Thursday, December 22, 2011

My New Tattoo...Woo and Hoo...

Yup..I did it...I told ya I was gonna do it...I am a woman of my word....I had this irresistible of which I was unable to right arm just needed that little something..I have no shame..and I absolutely love it!!!  It did hurt like a mo fo, fo' sho' and I don't know why...much more than Lightning Man..But now I want another absolutely has nothing, and I repeat nothing to do with the super-cute guy at the tattoo place whom happens to remind me of Billie Joe and has one of those super-cool belts..nope...'cause as you know, I never, ever, ever am distracted by things of that nature..nor do I typically notice that kinda stuff...I'm usually rather clueless...I totally could care less about cute boys....where were we???  Ah, yes....for the first time on the world wide web...I'm loving this drama...please have a seat..I will feel much better...

We're not the one's who're meant to follow!  Now keep in mind this is only a couple of hours old...I still need to remove the purple just hurt too much...IMHO, they should totally serve martinis at these places...

"Oh, Mama!!  Can you hear that????  That's the sound of hysteria!  tisk-tisk....and BTW...where is that cute little grasshopper you found tonight???"  No worries Eves...he had a homework assignment and such...

Again, it has been a long, long, long day...A great day, nonetheless...and a long, long, long week....Christmas is only five days away and I have purchased zero, folks...if you were expecting any sort of gift from me this year..please do not hold your breath..if it hasn't happened by's just not going to happen...I'll make it up to you later, I promise..SO, this evening for dinner..I am sending out a gigantic internet KISS...and relax...I brushed my teeth..Pizza...but it is has zero meat...what else would you like to know???  Have no fear...I'm open for questioning...just not down at the police station...hahahahahaha...I'm reals

The crust is from puff pastry...again, making my own crust is something I cannot a TON of things I cannot do...fold sheets..I can't fold a sheet to save my life..tie a bow on a package....can't do that so can't dance, unless it's in a chair, and even that is questionable..iron..don't get me on 205 without getting lost...heck no!...I end up in Vancouver EVERY time!..where was I!?!?!?!  So the rest of the pizza has sauce, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, garlic, black olives and crimini mushrooms..

I used...I used..I used..are you ready??????...You can't handle the truth!!! hahahahahaha...I know you, and you are totally can...I just made that up...gotta love Jack Nicholson, skillet of justice!  It is the holidays and such, my friends...I roll no other way over here on the west side...roll out the puff pastry and place in your oiled skillet of justice...

Top with sauce...I made my own pizza sauce...were you expecting anything less..and the picture of the sauce mixture is, of course, on the cutting room floor with a couple of Glee cast members...tisk-tisk..we'll be meeting up later...nah...winkety-wink..regardless..tomato sauce, garlic, sugar, balsamic, parmesan, oregano, parsley...somebody get me out of here....hahahahahaha..

Add sliced mozzarella cheese...the more the can never, ever have too much PSA for a Wednesday heard it here first, my friends....and be sure and shake some bootie...I forgot how AWESOME Homecoming is...not the lame high school dance...but the ROCKS...totally wand worthy!  My heart is beating from me...

Slice crimini mushrooms and place on top...a great place to be...from what I hear, of course...if you're a mushroom and such...

Proceed with black olives..of the pre-sliced variety...they make those for the lazy folks, like myself ....they are tasty!

Top with even more cheese..of the parmesan variety...I TOLD need more's like cow always need more cow is appropriate and suitable and befitting for you to listen to me....yup...

"So, um...Mama...well nobody cares...and does anyone care if nobody cares???  Quite the conundrum on the west side, no???  Somebody get me out of here!!"

The final cooked pizza...yeah..we arrived at this moment....didn't see it coming, did you???  we are rather sneaky...shhhh...but, it was delicious!  With can't go wrong..I don't think, anyway...generally speaking, of course...

Where'd you go???  Geez....Get off of my case...Here they come marching down the street...the time has come and it's going nowhere..nobody ever said that life was fair....the world is spinning around and around..visit me in hell...AKA...the west side..I jest!!!  I implore you to make pizza...and even get a tattoo...We're coming home again...keepin' it best we know how...we've yet to lose our dreams in the rain....darn those stinkin' grasshoppers!  G'night, my interweb friends...

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