Monday, December 26, 2011

Isn't it Ironic...Don't You Think????

Christmas first one..and I must admit...I LOVED it...I wasn't technically 'alone' per se...I had was entertaining...whimsical...I am neither scornful nor sarcastic nor misanthropic nor malevolent...AND, let me tell you, there was nothing sober about this evening...tisk-tisk....we laughed quite a bit...and originally I had not planned on cooking...then decided I really wanted to we ventured off to one of THE World's greatest markets on the planet...are you ready???  I feel as though there should be a drum-roll and such....

Uwajimaya!  The Asian Grocery Store....Oh, man...I love, love, love this place!  I could have spent ALL day in there..they are THISCLOSE to being as great as Zupans...for different reasons, but great nonetheless...and they are always open on Christmas!  Although, they no longer give out those calendars..which is sad..I loved those things...  No worries...they still have tons of super-cool stuff!

"Hurry Back, Mama!!!  I know you'd never leave me out here unattended...and I am not a contemptuous kinda dog, either...tee-hee..."

I managed to score tons of great stuff...Koala's March cookies and a fake bento set...Now this may be less than great to some...I loved it!  Who really doesn't need a fake bento set???  Yup, that's exactly what I thought...

"Mama...I'm here just 'cause I'm cute and such..admit it...I don't mind being eye candy...hahahahahahahahahahha"

I had huge intentions today, being the holiday and such..and plans on eating early and all sorts of things...we got caught up...I totally blame mimosas and martinis..but I did make up a lobster dish tonight...all on my very own...and it actually turned out...just wait and addition we had duchess potatoes and Chinese long beans...that Uwajimaya does have some awesome produce, too..

Russet potato, Butter, Cream, Egg yolk, Nutmeg, Pepper

Peel and boil the potato..Pretend the potato has been run through a food mill (just humor me)'s supposed to go through a food mill to be me...tee-hee...but I mashed the heck out of these potatoes and every moment I kept wishing I actually had a food mill..regardless, once they've been mashed...add nutmeg, a little butter and cream and egg yolk...Action shot!!  I'm actually rather astute when it comes to the separation of eggs and shells...hahahahha....She's Crafty!!  Love that song!!!

Mix up an egg-wash for your Duchess Potatoes...Egg, cream and melted butter...Again, I am wily, sly, sharp as a tack....I CAN pour and photograph simultaneously...too bad I don't have room for those qualities on my resume...It'd go right next to my ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound...tisk-tisk....

Place your mashed potatoes in a pastry bag...I love using that pastry is much more forgiving than other cooking gadgets....using the large star-shaped thingy...again..I am astute in the terminology as well...we do roll this way over on the west side..shhhhh....create these beautiful little mountains..'The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones..' who does NOT appreciate a little Confucius!?!?!?

Place your little potato mountains in the fridge for 20 minutes or so...remove and add your egg/butter/cream wash...And you totally can shake bootie while you do this...I know you've been dying ALL night to do so...Simple Plan...We're still stuck together like two pieces of velcro..hahahahhaa...loving that song..SO wand worthy!!

Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for approximately 20 minutes..until they are golden and beautiful regrets!

"Oh, Mama...don't cry because it's because it happened!!!  I just love Dr. Seuss!!!  Well, I love him and potatoes and Christmas and that World Tour 2005 and Simple Plan and bones and cute boys..but..I'll stop.."

We shall move along to the lobster portion of our meal...I chose lobster since it was Christmas and we are rather fancy-pants and such over here on the west side..haven't you noticed????  I'm certain you have..It's hard to miss...hahahahahahahahaha

Lobster tail, Fish Stock, Cream, Butter, Tarragon and Chives (I ended up not using the parmesan in the photo, but subbed with garlic...long story...I shall spare you the gory details...)

Roast the lobster tail in a 425 degree oven for approximately 15 minutes..proceed to remove the meat from the tail (reserving the tail for plating purposes) and cut into bite-sized pieces...I did have a pic of the roasting part..but, for reals...did you wanna see????

The creation of the sauce...I put 1 cup of seafood stock, a bay leaf, minced chives and tarragon and garlic into a pan, along with 1/4 cup sherry...I boiled and boiled and boiled..then boiled some more..until it was reduced to almost nothing....again..these beautiful kitchen moments which allow for some music was meant to be enjoyed...can't keep my hands off you!  I 'Almost' focused...hahahahahaha

Add a little butter and cream to the concentrated mixture of herbs, garlic and seafood stock...then your chopped lobster...but no need to heat any so do NOT want to over-cook the lobster'll be like me..I've been there, done that...I am a walking I really need to provide additional examples???  Didn't think so...hahahahahahhaha...However, once it is time to plate your meal...add this mixture to your empty shell...I sense a joke...moving along...

We also had Chinese long beans..which are quite a lot like regular green beans..but long, and super-cool looking...and they taste spectacular!!  I sauted them in a pan with butter and olive oil..a little pepper...YAY for Uwijamaya!!

"Oh, Mama..I am SO tired...this holiday weekend has worn me out!" 
She actually dug out Miss Mouse and Mr. Lizard from her toy box..both are in shambles..but she was SO excited was one of the cutest things you'd ever want to see..BTW..Miss Mouse used to really be a toy mouse with stuffing and a she's just a little remnant of fabric..but E.V. KNOWS it is Miss Mouse...Oh, and Mr. Lizard did have a body..but that's long gone by now...

Our final meal...chopped lobster meat in a cream, butter, herb sauce...Duchesss potatoes and Chinese long beans....It was rather tasty...IMHO, of course....worth making, BTW...

Well, my internet friends...I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas....I never did get that chainsaw juggler nor did I get that Willis Coach Bag in Mahogany...but that's a-ok in my hoot-owl book...I got something ten million times better and I've had an amazing conversation with this truly spectacular person..go listen to Adam Sandler's Hanukkah song.....I am a walking enigma...hahahahahahaha..nah...not really, smoke and mirrors....go drink your gin and tonica...remember that nonsense wakes up your brain that must make me a genius at this point in the game, no???  hahahaha... G'night....See all y'alll tomorrow!!  I hope!!

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