Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Thousand Splendid Suns...

NOT ONLY, was that an excellent book...one you really, really should read...it is a title quite apropos to the foundation of our meal this evening..Which, by the way...the filling was a complete and utter invention...Again, as I have professed..this free time..it is an issue..Lucky for you...procrastination is another one of my problems..so...I shall continue to have some time, free time that is...to whine..and such..perhaps complain...cause minor irritation to some...hard to say..

"So, Mama..do you know what chemists call a benzene ring with iron atoms replacing the carbon atoms????  A ferrous wheel!!!  hahahahahaha...get it!!????!!?!??!  I LOVE chemistry humor..Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum...hahahahahaha"

I've gotta give it to her...that WAS excellent...from a chemical humor perspective...and she didn't really get out all that much today..restlessness...yup...However, this evening...we are all about a prefix..of the metric system, no doubt...Latin, in fact..adopted in 1795...it means a thousand....Mille!!!  Get it, now???!?!?!?!?

"Ya know, Mama...you are just like the dullest element..Bohrium, but much less stable!  Just sayin'  hahahahahaha...I continue to crack myself up..."

So, yeah..we are all about Milli tonight..and NO....there shall be no Milli Vanilli in the house...I DO have taste...yup, I do...don't act so surprised!  I made a mille crepe...of the savory variety...and not the sweet variety...again..my experimentation continues...like a mad scientist...lab coat and all...although I'm not the least bit angry...slightly insane, perhaps..however that is yet to be determined by a jury of my peers...hahahahha...Moving along....

I had to come up with something for the chanterelle filling I made Sunday evening...the 'Ravioli Fiasco of 2011' as it has been coined...I thought....aside from pasta, what would best house chanterelles and goat cheese but none other than crepes!  Yup!

Flour, water and eggs...mixed in your blender, of the Bob variety..he was a happy guy this evening...felt needed and such..Well, that IS the kinda gal I am...

Butter up your pan...in anticipation of the crepe batter...it IS exciting...and it is at this time in which you should begin to shake a little bootie...continue to enjoy the Green Day world tour 2005...yeah..I can't seem to let that go, although, I am rather certain my neighbor prays for the day in which I can...I'll keep you posted!  Oh, and never make a crepe in anything other than a cast iron pan...umm and yummmm...for reals!

Cooking a crepe...

A cooked crepe...they do appear to be rather similar in nature, no?????

Proceed to cook a chicken breast on the stove top (no pictures of this process..) and then combine with your chanterelle/goat cheese/shallot mixture...again, we get to use the blender!  Bob was on cloud 9!  He so totally was!!!

It's almost pate-like...really tasty...and an excellent alternative for the typical chanterelle dishes...trust me...I know...

You will need to use your cookie cutter and cut out each crepe...I had eleven layers for my dish...yeah, zip it...I realize it is no where near a thousand...but you get the picture!

Once you have cut out the crepes...spread each with some of your chicken-mushroom mixture...creating a stack...a stack of deliciousness...yup!

I made a little sage brown butter...did not photograph that process as it was becoming late..I was starving..as usual!

The assembled Mille Crepe was placed in the oven...for a few minutes...to warm everything all up and such...

Various angles of dinner...I couldn't help myself...It was soo pretty!  Not to mention, I was rather excited it was rather tasty and didn't flop over or lean or spontaneously combust or run off to Mexico...

As a re-cap...the filling consisted of sauteed shallots and chanterelles, goat cheese and a cooked chicken breast..all blended in the blender...topped with sage brown butter...

Now the dish may have not contained a thousand crepes...they were sun-shaped...it was rather splendid...see..I DID have a point...much like a #2 pencil..I always have one!

"Yeah, Mama...I love you just the way you are!  I'm all joked out...so don't expect much more from me this evening..."

The most diffucult part of the blog..the closing..well, totally read A Thousand Splendid Suns..make crepes..they are great..and not at all creepy..not like that Bernie guy that hangs out at the wall..oh, and they were rather tasty..as I have mentioned...I should probably find some new music...but that world tour...ummm and yum....give me a milli-second and such..I require a conversion calculator.....hahahhaha...I'll be sure and remember you all when I make my millions...and have millipedes...tisk-tisk...for reals, thoughh..mille crepes, of the savory variety..delicious!  We will be here tomorrow...yup..Remember....if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate....and if I can't change your mind...no one will...love that Sugar song!  Don't stop believin'!

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