Saturday, November 12, 2011

99 Red Balloons...

Awesome song!  I may be dating myself, well..not literally, but you know what I mean..tisk-tisk...(I AM a terrible date BTW...ask anyone..hahahahahaha)...BUT I felt like I was in fifth grade again!  As always, The You Tube never disappoints...I had forgotten that song even existed!  It was merely coincidental..based solely on my dinner this evening, which we shall address in a moment or two, perhaps three...

We did drive to DEQ today...I supppose my hopes were just a tad too high on the fact that it would not be crowded...much to my chagrin, it was packed...go figure!

"Um, Mama...are you kidding me???  We're not gonna take it...are we, Mama?!?!?!  Twisted Sister rocks!" 
We're right...we're free...we'll'll see...

She IS right on..we did find that song as well..shhh..Oh, and we couldn't bear to sit in line at DEQ, so we left...I have a couple of more they even give out fines for those sorts of things???!!  Just kidding...I know they do..I have a propensity for always, WIP, my friends..

So, my sweet Pea...what do YOU want to do with YOUR life?????

"I wanna rock, Mama!  For reals!!"

Getting back on track, and I say this as though we never veer in the other direction..yup...we never become distracted nor do we digress down another path..nope..being it was a Saturday and such, in addition to our meal, I made cookies..of the snickerdoodle was a cold and why

Sugar, flour, butter, vanilla, egg, baking soda, cream of tartar and cinnamon

Allow the ingredients to mingle...tangle...unite...fuse...blend...sever their individual become become...a....a snickerdoodle....*insert gasp here*  Gotta love drama, no????

The dough is then rolled into little balls, of the cookie variety....for clarification purposes, of confusion here..nope..none!  Absolutely none!

They are then rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar...and placed on a cookie be baked for 20 minutes...

Allow me to introduce the result of a slow Saturday afternoon on the west side....

I ate way too many cookies, so I presume it is a good thing that I had originally planned on something light for dinner...Roasted beet salad with goat cheese, vinaigrette and toasted hazelnuts...

Ahh...beets!  You can't beat beets...hahaha...soo sorry, I just couldn't resist!  I love beets!  I've only ever cooked with them once before..Jeff hated beets...and the last time I brought beets home he said, um, let me see...yeah, he said...'I hate beets.  Don't ever buy them again.'  hahahaha...he was always rather I never delved into beets..until now!  I have my very own home so bring on the beets...and the pink-stained fingers!  Yay for the little things..Oh, and Darren...if you're out there...I do have room for you in my home..winkety-wink..

Roasted in the oven...sliced..tossed in a vinaigrette of olive oil, shallots, honey and balsamic vinegar...

Roasted beets, toasted hazelnuts, chevre, vinaigrette, and baby greens..Heaven on a plate...umm and triple yum...Goat cheese and beets were meant to be Romeo and Juliet..Catherine and Heathcliff...Lancelot and Guinevere...Rhett and Scarlet...T.G.and M.T....Only there are no outside forces thwarting the relationship between the two...lucky goat cheese...

"Oh, make me should be beaten for your beet jokes...seriously..have you no shame???  BTW...I HATE beets...don't ever buy them again!"  hahahahaha...she totally takes after her father...I'll let it go, for now..but she did NOT like beets..and she'll pretty much eat anything...

So...these beets...which made me think of beat, in turn made me think about Michael Jackson's Beat It...Gotta just LOVE that Thriller sure and go be in fifth grade again...Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller...they're all so awesome..and Twisted Sister...I'm on a roll tonight..well, it IS Saturday night!  Now I want roller skates with glittery puff balls and feathers on a string of rawhide to clip in my hair...oh, and an old-school boombox....which ran on 386 'D' batteries..and weighed 58 DID everything go from being SO big to being SO small..well, electronically wise, it has been just the opposite...Super-size me!  Fo' Sho'!  Thank you for joining and tolerating the trip, mean..the stumble down memory lane...Wipe that smile off your face!  Do you understand?!?!?!?  hahahahaha...

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