Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday....

Um, well..yeah..it wasn't exactly super, per se...perhaps I got a little carried away...maybe more like Super-Bad Tuesday...but Super Tuesday is funny when you say it the way Big Gay Al would say it...at least the Super part...Hahahahahaha...sorry...I recently caught an episode of South Park and he was the feature..he was a scout leader..and, well...you know..anyhoo...our Tuesday was anything but super, in fact...It's been the longest week and we're not even close to being done...so, I'm going to try a new concept this evening...actually focusing..I'm exhausted and I thought if I focused it may speed things up...and be less painful for us both..again, it is that thoughtful and considerate side of me...it does tend to shine through... yup... exactly... hahahahahahahhaa... however, on a side note and completely unrealted to food blogs...Pierre does NOT look good with longer hair..yikes, no!!!!  And I just came to that realization this evening....I blame the You Tube..and old Simple Plan videos...don't get me wrong..he's still super-duper cute....but his hair pre 2010...not the best...I ALREADY went back on my intention of focusing..I'll try harder...mea culpa...

"Oh, Mama...let's leave the past in the past..we're gonna find the future!!!!!  It shall be Super!!!  hahahahahahahahahhaa..I do love Big Gay Al, BTW..he's a hoot!!!  Oh, and I feel this is worth a brief mention...you are neither thoughtful nor considerate...I live with you..I know!!  Whom is it you're trying to kid??  hahahahahahahhaa...but don't I have very white and straight teeth????  I could totes be in one of those dog bone commercials...just sayin' and such..."

On this Super-bad Tuesday, we made something very easy...However, I felt it necessary to document just about every step...again, stick a single gal in an apartment with food, a camera and a computer...yeah..I know...mea culpa!  hahahahahaha..Stout and Cheddar Rarebit with a fried egg, pickled onions and arugula...

Dinner Components:  Arugula, Sugar, Guiness, Worcestershire Sauce, Cider Vinegar, Butter, Egg, Red Onion, White Cheddar, Pancetta..oh, and flour and olive oil and bread (I forgot to add those to the cast...shhhhh)  Oh, and I am so in love with my Kermit Pez...I needed to include him again this evening...although I'm completely out of candy...ugh.  OH, AND I found a gigantic PEN at the Fred Meyer..it writes and everything...and it's green..and covered in shamrocks..how apropos...but about 10 minutes after this photo I broke it...it still writes..but it doesn't look the same..and I said today wasn't Super!!!  hahahahahahhaa...well, the giant pen was funny...but hardly made for a super day...now if it were magical, like those other pens those accounts payable people possess..that'd be a totally different story....

Thinly slice some red onion...we didn't cry...nor were any tears shed...at least not over any stinking onion...

Add apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar...bring to a boil...

Add your onions...turn off the heat and allow them to pickle away....Kermit was all about the observation...he was taking notes, too...I taught him well...

"So, Mama..do you know what kind of shoes frogs wear??  Open toad!!  hahahahahahaha...get it????  I crack myself up....ahhhhhhh...Please don't be 'unhoppy' with my sense of humor...or lack thereof...it IS leap year...just sayin'!"

Shred some white cheddar cheese...shake a little bootie...just be careful...shredding your knuckles..ouch...again, I speak from experience...

We get to make a roux again..didn't we just make one last night???  I think we did...again..that French thing...it's all Pierre's fault...maybe I'll just move to Montreal...

Whisk...whisk away..and whisk some more...

Add a little dijon mustard and some Guiness..we actually didn't drink the rest, of the Guiness...I decided to save it for another recipe later this week...thank you, Epicurious for the St. Patrick's Day recipes...even though I'm not remotely Irish..well, my last name is...but it's all my ex-husband's fault...hahahahaahahaha..no, for reals..it is...

Add your shredded cheese...and melt...simmer on low..while you prepare the rest of the meal..

"Mama..did you know that a friend is someone who you can call to help you move, but a best friend is someone you can call to help you move a body!  hahahahahahaha"

We proceeded to toast some peasant bread...which was not documented..watching bread toast is basically like watching paint dry...AND then we fried an egg...now the frying of an egg, well THAT is way more exciting..but, sadly, none of my pics turned out...shocking, I know...since everything I do always works out perfectly...yup....hahahahaha...mea culpa...

Toss some arugula with a little olive oil..just a bit of pepper..not too much since arugula is sorta peppery already...Peppery is a word...it's on The Google...however, my arugula is hardly vigorously sharp-tempered ...it's a mediterranean herb of the mustard family...it's pungent, spicy in fact...merely to clarify...

Stout and Cheddar Rarebit
with a fried egg, arugula, pickled onion and crispy pancetta

The recipe didn't call for the pancetta...I added that because Italian Bacon always goes well with eggs and toast and cheese...heck, what doesn't?????  That's what a couple of gals from the west side have on a Super-bad Tuesday...food and latin phrases...and a few horrible jokes...but great music...we roll no other way...welcome to my life...go buy a Pez and a giant pen...have you ever wondered why no one has ever made an inflatable dartboard...I was simply exercising my brain...it's about as out-of-shape as the rest of me....yup...I hope you will be back...I'll be here...live and in technicolour!!!!

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