Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Does This Happen Everyday or Every Day....???

Well, maybe YOU can answer that...but I suppose it depends...and, quite frankly, I wish 'this' didn't happen, EVER!!  hahahahahahhaa.....But, are we speaking in terms of an adjective or an adverb....at this point, I do not know..nor do I care...I have had one of the longest Mondays in the history of Mondays...which is why am pleased to announce...we found a new toy...this new toy is way better than any stinking boy...and it keeps its mouth shut...and is not a jerk...and is super-cool..so, again, it's way better than some stinking boy...yup...I'm on the whole boy-hating phase, again..maybe I'll change my tune by Wednesday...doubtful...but one never knows...pfft..I'm so over March!!!  Oh, and men, too..I know I've said that about one hundred times..but this time I mean it!!  hahahahahahaha...again, that is doubtful as well..I tried..even I cannot convince myself...But we had fun...well, it all is relative, no??  But the concept of fun has yet to be determined...but we did make soup AND take our new Pez, Kermit on a tour...he rocks...like knee socks...

"Some Day we'll find it...that rainbow connection...it's not easy being Green!!!"  Wanna guess his favorite band??????  Three guesses and the first two don't count...

"I know!!  I know!! I know the answer, Mama!!!!!!  Does this band happen to contain a trio of gentleman, covered with tattoos...and might this lead singer be super-duper cute..and have a great belt with silver rivets????  Now I want to be King for a Day!!!  Maybe I'll just wait for the next Holiday..hahahahahahahahahahahhaa..I am a clever cat, no?????  Oh, and I am last of the American girls...tisk-tisk..sorry, couldn't resist..I'm on a roll...I blame March Madness...will it ever end??!?!?!?!?!"

Broccoli-Cheese Soup Components:  Half and Half, Flour, Broccoli, Carrots, Onion, Butter, Cheese, Chicken Stock, Flour and Pasta...this message was brought to you by, none other...than Kermit the Frog!!!

Here's a candid shot of Kermit enjoying the free organic coffee from the lobby of our apartment building.....AND, he was able to take a shower...he was a perfect fit underneath the H2O dispenser....and it WAS used with caution, and as the disclaimer stated...that water WAS hot!!!  Yikes!!!!!! (and the individual whom was getting their mail in the lobby during this 'photo shoot' thinks I am a total crazy person...doesn't everyone have a pez and camera at all times...????)

Chop up your vegetables...broccoli, carrots and onion...speaking of onion..that made me cry..which made me think of tears...which, in turn, made me think of Tears for Fears...although I had zero fear in chopping...but my fingers would tell you a different story..SO, we had no choice but to listen to Break it Down Again...yeah, again...that song is SOOOOO awesome...

"Time's fun when your having flies!  Especially when you're hanging out on The Wall!!! hahahahahahahahahah"

Add a tablespoon or so of butter..melt and proceed to sautee your minced onions....break it down again...these are my plans...

Add a little bit of flour...get a little roux action going on...that IS about as exciting as it gets on the west side on a Monday night...however, Kermit had zero complaints...he's a conscientious observer...he knows me better than to object...hahahahahaha...I AM kidding...perhaps...

Add sliced carrots...again, we did a lot of sauteing this evening...well, that and bootie shaking...both tend to keep one out of trouble...not that I ever get into any...nope..never ever...

Add some chicken stock...I made this stock from the chicken bones from last night's chicken salad...and how many times can I use the word chicken in a sentence which lacks puncutation????  Wanna take bets????  Misery loves company, no?????  Continue to focus..as I lack that focus gene...so one must be reminded...but, yeah....simmer...focus...and wax-on..wax-off Danielson...I love Karate Kid...

Add some chopped broccoli..somebody get me out of here...get me out of here right now...I just wanna be free...so you can take me back to Summer Paradise...thank you Pierre...oh, and Billie Joe, too..and, while I am on my 'roll,' so to speak...if someone could carry me home tonight...that would totes be fun!!!  tee and hee...

Isn't it obvious how well E.V. and Kermit have bonded...hahahahaha..yeah, she hates my guts...and all she wanted to do was eat the candy...well, that and punch me in the face..but she can't make a fist..so I lucked out, for once!!  tee-hee....

Once the veggies have simmered for a bit...add some shredded cheese...where'd you go?????  jeesh.....I got a rock and roll life...please don't hold that against me...and I prolly shouldn't listen to the You Tube when I blog...merely an observation..get off of my case...and out of my face...I made that last part up...can ya tell???  Nobody ever said life was fair...The world is spinning around...and you can totes see lightning man in this photo...isn't he awesome???  The only man I will ever love forever....hahahahahaha..I don't have a choice...well, um..yeah..I'll stop..because this scenario could go a multitude of ways...I shall refrain...So, Tribe Called Quest, where are you???

Here we go yo...here we go yo....frogs in a blender...those jokes are better than some other blender jokes, however, again..I shall refrain..take half of your soup and blend...I was unable to document this process...but it did happen...and no Kermits or digits were injured in the process..FYI, of course..

Add some pasta...we all need a few carbs...especially on a Monday!!!

It's the Tribe y'all....Oh, Mama...I'm so hungry I could eat a frog!!!!  Hahahaha...Please, don't tell Kermit I said that..I am merely jesting...there's nothing worse than a frog scorned..oh, wait...no, there is..but, yeah...that NDA...I can't discuss your behavior..so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..my lips are sealed...hahahahahahhahahahhahah"

Broccoli-Cheese and Carrot Soup with Pasta
Terrible, terrible, terrible..and did I say, terrible photo...how do people photograph soup???  I'd love to know...it's so unphotogenic...frustrating, in fact...makes me not even want to make soup!!!  And, my original intention was to the soup in a bread bowl.. I bought a roll...it fell on the floor and I stepped on it..so it looks like a pancake..it's all squished...hardly an appropriate vessel for soup...c'est la vie, no???  Did someone say, trainwreck????

Well, my internet friends....that's what I've got on a Monday night...however, we were fortunate enough to have a new toy...thank you, Kermit the Frog..I did take him on the elevator, and offered a few fellow elevator riders a piece of Pez...they looked at me like I had 4 heads...note to self...do not offer Pez to fellow elevator riders...live and learn..again, I am a total WIP...it's like the entire unfortunate garbage chute-key incident of 2012..So, I shall return tomorrow I think..it depends...if tomorrow is as hideous as today, I just don't know..but, in getting back to my news...well..E.V. and I are moving back to Pennsylvania...in the fall..it shall be interesting..but I can still blog and work and be me, so that should be a total freaking hoot...maybe..results are not guaranteed...just so you know..and additional details shall follow...Oh, and go buy a Kermit Pez...he was SOOOO much fun...and cute, too...and not a jerk...yup.....Don't look back, when I say goodbye...No, we're not gonna waste another moment in this town..leave the past in the past...Life is what happens....see all y'all tomorrow!!!!  Oh, and this was my offical 200th blog!!!  Hard to believe I have been torturing you all THIS long!!!!  We're like Charles Dickens and NCIS...hahahahahahhaahha...Should one ever use Dickens and NCIS in the same sentence..?????  I'm headed straight to a very warm place filled with flames, I am sure...and it's not Burger King..hahahaha...

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