Saturday, December 31, 2011

One Nation Under Dog...

Yikes!  Friday was crazy!!!  In has been a crazy week...a crazy insane year...THANK GOODNESS it's all about to end...I'm so over this  year and this week and this day and so many other things..we ate soo late..then took a brief moment to re-group, so to speak...and the next thing I knew it was 3am..oops..Well, like I's been a long year..I could be all sentimental and take a walk down memory lane...but, I suspect these 'memories' are so horrific that one would be inclined to run full-speed ahead down this alleged 'lane' of the memory variety...merely to escape...the Bloodhound Gang says it best...lift your head up high and blow your brains out...hahahaha..I am so totally and absolutely kidding..but that song is a total HOOT!

"Oh, my dear say hello...I say FO...why do you think I'm in the back seat today???  hahahahahahahhaahaha....Well, it might also have a teeny-tiny bit to do with the fact you're a terrible driver...Just sayin' and such..."

Again, she is quite the drama queen and not necessarily all that nice at times..she's just mad at me....we were out walking and apparently someone didn't like the burrito they had been eating because they threw half of it in the gutter...and I wouldn't allow her to eat actually was quite humorous...I so wish I had my camera with me...this lowly half-eaten burrito lying in the gutter...ahhh..the little things, no????

"Ahhh, Mama...I'm just being happy and being me...It's fun.."

We should move along to the cooking portion of our is our only reason for being here, is it not???  Again, it was a Friday night...we had no where to one to see...nor did we really have anything better to worries..we had great conversations and tunes from my trusty, good, old The You Tube..shall we begin....Triple Citrus Glazed Salmon with Lemon-Parmesan Risotto and Sauteed we gooooo.....!!

Risotto Components:  Risotto, Chicken Stock, Cream, White Wine, Parmesan Cheese, Lemon Zest, Butter and Shallots...AND Parsley (not photoed)...I actually remembered to buy parsley for once, then I totally forgot to include it in the photo..which caused hysterical either I'm a WIP or a Train Wreck...I'm on the fence about this one, folks...

Would any Friday night be complete without a little mincing...seriously???  Does it get ANY better than that???? does, actually...However, if it's any sort of was a zero band-aid evening...that's always a plus in my hoot-owl notebook...

Saute your minced shallots in some butter and then add your risotto....saute not be won't be paid...but you can totally shake a little bootie...say a prayer for the family...we were actually back on Good Charlotte's so totally that Joel Madden's fault..yup..he really shouldn't be allowed to be so cute....nope..I object!  hahahaha...not really, I actually strongly encourage this cuteness to continue...hahahhahaaha...

Once you have sauteed and such...add some wine and chicken stock...then you get to simmer...SEE there are so many exciting things going on this often can you saute and simmer and shake bootie..all in one evening???  THAT'S what I thought, my chickadee!  Regardless...simmer for 25-30 minutes adding stock PRN..and I did have one lowly photo of this simmer process...I'll be hit that cutting room floor...again, with Puck and Darren..patiently awaiting my arrival...tisk-tisk...

Once the simmering has come to a screeching halt and you're all finished....add grated parmesan cheese, a little lemon zest and PARSLEY...Yay for parsley!!!  I'm just being a little overzealous and dramatic..I'm quite certain parsley doesn't exactly deserve a yay...well, perhaps a little doesn't really have much flavor..but it is cute as heck!

Now we shall delve into the preparation of our salmon and citrus glaze...salmon is slammin''sho' my friends, fo' sho'....I speak from experience, in both departments, of course...tisk-tisk...

Rice Vinegar, Honey, Olive Oil, Chicken Stock, Butter, Salmon, Lemon and Lime and Orange Juice...ever see a better looking lime??? hahahahaha...I also forgot to buy a lime...big shocker, I'm sure..fortunately I had a fake, plastic lime with fake, plastic lime juice inside..yum! wasn't that only need a teeny-tiny bit..

Now, there were photos of the tri-citrus sauce reducing..and I had lots mostly 'cause I had to make two batches...I can't seem to find them and I got distracted and the first batch burned..and, in my own was totally Joel Madden's fault...yup...Anyhoo...add the citrus juices, vinegar, honey, butter and stock..and reduce...boil for approximately 20 minutes or so until it is thick and syurpy...much like your speech after three martinis...hahahahaha...I'm so kidding..I only had one...maybe...

While your sauce reduces...brush your salmon with olive oil and add some crushed pepper...broil until browned...pour your citrus sauce over top and place under the broiler for a few more allow things to caramelize and brown and become beautiful...

AND, again..since it is a Friday night...and you've got some free on a little garnish..I opted to make a few citrus, my method may be a little unconventional..well, that's fancy-pants talk for ghetto...and thank heavens for office supplies!!  woo-freaking-hoo...wrap strips of orange and lemon peel around skewers...allow to dry...this really was kinda, maybe, sorta a PITA..but they ended up being so cute....and, yes..wrapping them around that little skewer was not as easy as one might think...profanity was used three...well, perhaps five times, at least...and that is really hard to believe considering I am usually such a patient individual...almost saint-like..hahahaha.....shhhhhh...

Kale...I secretly wanted spinach again...but I figured people were sick and tired of my I opted for another green vegetable..I love kale...saute in butter and chicken the very end, once it was wilted, I sprinkled with a little crushed red adds a little needed color apropos for the holiday season...and a little bit of a flavor kick..that type of kick is way better than literally kicking someone..although, I really wanted to do that today....shhhhh....

"Are you still talking, Mama...are you telling me dinner isn't even ready???  Are you kidding me???  You talk too much and you never shut up....everything I do for you is never enough!"

Our final salmon..with tri-citrus glaze, risotto and kale...for the record..salmon is slammin'! sound like you're from the UK..are you in a band like Oasis or Herman's Hermits???  hahahahahaha...

Well, our evening shall now come to a close...however..given my impromptu 'nap' it's closer to the early morning..and this year soon shall come to an end...that deserves a little finger clap, no doubt...We can only hope for uninterrupted prosperity..and perhaps we can discuss our resolutions for the new year and the impact they will have on our lives..OMG...hahahahahaha...I'm so totally kidding...I have yet to keep any resolution I have ever made...well, except for that one where I vowed to to consume more vodka, and trust me, Monopolowa is quite pleased with my commitment..tee and hee....only love lets us see normal things in an extraordinary way.....I got a rock-n-roll life, too..shhhh....See y'all later my chickadees....G'night...

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