Monday, December 5, 2011

Undercover Super Spy... weekend has been crazy and busy.  We accomplished quite a bit, including some cooking.  Hard to believe, no????  Considering we were undercover super-spys...I blame my new super-cool boots.  They make you want to do spy-type things..yup...and use's all about the hyphens, is it not...oh, wait..

"Oh, Mama!  It's all about the benjamins!  Remember????  BTW...I love being an undercover super spy.  Are you gonna show them what we did????  I'm sooo excited!!

Not exactly the best $2.00 I ever spent...The Dollar Store is a total hoot!  So we dusted for fingerprints and attempted to decode top secret messages with our invisible pen...We concluded that the only crime committed over here on the west side was a crime against humanity...well, embellishment....However, shall we say, these spy kits were a bit of a disappointment.  In fact, disappointment of gigantic proportions...Oh, and learn, no????

"Um, Mama...your spy gear was rather lame and such...however, look on the bright side.  You got to wear your super-cool new boots while being undercover.  Tisk-tisk"

She is a total smarty-pants...I have absolutely no idea from where that comes...nope... Now being young detectives, professional young detectives and spys did not consume our entire weekend...We also got a Christmas Tree!

My 4' Tall Ghetto Tree...Her name is Connie...because she is a coniferous tree...get it???  hahahaha...Decorated with a barrel of monkeys, handcuffs, and my paratroopers...After I got home I realized I didn't have any we improvised...Sometimes a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do...AND topped with Tinsel cannot forget about him!

"Mama...I really hate your guts right about now...what's next...ya gonna put me in a Santa hat???  I HATE posing for nerdy pictures!  You are going to pay...yup...."

She is also a total drama it killed her to sit in front of our tree...jeesh...We also hung lights...wanna see????  Toooo're going to see...for reals!

As you can obviously the intricacy of the light took me all afternoon to hang...hahahahahahha...three thumb tacks...shhhh....I did have to climb up on a swivel chair and walk around on top of the bar...ahhh...both activities bring back memories....hahahahaha...only no one was there throwing dollar bills....tisk-tisk...

Upon completing our holiday decorating and being super spys...we ate...and it was chicken..DON'T start..I know what you're thinking...two whole days without a food post and the best you can do is chicken?????  Yup...

Chicken, Italian Dressing, Spinach, Dry Coppa and Parmesan....also, pasta..which is was out doing important pasta-type things...shhhh...that was supposed to be a secret...

World's worst photo of homemade Italian Dressing...Again, complete failure...WIP, my friends...but it was very delicious...olive oil, mayonnaise, garlic, sherry, oregano, parsley and pepper...

Marinate your chicken in about half of the need to save the rest for patient!  You'll soon see...Proceed to pan fry your this point you can totally shake bootie...I know I should keep this to myself, but we're still stuck on Bowling for Soup...I almost picked something else...I almost made beef...I almost was a great super-spy...I almost had you...almost...

Now, a few pictures in the progression of our meal have gone missing...I blame cyberspace..or else that Grumpy Smurf...Regardless, once the chicken has been browned...remove and place on a cookie with your dry coppa and shredded parmesan under the broiler until brown and the mean time...

Wilt your spinach in the pan and add your cooked pasta...I used thin spaghetti...feel free to use whatever floats your boat..then add the remaining Italian dressing...

Place your chicken atop the pasta...Again, I will point out...this HORRIBLE photo..I blame the is not photogenic, much like me...ick..however it was very good..I liked it quite a Punk Rock 101 and my new boots, oh, and cute boys!

Well, thank you all for joining usual it has been a complete and utter hoot, however we roll no other way on the west side...nope..especially super undercover spys dusting for fingerprints and solving crimes and wearing boots...we shall return on, now do you need that tissue???????

PS-I wanted to add a note...I wrote this blog up Sunday night and like a total dork forgot to hit the publish post there was a slight delay in the posting..please forgive me!

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