Thursday, December 1, 2011

Way Out West...... a weeknight wagon-filled, weird, Way Out West Wednesday on the west side...oh, and we are water-proof..and winks may or may not be case you wondered..well, I should move along..I am well-qualified to lead the way, no????  And you may or may not see a never bathtub is rather large...shhhh..

We ventured into the big city..our weekly trip...hahahaha..on a Wednesday, no doubt..The East Side....*insert gasp here*.. It was a work luncheon, too!  The work never does end, does it...nor does the's fun, DO know the answer...

I took this while automobile photograpy continues to improve...however, I would never text while I drove..nope..that's just wrong!  I have limits..I do!

"Ya know, were almost famous for almost a day!  hahahahaha"

She's just jealous...of the new addition(s) to my posse...we won't waste time going into my posse debate..I have one..end of discussion...then I thought, why not....I'll give this Houston-based FunTastic company one more try.. Much to my dismay and frustration..even throw in a bit of irritation...

The Western Playset...eighty whole pieces of highly detailed excitement...hours and hours of enjoyment...How could a gal on the west side get any luckier!  Yup!

This is an aerial shot of my wagon and teepee...both were a 'bonus' of sorts to this package of highly detailed fun...again, where were we in this discussion regarding my disappointment..the wagon wheels were crooked, and the horses did not even attach..and this 'detail' of the high variety, to which they, I'm just not seeing it..are you???

Has one ever seen a palm tree in Walnut Grove..on Little House...have you???  have you, I ask!!!???  A palm tree!?!  Or turquoise and yellow and red 'western' residents????  I'm beginning to think the person in charge of quality control at this Houston-based FunTastic company is've seen their interpretation of 'toys' misleading...not up to my expectations by any means...unsatisfactory one might even say...sub-standard...failing to meet my hopes...have I covered the bases...???  Because I can go on...Yup...

For the third time in my long life...I AM speechless..And I fell off my chair from the really doesn't take's so FunTastic!  That scene...ugh..Hi-freaking-larious...And it is all about FunTastic toys...especially ones that have been produced in such high detail...yup...

"Oh,, no,'s all about the benjamins..remember???  Well, that and Bowling for Soup..."  Ah, sweet are so right on, my totally and absolutely IS all about the benjamins...whatever would we do without them...

Well, that..and cooking...and the Garden State...and Bowling For Soup, Friendly hoot!  Totally worth shaking a little bootie..yup...and we did..for reals..shhhh..I Don't Wish You Were Dead Anymore...another great song..I could go on and on and on...and I am rather certain you do not want that...Regardless, prosciutto wrapped fillet, forked oven roasted potatoes and kale..oh, and horseradish sauce..on the menu this Wednesday evening...

KISS your potatoes...well, you don't have to go to such extremes...however, do handle them the kissing for things that are more, know what it's all about, sooo...anywho....Keeping it simple, silly...potatoes, olive oil and salt...simple..three ingredients...three is charming, is it we go again!.....

It is necessary to peel these little wasn't all that fun, I'll be honest...but I did it JUST for you!  hahahahaa...the drama...I can't help myself..I blame the succession of these events...they are progressing at a rapid rate...

This photo is AWESOME!  Is it not????  Boil your potatoes...You'll know it's over the minute you're sober..hahahahahaa..then it will merely be boring and yawn and such...simply potatoes in hot water....should I address the idioms from that last statement..????  Nah....I'll spare are in a difficult situation and will likely be punished for the wrong answer, so..hahahahahha...

Once they have cooled a bit...scrape the tines of a fork up and down the potatoes to create a grooved surface..yeah, it is sort of a PITA and seems odd..but you then toss with olive oil and salt...bake at 425 for approximately 25 minutes...turning from time to time...the recipe claimed they would be crackling and textured on the outside and super-creamy on the inside...for once, this did not potatoes I have ever had..hands down...and no handcuffs were even involved..go figure!  hahahaha...seriously, these potatoes rocked...just like knee socks and new boots and cute boys..but now I'm just being coy...I'll stop...swear I will!

Wrap your filet in prosciutto...sear...Chuck Woolery style..two and usual..Some things never change...tisk-tisk....

Horseradish, cream cheese, cream, thyme, pepper, garlic...I wasn't going to make was a last minute thing...but, yet, another dose of happiness in our lives...hahahaha..I'm always here to dispense doses of happiness..Yup!  I kid you not!  It is my destiny...I read about it on the underside of my Snapple Iced Tea it MUST be true!  Totally my destiny...

"Well, Mama...I Don't Wish You Were Dead Anymore...if that makes you feel any that song, BTW!  Memories stay tattoos and such, do they not????  Oh, and I am SOOO hungry....And you DO talk way toooo much...."

Our final meal...the kale was steamed..and it was I did not take photos...I love kale, don't get me wrong..I just didn't want to bore you any more than usual with kale..although this photo...I don't like it..not one bit..and can a boar be boring???  hmmm..interesting question, no??  Or can you bore a boar????  Or...can you bore a hole into a boring boar???  Cryptic, is it not..Thought Inducing, perhaps...Totally off topic..but..totally something one should ponder...

And the final meal including our sauce..I hate this one even more..I almost didn't even post it...I almost didn't do this and I almost did that...and Almost...yet another great song!  Yeah...and BTW almost should just take a it is a convenient excuse for lots of it not?????

You're gonna need a forklift, the baggage weighs a ton..hahahaha, again..I jest...we are wound up...luncheons....getting out...gossiping...the big city...the east side...Funtastic Way Out West eighty piece playsets...ALL of  those things can do that to a gal..especially one whom resides on the west side..And we haven't even factored in those benjamins..good grief..I'm really glad you're here..We'll be here all week...I beseech you...please return...we shall not let you down...but if we do, it will be gently, of course..see...I am thoughtful, as I have always avowed.......!

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