Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Day.....

Freeze Frame!  Throw in a yikes, or two..perhaps three!  It snowed this morning...this shot was from my balcony...don't I have a stellar view..tisk-tisk..However, I am optimistic it may improve when those cute firefighters move in to the restored firehouse across the street...hahahaha...and I buy a pair of binoculars....maybe...I won't get my hopes up...But, it was cold...especially tonight..oh, and in case you forgot, ice is slippery..yup...especially in fuzzy boots got all wet and E.V. needed to be this incident is totes not my fault..she pulled on the leash..and, um, make a long story short my knee cap may or may not be broken...however, I did manage to save my face, specifically my teeth..I feel those are important things to least in the top three of things you would want to, that is my PSA this evening...I do speak from experience..

Snowflakes in Portland..Taken by a Flake in the Snow in Portland...LOL...

"Oh, Mama...the fall was not my fault...for reals...I TOLD you before we went out you should change into more appropriate never, don't even think about pointing the finger in my direction...although, no was rather funny..not that I find pleasure in laughing at others...but..oh, who am I kidding..I so totally do..hahahahaahahaha...just glad it wasn't me!"

We didn't leave the house today...not in a vehicle and such..and I wasn't even going to cook..however I started to get awfully hungry and it was cold and I had some chicken in the house...insert gasp here, fo' sho'...if it is any consolation..we listened to some new music...I felt it was time to just step away from least for a day or two...SO, we moved back to Puck and would imagine that comes as a complete and utter shock to you...I understand if you need a moment or two to regain your composure...take your's all their fault..for being so cute...OMG...I've got all night...I'm not going anywhere...especially without crutches or a scooter or a piggy-back ride...not after the knee injury...stinkin' ice...Anyhoo...we had Chicken and Dumplings...

Soup Components:  Shredded Chicken, Peas, Carrots, Garlic and Parsley...I could have sworn I had an onion, as I always have one..but, alas, I did not...I recommend adding onion if you have one in your fridge..

We made stock with a leftover piece of chicken breast...I don't have photos of the actual stock creation taking me, you'll live..I'm sure you've seen that a hundred times..strain the stock after it has finished steeping and all that good stuff...again, my technical knowledge is mind-blowing, is it not????  tee-hee...

I chopped up some garlic and added to the stock...proceeded to add action shot...I really should find a stunt 'hand double' for these shots...I'll bet you I could find one on can find anything on that website...but, I do need one...Yikes!!  At least I filed my nails last night...Yeah...

"Good grief, Mama...I can't take my eyes off of that looks like you have one of those giant foam know, that sports paraphernalia item worn on the hand to show support for a particular team...only that's your REAL hand..YIKES!!  We should paint it red and could totes root for the Giants!!!  That Eli Manning is pretty cute.. See, I'm always thinking...yup..."

 Dumpling Components: Flour, Cream, Baking Powder, Cornmeal, Salt..and Sugar (not pictured...I forgot..oops, my bad..)

Mix everything up...Mixing is's kinda, sorta, maybe like chopping and mincing...and you can shake bootie and such...Last of the American Girls..not too shabby..and Green Day has been neglected this past week..I blame that virus..but all members of the Fennel Fronds will absolutely have to wear those belts with the silver rivets...yup...cooperation is critical..

 Once your carrots have simmered a bit amongst the garlic and broth....add your frozen peas and dollops of your dumplings...they're a shapeless mass or measuring required...AKA lump...AKA me..hahahahahaa...JK...allow to simmer, covered for 10 minutes or so....

Speaking of Lumps....Scoutie!  She loves chicken!  It makes her wanna lick her little lips!  That's my girl...

Here are what your dollopy-lumpy-shapeless masses of dumplings look like after 10 minutes...Tasty, actually!

 "Oh, Mama...wake me up when this year ends...If my abacus is correct, we only have 350 more days of 2012...Woo and freaking Hoo!!!  Hahahahaahaha" 

 Chicken and Dumplings..again, we're still hung up on this quintessential comfort food, and while it does taste delish, my skinny jeans are not all too pleased...Oh, one ever said life was fair...tisk-tisk...

Well, my internet friends...that's the best we could do on such short notice...we did clean today, like you one ever said I had a rock and roll life....I may have implied that once or twice..but I'm sure that was eons ago....although, once the Fennel Fronds take get off of my case...we still need to replace our ghetto camera....send my love a letterbomb and visit me in hell...hahahaahaha..I'm's been a long weekend...and a long time since I've seen the fire in your eyes..and a long time since we listened to Cake!!!!  OMG....please do not forget that ice is slippery...especially in flip-flops, and whatever you do..SAVE THE FACE and can totally recover from a knee injury..again, I speak from experience...they're all out without you having fun...make chicken and dumplings...enjoy the is a hoot, as long as there is no shoveling involved..that sucks...join the choir we'll be singing, in the church of wishful thinking...sassy gals rock...g'night and see you all tomorrow for another craptacular day...I'm sure...I can sense nose is twitching...

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