Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pi Hopes.....

We did have high hopes today...hopes of a Wednesday devoid of rain and wind and spreadsheets...hopes of great food and relaxing times...those were our kind of hopes...and not just because it's Pi Day..and it rhymes...we don't believe in's against our religion.. hahahahahaha...we never even rhyme...nope..never ever...they were kinda, maybe, sorta crushed worries...

"Oh, you're just being irrational and transcendental....hahahahahahaha..although you do continue infinitely, you tend to be a tad on the repetitive side....a walking contradiction, one might say...."

"Oh, Mama..Do you even have time for rhyme?????...I prefer those of the masculine which the stress is on the final syllable of the words...or maybe I'm just boy-crazy..hahahahahahaha...."

So....we sort of got a little off-focus this evening...but only please do not hold that against us...we made chicken parmesan with pasta...somehow...I'm not quite certain how that came to fruition as today was one of the longest days in least it felt as though it were...I'm just counting down the days until we blow this popcicle stand...and I intentionally was being lame...I can't help it...being lame and a nerd, well, isn't that the figurative sense, I think...regardless, I'm both...shhhhhh..

Sauce Components:  Tomato Sauce, Tomato Paste, Garlic, Olive Oil, Sugar, Herbs (fennel, basil, oregano, onion powder), Onion (not pictured)...and Pasta, of course....

Mince your onion and garlic and saute in olive oil...I spared you the pain of the mincing process....typically when I suffer, you suffer...I felt like being nice for a change..shhhhh..again, my reputation is at stake...hahahahahaaha....I'm kidding....

Add tomato sauce to your garlic/onion can opener broke...yup...the methods used this evening to open my cans were quite unconventional and the fact I still have retained all ten fingers is an utter miracle...but I do have some first-hand advice...hahahahahaha...I sense a pun...regardless...don't ever buy can openers from the dollar store..or the Plaid Pantry...or the any sure and have the economy-sized box of band-aids on hand, if you do...again, one does speak from experience...I'm here to help!!!!  I told you I was feeling nice this evening...And it is also why there is zero documented footage on the adding of tomato paste...the carnage....yikes!!!

Proceed to add some dried herbs...I also added a little sugar and salt..and a splash of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar...those were last minute, impulsive I am not typically impulsive..but I just couldn't help myself tonight...perhaps Pi Day was causing me to feel a tad whimsical..or maybe it was that 995 line spreadsheet that caused my brain to implode...hard to say at this point...

While your sauce simmers...we should move along to our chicken...which includes Panko Bread Crumbs, Provolone and Parmesan Cheese and an Egg...

I de-boned the chicken breast, then proceeded to beat it to a pulp...I almost wish I were entertaining a crowd because I could have done that portion all evening....however.....I used a round cookie cutter to make three circular pieces of chicken which I coated in a beaten egg and the Panko (mixed with some herbs)...

"Yikes, Mama...I'll just hide here in the living room and chew on my bones....I'm just thanking the heavens I'm not a piece of chicken, or an egg...hahahahahahaha...I guess at this point it is irrelevant as to which came're beating the crap out of both!!!"

Brown your coated chicken on the a little olive oil...We didn't even really shake any bootie...shocking..yes...we were too tired...

Meanwhile..boil pasta...I opted to refrain from sharing that photo...I don't want to unleash all of my riveting photos in one night...although the process was quite spellbinding and mesmeric...kinda like me!! hahahahahahah..JK...anyhoo, whatever would I do the rest of the week???  Toss your al dente pasta with some sauce..

Add your combined pasta/sauce to a baking dish..I used another cookie cutter to make sure it was the shape I wanted...but that didn't quite work out as I had planned...again, does anything ever work out the way one had planned?????....continue to bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes...

"Well, case you didn't know...that's Seay's Law...nothing ever comes out as planned....Didn't you see that on Glee?????  Speaking of which...oh, that Darren...and we shouldn't even get started on knees are almost too weak to lick these dirty dishes...."

While your pasta bakes...add provolone cheese to your coated chicken slices and place under a broiler until melted...

Deconstructed Chicken Parmesan
Sort least in my hoot-owl notebook it is...I placed sauce in between the pieces of chicken and topped with basil...
IMHO, way too much food...Next time I would use less pasta, but E.V. didn't seem to mind..however, squeezing into those skinny jeans continue to become harder and harder these days ....ugh...perhaps we need to research low-cal and low-carb recipes, otherwise we'll be alone forever..hahahahaha...

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful pie-filled Pi Day!  Had I realized earlier the date, I would have perhaps made a pie...well, um, no..I probably wouldn't have...I don't really make pies nor do I even own a pie plate...I just said that to be pseudo-cool...basically because I'm not cool...but...well....getting back to high hopes...being cool one day is one of my high well as finding a place where the grass is greener and the light is brighter and the taste is sweeter...where water flows like an endless river...forever and ever...yay for high's something unpredictable, but in the end is right...I hope you have the time to know where this is going...g'night...beware the Ides of March...I'm a soothsayer in my free case you's on my resume...right under cape-wearing ninja super-hero....hahahahahahahaha...I am kidding....maybe...

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