Saturday, January 7, 2012

When I Come Around...

I heard you crying loud...all the way across town...well, um, that actually was me..on the east side...and I always get lost...and cry..I am a walking disaster, but shhhhhh...we should keep that on the DL..tonight, my chickadees...just may be THE most meticulous blog entry in the history of all blog was a Friday night...I'm plans...nope..none..leave a single gal alone in an apartment with food, a dog and a camera and an over-abundance of time...well, quite frankly, that's a recipe for disaster (pun completely intended..tisk-tisk)...or TMI...I am on the fence in regards to the outcome...there were no disasters, per se...but TMI..yup...totally TMI..soooo, you all wanna pitch in some cash so I can start my profile????  hahahahahahhaahahaha...

"Oh, Mama...we should have a bake-sale...we could totes raise some money...I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get you out of this house....for reals and such...seriously.."

So..this evening we had a sandwich...quite popular in of the five reasons I return to that state or actually confess to being a native..the other four being..(in no particular order, mind you..), Park Pizza, Yuengling Lager, Cheese Steaks, and a sassy gal sporting purple Doc Martens...yup..anyhoo...a sandwich with cole slaw and fries and 1000 island dressing..along with mac and cheese..and my version took about four could absolutely cheat and make this in 15 minutes, again, though...I really had nothing better to tastes way better than cheating with that corporate, evil, processed food...yup...totes...

1000 Island Dressing Components: Hard Boiled Egg, Mayonnaise, Ketchup and Sweet Pickles...aka...'secret' sauce...hahahaha..that STILL cracks me up...but, again, it doesn't take much...I'm a simple-minded kinda case you haven't noticed...

Mince your egg and sweet pickle..and you so know where THIS is going, don't you????  You get three guesses, and the first two don't count...YES...time to shake some bootie...OMG..we are so totally still on The Killers..and I found an acoustic version of Almost..and then Green Day, of course..but that just goes without saying...Can't help it!!  I have no self control...and, WAS only a Kiss!! And it rocked...yup....

The Final 1000 Island Dressing...yum!! 

"My, my, my dear Mama...I just can't look!!  Nope...I can't!!!!"

The other portion of our meal..the mac and cheese...and I technically did not use macaroni, I did use, just so you know...I like to clarify these sorts of things..

Mac and Cheese Components: Pasta, Cream, Paprika, Butter, Flour and Cheese...Yeah..I don't know why I got that gluten free stuff...I think I like gluten..especialy after tasting the pasta...I'm sure the purchase was said Kids Only right on the box!  Enough Said!!! 

Again, make a roux...equal parts butter and flour..and you can use that whisk...and you do know how whisky we are over here on the west side...yup...I totes blame those martinis...although a little whiskey this evening would have been a hoot..although, it would have prolly resulted in headstands...and head injuries...and the, yeah..perhaps it is a good thing there was no whiskey involved...hahahahaa..

Add cream to your roux...are you sitting down???  It's my action shot of the's that for action, my chickadees???  Again..I do blame the west side..we are so cutting edge...yup..nah..really, it is sad, in fact...when this is the sorta action you see on a Friday night....well, it is time to re-evalute your life, I suppose...hahahahahaha

And when you thought the excitement would never cease...grate cheese...and cheese is excellent..wonderful..transcendent...marvelous..but it's not was only a kiss!

Add your greatly grated cheese to the roux and regrets...and I was almost famous for almost a day...this one time..I was at band camp....nah, it was actually orchestra camp..and everyone just loves cello players..I read that on The Google, too..

I added my gluten-free pasta...again, don't buy gluten free anything..ick..all the cheese in the world isn't gonna make it better...I guess that's what I get for buying that pasta out of should not have said 'Kids Only' on the box...seriously...drives me crazy...!!

Bake in the oven..I have no idea how long it was in the oven...or at what temperature the oven was set..I should know details such as these...but I did almost get popped for a fight with a thug...and I am an excellent chair dancer, IMHO...Ahhh....those martinis do rock and such..LOL...

"Ummm...Mama...SMH...and again....I almost wrote a song about you today..and those stupid boots..but I tore it all up and I threw it away...which is quite an accomplishment, considering I do not have totes owe me!!"

We shall move along to the french fry portion of the's sooooooooo long, there's a french fry portion...AND no's like the Great Wall in China...only hardly great..nor a wall..nor in China..tisk-tisk...I tried..

Peel and slice, can ya tell what that is???  And if you said the fingers' of my're so incorrect!  I'm not Dexter...although it might be fun...So, yeah, Potatoes...They make the perfect fries..for reals, they do...

Fry them in some oil...and this process will stink up your apartment...but ultimately is worth it..

French Fries...ahhh...heaven on a plate...about as delicious as a kiss of the same variety...hmmmmm...I am rather certain about this...kissing is fun...BTW..I think...hahahahahaa

This sandwich which hails from PA...well, it requires slaw...make some...I almost had you..and I didn't even know I'm destined to spend my time missing you...

Isn't she the sweetest pea, EVER????

We roasted a chicken breast...shredded for the sandwich...I actually had a photo of the roasting process...but I spared you the's the shredded chicken...YUM!!

And when you thought the night would never, ever end...or this blog for that matter...our sandwich...
Shredded roasted chicken, slaw, french fries, 1000 Island Dressing..who knew four sandwich ingredients would warrant a blog the length of War and Peace???  Hahahahahaha...It's all my fault...I do talk to much, I never shut up..can never tell the 'quick' version of a story...nope...then I get distracted and trip over something..yeah, I'm special..but not in a good way..hahahahahahaha.. Well, we also had mac and cheese...this was not a good meal to plate, so to they were featured separately...

The Friday Night Finale..just when you thought things could not get worse...yeah..I tend to disappoint as well...shhhhhhhhhhhh...hahahahahaha...I almost wish you would have loved me, tooo...

Who knew...way back in '79 that I'd one day be the lead singer/guitar player and founder of the new punk rock sensation..The Fennel Fronds!!  hahahhahahahahha...OMG...I just fell off of my office chair from laughter...I guess if we can't laugh at ourselves...we can't laugh at others..and I enjoy's my Confucius-Fortune Cookie advice for a Friday up your karma points..laugh at you can laugh at's's good beats going to the gym, fo' sho'!  It was only a kiss...I swear....See all y'all tomorrow...

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