...totally not my never is!  nope...never, ever, ever!  The Girl Got Hot! 

I mashed potatoes, added a little egg, formed potato pancakes and fried...those other steps are missing, of course...try envisioning them in your head...close your eyes...think for a moment..can you see it????  yep..that is exactly what I did! missed nothing!  Swing..Swing!!!

After I pan fried the sea photos since I am a super-lame ginormous dork..I did make a saffron cream was easy and comment...absolutely NONE....Now if you tilt your head wayyyy to the can see a face...with a devil.....with a scorpion really can!  get tilting....

Deglaze the pan in which you seared your fish...then add butter, cream, thyme, saffron, and a little love...that makes all the difference!  It is scientifically proven...I know my stuff...I do...ask anyone!  Remember...I DO own a handcuff gold watch out!  hahahahahaha...

Nonsense aside...we did eat...yeah, we was rather complaints for a Friday night...well...I actually have a few...but, at this point...are you really that interested???  Yep..didn't think so...sooooo...moving along...

It's an onion...layered...saffron cream sauce, asparagus, potato, sea bass, sauce, garnish...Taaa-dahhhhh...

"So, you know the ideal weight for a mother-in-law????  About 2.3 pounds, including the urn...hahahahahahahahaha...Again, I continue to crack myself up...can't help it!"

I can't quite figure it all out...I don't even have a mother in law, yet these jokes just crack me up!  Perhaps it is the memory..who knows....As you can see..we did party like complete and utter rockstars over here tonight..I'm so totally sure I will be evicted...yup...hahahahahhahaha....prolly because of my handcuff gold is rather flashy..and fetching...Sea bass to fittens..and pittens...and pink handcuffs....again, we are totally sympatico...especially with those that juggle chainsaws...We shall remain...yup...


They are way better than mittens....harm no shall be quite smitten...once you have been bitten...there shall be no hittin'...nor spittin' should be gettin' some fittens as they rock..and roll...and keep you warm..and are don't just be sittin' in your kitchen... friend...enjoy the world of the does a body good...just sayin'...and I sooo promise to spell out the rest of the words this evenin', for reals, I song..still, it is...OH, and BTW...fittens are a the name of my fingerless mittens....I probably should have mentioned that eons bad!  I got a little carried away...That Tyson...hmmm...complete and utter are fittens...

My Pink Fittens....Oh, and E.V...whom did not want to pose...she is SO over my camera!

So we did run an errand, or two The Fred Meyer, of course....where I did score a Yo-Yo...Yep..And I shall share a secret with my world wide web friends...Using a Yo-Yo is so totally not like riding a bike....I did try dazzling 'The Wall' with my Yo-Yo tricks, however, much to my chagrin...complete and utter disaster...Yo-Yo tricks CAN, and are total disasters to one's poor head...that is ALL I will say....hmmmm...

"Yo Mama is so ugly..she makes blind children cry!"  hahahahahha...How'd you like that, Mama?!?!?!?!?

Not so much Eves...not so much...tisk-tisk...  Here is my Yo-Yo...A little disappointing, as I thought it glowed and blinked...well, in addition to the fact it dispensed candy...Oh, and learn....I am STILL working on perfecting my skills...WIP, as usual..especially in the Yo-Yo department, Fo'Sho'!

On a bright note...aside from being a pink and purple did get along swimmingly with my ginormous comb and toothbrush, my giant pencil AND my powerful and magic wand....I guess I couldn't ask for much else...well..hmmm..I could...and would hope for more...but it is probably best not to be too picky at this point..

"Yo mama was such an ugly baby that her parents had to feed her with a slingshot!"  Hahahahahhaa

Enough, already E.V..enough..We have had just about enough of your jokes..are you finished???
"Um, why, no Mama..but thanks for asking...Yo Mama is so fat that she has to iron her pants on the driveway...hahahahaha..Alright..alright..I'm done now..My stomach hurts..from the laughter, no doubt!"

Moving along...we did actually cook this evening..aside from playing around with yo-yo's and such...we had buffalo tacos and refried pinto beans...aka frijoles refritos..for those that are a tad on the fancy side..tee-hee...myself excluded, of course!

Pinto Beans, Garlic, Onion, Chicken Stock and Bacon Pan Drippings...

Rinse your in a pan with the stock and simmer away...for an hour or two..this is good, as you can shake some bootie...listen to some one cares!  I promise not to spill the beans!!  tisk-tisk...The Girl Got STILL an excellent selection...just sayin!

Once they have softened, add the bacon grease and onions...saute then smash up with a potato regrets...nada...none...and it is an opportunity to release aggressions..not that you would have IS better than crying while mincing up is me...I speak from experience here people...

Shall we move along to the tacos....the highlight of our evening...Um, yeah...I did not stutter..that is HOW exciting things are over here on the west side...Taco Thursday...woo and freaking hoo...Raise Your Glass!!  Drool a little over Darren one will tell..for reals!
Ground Buffalo, Taco Seasoning, Cheddar Cheese, Onion, Corn Tortillas, Sour Cream (salsa and lettuce not pictured, oops)..I blame the excitement of tacos....seriously..I was so caught up in the excitement...oops, again...

I do not make my own salsa...I can't make salsa to save my life...kinda, sorta like poaching an egg...just can't do it...a true confession on a Thursday Lesley Brennan...shhhh....Proceed to brown your buffalo in a skillet...not of the justice variety...unfortunately..perhaps next time...

Browning of the buffalo...simple..once it has browned merely add your taco seasoning...which consists of cumin, chili powder, onion and garlic powder, paprika, cayenne and oregano..

While that cooks, make your own taco shells...You will NOT regret this one, my friends..totes!  They are SOOOOO wonderful..Sort of a PITA to make, but totally worth every last second...and your apartment will stink for weeks..but, who cares...really????

Olive and canola oil...fry away..again..fry and live alone...who is even going to know?!?!?!?  hahahahaha...seriously, though..they are a million times better than anything else....

Prepare the taco toppings...a taco is not a taco without onions and cheese and lime and lettuce..nope...not around here anyway...

"Ummm...Mama...I promise...cross my heart and hope to die...I will not make any more jokes at your expense if you promise to share tacos...Puhhhleeseee....!!!!"

A plate of chaos...a hard meal to plate, actually...Much like eating these...They require finesse, which I totally lack...and would only eat in front of E.V. merely because she did sign that NDA...hahahahhaha..they were super delicious, though...and a major cause of heart burn...which is better than heart break, I think...I'll have to get back to you on that one....

It is late...I was sooo behind this evening..I tried my best...WIP...keep that on the DL..go buy a WILL see how hard it really is...for reals! still awesome!  Don't spill the beans...make your own taco shells..and tacos, for that fittens...ryhme...I dare you to try and poach an egg..hahahahha...You mama is so lazy that she came in last place in a recent snail marathon...hahahahaha...just kidding..sorry...couldn't help myself..these afflictions and such..I and lots of things..all of which, I will save for tomorrow...yeah..please don't cry...every tear a waterfall...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Last Song....

Goodness, gracious...oh, dear...oh, of the GREATEST songs EVER!  Again, I owe my life to The You Tube...The All American Rejects...I had totally forgotten...Swing Swing...hmmm..great stuff!  Wand worthy, even...Reminds me of the day when I hung out with 29603....hahaha...he's out there...Let the madness ensue...again, as I have gotten way off apologies...but, heck, that Tyson Ritter can call me anytime!  fo'sho'  We had our weekly luncheon, which meant we did take a trip into the big city..didn't even get lost...hmmm....go figure!

My automobile photograpy is improving...I took this on I-5, going at least 65...drinking coffee and petting the dog...shhhh don't tell Geico, or the DMV....

We did walk around a bit before we ventured into Petite Provence on Alberta..which was delicious...E.V. loves it in the big city...she and absolute city dog....

"Swing...Swing..Mama...that is THE way to roll in the big city..I know!  For reals!  Did you get that Tyson's phone number...he is awfully cute and such...just sayin'..."

We did stop at The Fred Meyer..not the new one..I have concluded I do not really care for the new one...we needed a few usual...

"Hurry it up, Mama...It is COLD out here.....I'm shivering like a mobster in a tax office...tee-hee, and throw in a tisk-tisk..."

She is quite the smarty-pants...again, as I have professed a multitude of times....takes after her Mama...we did have a great ride home...and I did score some sweet items...of the ginormous variety..shhhhh....super cool, my friends...super-duper cool...would you expect anything less...?????

A ginormous toothbrush and comb...Yep..and they even match my GIANT pencil..SWEET!!!  Again...the ensuing of madness...shall commence ASAP!!!  They are going to be the best man and the maid of honor at our Vegas case you were wondering..shhhh.....I haven't told my fiance, yet...soon...GIANT pencil will be aware...shhhhhh...hahahahahaha...

"Oh, Mama...It's colder out here than our first mother-in-law...hahahahahaha"

I did take my new ginormous items over to 'The Wall.'  Again, as usual, they were a hoot!

I ALSO purchased these new fingerless glove things at The Fred Meyer...they allow me to type..but they keep my hands warm...kinda, sorta like leg warmers, but for the wrists...and they are pink!

I Love them!!  AND they match my new pink hair...what could be better..?????  Well, actually, lots of things...but we can be happy about this for the time being....alright..???  And every day will be like a holiday!  YAY!!! 

OK..OK...OK...these afflictions for which I feel the need to apologize...I did cook..nothing spectacular...nothing flashy..however, no pizza, nor any don't go running off at this juncture..the best is yet to come..Yep...One can imagine you are probably scratching your head trying to determine how that is possible...however, it is...I me, my friends...

We had pasta carbonara...Never made before..this was a total experiment...however, I really did love it!  Simple and delicious...I shall jokes from me tonight...I never, ever, ever make any jokes, and I am not about to start now..nope...not at all....tee-hee..I've got a TON of jokes, actually..almost bursting.....see me later if you want to hear some of them...hahahahahahahaha

Pepper-crusted bacon, parsley, garlic, egg, parmesan and olive oil...Pasta.(not shown)..

Begin by frying up your not fear...fry and cry and cry and is cleansing...then shake a little will dry the tears...tears of sorrow...yep...totes!

Mix together your egg and shredded'll want this to be ready when the pasta has finished boiling....why??? because I said so!  That's why!  NO sleep Til Brooklyn!

Combine your cooked pasta with the crisp bacon and is all coming simple, easy...amazing....

You then add your egg and cheese to the pasta and the egg can briefly sure and remove the pan from the stove for this combination...I WAS going to be fancy and poach an egg...but I tried, and failed...I have tried before..for Jeff's birthday..back in May...and 10 eggs later...I gave up..poaching eggs is difficult..I won't even get into it at this point...we should proceed..we have a dinner to address and such...

Pasta me to make a disclaimer of sorts..from the photos I viewed and recipes I read on the world wide web, my sauce should have been silky and smooth...and the eggs were to not be that respect I absolutely and totally failed..however, it did taste delicious!  I topped with parsley, of the Italian variety...perhaps there is a little culinary secret of the carbonara variety to which I have not been made aware....perhaps someone will fill me in at a later date...Oh, well..I am a I have always claimed...

Remember..every day will be like a holiday..if you cook, of course...always let the madness ensue...listen to The All American Rejects...make, fingerless gloves knee socks..and Tyson Ritter...It is you that I need, my tumbleweed...ginormous combs and toothbrushes are the bee's knees...for reals!  We shall never be erased...from existence!  Not on my watch, anyway!  hahahahah...gotta love Doc Brown....Have a ginormously terrific evening..with combs and toothbrushes and pencils, even!  tisk-tisk...