Saturday, March 3, 2012

Say It Ain't So............

OMG...oh, and did I say OMG....But, thank you, Weezer....for an apropos song...So, this Saturday, has to go down as one of THE worst EVER...Now, all know me...and you know that I really am not one inclined to do stupid things..nope..I make, perhaps, the best decisions ever!!!  hahahahahahaha...I am's in my nature...along with my decision making..never do something's my motto..alright...embellishment...I may or may not have just fallen off of my chair...mostly from the outrageousness of that statement....where is my CPA????  Anyhoo...yes..I disposed of my garbage today..along with my keys...yeah..ALL of them..right down the chute..oops...

Adios, keys!!!!  It was nice knowing you...enjoy the dumpster...

"Oh, Mama...for reals?????  How are we going to drive anywhere, without a car key????  How do you live with yourself???  How could you???? things just went from bad to worse..I did get new building keys..but my car key, that's an entirely different story...I can't seem to find a spare...and I am fairly certain Jeff might have one, usual..he's not returing my calls, texts or emails...I HATE HIM.  And I would never inappropriately use a format such as this to say negative things about him...but, yeah...I hate his guts.  I had one little question in the past 6, um..yeah..I hate his guts...AND I am so filled with, we should move along...aside from losing our keys down a rubbish chute, obtaining a third degree on our left hand and burning off all of the taste buds on our tongue....tonight wasn't all that bad..well, except the fact I never did get a hair cut or I look about as good as I sound...Let's get this trainwreck on the road, shall we!!!  I'm just a little ray of sunshine on the west side...I try my best....
We had chicken..with green beans, blue cheese sauce and roasted fingerlings..I found this recipe, again..that world wide is amazing..and didn't look nearly as good as the photo..but I have ghetto cam...I feel like I'll be stuck with ghetto cam and ghetto ex-boyfriend forever..yeah..while I'm ranting...he won't take my name off of the house, either...I ask for so about that March Madness..anyone see the Duke game????

Dinner Components, Part #1: Olive Oil, Chives, Butter, Pepper, Fingerling Potatoes and Green Beans (I apologize for the glare on the chives...unbeknownst to me this happened...I do have a plethora of you have the time to listen to me whine...about nothing and everything all at once???  hahahahahahah...Oh, Billie Joe..I do love you so...I just wish you were a tad taller...LOL...

Slice the potatoes in half...add olive oil (that pic was awful...) then proceed to sprinkle with salt...toss to combine..

Toss onto a cookie sheet...and roast in the oven... 425 degrees for 20 minutes or so...Then shake a little bootie...I re-found the Bloodhound Gang...ahhh...Mama Say...oh, and thank YOU Jimmy Pop...

Ta-da............. the roasted fingerlings...

OH...intermission time...I have a joke...well, truth be told, it is not MY joke..but it did come from the young, distinguished gentleman on the fourth floor...What do you get when you throw a grenade, speaking of grenades, into a French kitchen????  Napoleon Blown-apart...hahahahahhahaha...I think that's right...that more than made up for my unfortunate key incident....and I am terrible at remembering, if I screwed it's not my fault..blame that cute CPA...he shouldn't be texting me while I monther thought that was a strawberry...seriously...

Chicken components:  Chicken, garlic, sherry, sour cream and blue cheese...

Brown your a skillet...

"Oh, Mama...Bloodhound Gang did say it best...Shut Up...hahahahahaha...although I do love that's awesome!!!!!!  Like a number 2 pencil, I always have a point!!!"

After the chicken has browned..roast in the oven..425 degrees....30 minutes...but, whatever you NOT grab your pan by the handle...once it has been in the oven that long..well, it's, the third degree burns on my left hand...

Remove your roasted chicken..add sherry (and there was totes a photo of that event..I have no idea what happened??)...deglaze and add a little blue cheese and sour cream...this is where we burned off our taste was HOT...YIKES!!!

Saute green beans...they are SO delicious..I not just because they are green!!!

"Really, Mama....You're a shouldn't even leave the can' don't have a car key...hahahahhaha...I'm mean, yeah, I know...And terribly unsympathetic...!!!!"

As one would have not expected..dinner did come to fruition.. beans..fingerling cheese sauce..

Now in bringing about these things to you...we lost keys, pictures, our minds and our main mode of transportation....if ever I did want to follow the advice of the Bloodhound Gang...Lift your Head up High...yeah.....this has been the WORST Saturday EVER...Someone come carry me home...or at least take me back to summer paradise...were is my CSJ or at least my CPA????????????  We may or may not be back's gonna depend on a multitude of factors..mainly my ability to function as an adult amongst society.....thus hasn't gone all too well...when IS this year over????  I'm trying to forget...but we are young...and we'll set the world on fire....and we shall burn brighter...perhaps only in our own mind...I just thought...but, again...maybe I think too much, as well...I'll it a night...later gators...

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