Friday, December 23, 2011

Can't Keep My Hands Off You...

I was THISCLOSE to not posting tonight...yeah, I you need that tissue????  I think Kleenex should totally sponsor this blog...IMHO, of course...we're like a perpetually terrible Dr. Phil episode, are we not???  Before you pass judgment...keep in mind it is BE NICE!  There's fungus growing in the icebox...all I got left are fruit roll-ups...hahahaha...jeesh...I DO love that Rivers Cuomo..he always does say it best...and I found a bunch of new Simple Plan songs today....YAY for everyone, no???  We shall be keeping things relatively simple this that was my plan..tisk-tisk..Can't keep my hands off very new and super-uber-GREAT SONG!!!!

"Oh, Mama...I don't wanna be told to grown up...I don't wanna change you...I just wanna have fun!"

She has an excellent point..But, I am entertaining guests in the AM (my sisters) and I have a TON of stuff to tonight is another KISS night...I am not typically so cavalier with kisses, so consider yourself lucky, internet!  Speaking of simple plans, and simple minds and simple meals...SEE..I AM clever enough to allow the culmination of these thoughts to come to not EVER underestimate the cleverness of the Lone Foodie...she may be alone...but she is NO fool...and she has played long enough to know how not to get played, if you know what I mean...and she by no means intends to be obnoxious by speaking in the third has been a long night..please forgive her...hahahahahahha..We really should move along to the meal..KISS baby...SWAK, even...steak with blue cheese, baked potato and spinach...of the Popeye variety, no doubt!

Potato..of the russet variety...pepper, salt and olive oil...coat with olive oil and roast in the oven..if you own foil.use neighbor has my foil...long story...simply regrets..

Steak....with blue cheese sauce and spinach...I LOVE really, truly is so delicious...I almost enjoy the spinach more than that filet...and that is saying something, as I am truly a carnivore at heart...

"OH, Mama...What happened to Puck???  Is he still coming for Christmas???"

Filet with blue cheese, baked potato and spinach...tonight was INSANE..the play-by-play has been lost in cyber-space...and again, it is so bad I have resorted to hyphens..tomorrow shall be better, I suspect...At least tonight was only filled with approximately four-to-five oh, no you didn'ts...hahahahah  that isn't even a word!

We will certainly return tomorrow...I am sure to have plenty of mimosa-filled stories...and food and oh, no you didn't is me, in case you forgot...the walking disaster..I am rather graceful..but only in space...hahahahahaha...(it's the lack of gravity, no doubt!)  ..I never wanna be told to grow up...I just wanna have fun...I don't wanna change...This is who I am and what I like...and I do like mini-me's...they totally rock..a million times more than knee socks and green day and cute boys and anything else in the world...for the record...And I totally want a fruit roll-up...remember those???...Keep the plan Simple...yup...tee-hee...G'night...see you all for the Lone Foodie Holiday Special...I just fell off of my chair from, no..embellishment, er, actually..wishfull thinking???....I was almost famous for almost a case you forgot...SNAP!  xoxoxoxox...!

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