Monday, November 7, 2011

The Garden State....

Hmmm...yes...yet another Monday.  While we are on the topic, if all Mondays could start in the same glorious fashion as mine...I would want every day to be a Monday!  And they say nothing good comes out of The Garden not true...I may or may not have read that on The Google..

"Hey, Mama...the horses are you'd better run!

She was rather wound up this evening...and hungry...up until tonight..we have lived merely on pumpkin scones..we ended up going out last night....actually left the apartment...yup...allow the coyness to ensue...perhaps boys and such..again, confirmation is not feasible or probable at this point..

"Oh, Mama..focus, please!  Take a deep breath and focus...we have much to cover this evening...two days for which we need to make up...and, while you're at it, perhaps you should think about wearing some!  I see crow's feet!..."  Ugh...hahahahahahaha..

Her sass continues to increase...and is much more frequent...I blame the weather...and daylight saving's been a little chilly...SO, time to debut the greatest boots in the world..yes..quite possibly THE best boots on the planet...I am not exaggerating...they are..for reals!  Quite appropriate for the weather...

Blue and Fuzzy!!  Can one even comprehend a better combination???  I didn't think so..They were a big hit at the wall..everyone wants a pair...just like my fittens..trendsetter!  hahahahahahaha...not THAT was purely and utterly an embellishment...funny, though..

Not even remotely funny...I blame exhaustion and excitement and a former resident of The Garden State...and chair dancing..and Florence +  The Machine..oh, and that 2005 world tour, of which I shall not mention...Yeah, laundry lady next door dislikes that...I believe that's why she continues to incessantly do laundry..and I have yet to comprehend why it irritates me so...but, for reals...she must wash each article of clothing individually...Ya, know..I do probably spend way tooo much time here...I have a proclivity for pondering such odd things...

"Hey, Mama...You got a problem with that?!?!?!? "  She is quite the wisegal!  However, she does know how to have a good time...tisk-tisk...

Again..we have gotten way off track...way off the beaten path...can we ever find our way back to sanity...or the world of cooking..hmmm...perhaps you should get back to me on that one..nah, allow the cooking to commence...not without a little Darren Chriss first...shhhh..and bootie shaking...grab your wand!  No regrets...nope...and yup....the ambiguity continues here on the west side..west-siders do roll in that's in the water...again, I read that on The Google..

Pork tenderloin, roasted and smashed yams with blue cheese and candied hazelnuts and mixed greens...plating wise, sheer and utter was pretty tasty..however..things did look much better last worries or complaints, though. ..worth every last second!  every last one...

One lowly yam, for little, old me..literally...cream, blue cheese, cream cheese and hazelnuts..hmmm...rather delicious!  Make this for Thanksgiving!  Much better than the traditional yam and marshmallows...I do not lie and I speak from experience..

Toast your hazelnuts in some sugar..with a little water...relatively easy and rather tasty...

Get back to me next spring...when we spring's going to be a long winter...hahahahah...seriously, it is...this lighting..ugh...

I did have photographs of the roasted yam...which was in the oven for an hour or so, and once cooled, I mashed and added the cream cheese and cream...probably one of the least exciting things you would ever am not posting the photo..  I will share a picture of the tenderloin prior to searing and's just like one of those bad family photos from the '80's you want to forget...but...I am a giving and sharing kinda the poor photos to commence, again, I suffer...

Wrapped in pepper bacon...seared and then roasted..however..that was of Monday, they were thinly sliced and the bacon was a distant memory...long story..

SO, I really thought I had more prep photos...for reals...hmmm...this ability to pay attention..hmmm...New Jersey can do that to a gal, I final meal..again, lack of garnish is giving me nighmares...

Pork tenderloin, yams and, I only had the greens because they were borderline questionable and would not last another day in the refrigerator...and I can't remember the last time I consumed a vegetable...I felt it was in my best interest...interesting, no?????  Like me!  hahahahha always, I thank you for your patience..and the fact you survived this blog..considering it was two days in the making...and yet sorta, kinda not what I wanted in the presentation department   It was those from The Garden State..on the east side and such...culprits of distractions..we're off...there is some chair dancing to which we need to attend....a wand calling my name..and I am tired...goodnight, my friends...roll away your stone!

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