Thursday, November 3, 2011

Coy about a Boy....

So...we're back..yup..yesterday was a rather unexpected, yet pleasant, hiatus so to speak..however, one day can not really be construed as a hiatus..embellishment..Sorry.  Can't help myself....I don't feel any shame, nor will I apologize :-)  SO, we did venture over to the east side last night...the Doug and absolute complete hoot...I had way tooo much fun..I'm way tooo old for that sort of thing, especially on a school night...tisk-tisk...however, I'd do it again...shhhhh....worth every minute...

"Yeah, Mama...I'm calling allowed me to stay home alone for wayyy tooo long!  Although, I DID have a party....tee-hee...there is an awfully cute dog right down the hall...just sayin'  You weren't"

Yup...takes after her Mama, no????  hahahaha...We had our luncheon today, which meant we ventured into the big city..I have, however, been a little lax with my automobile photography...distractions...they do that to a gal..go figure!...WIP...yup...

Downtown!  An impromptu photo...Nah....boredom at a light..but the impromptu thing sounds way cooler, don't you think?????

I did stop by The Fred Meyer...and I have been thinking about this quite a much as I plug them...they should, at LEAST, provide a few free groceries....just sayin', again...  However, I DID find something rather awesome...
A barrel of Monkeys!  Shall we sing a carol????  They are in no peril...They are not sterile...or of them is named Darryl..shhhh...they lack apparel..they rock!  Oh, and are a case you were curious..  I may just use them to decorate my Christmas tree...well, right after I send out my Christmas cards..hahhahaha....

Here is Darryl...Darryl Strawberry...hahahhaa..remember him...the Mets????  Sorry..that is the only Darryl whom I know..well, by name, of course..not personally..tisk-tisk...

Needless to say, I did rather enjoy my barrel of monkeys...and they are green!

"Monkey Mania, Mama!!!  Where IS my food....You blew me off last night...I need, and expect some food..."

I concur with E.V.!  I DID wasn't easy...these distractions..jeesh...and oh, my..however, I did not have chicken...can I get a WHEW???  Perhaps I was a little premature with my request, as we are having Chilean sea bass...which we have had three times in two weeks...sorry..I can't help is, um...lots of things...oh, and the Green Day World Tour 2005!  Still, absolutely wand worthy!!  Well, that and Mumford and's been an excellent evening..shhh....

Hazelnut crusted sea bass, coconut jasmine rice, mango cream and mango salsa...yup...that's what I please, please, please do not run photography is improving..failure is never an option...

Mango Salsa:  Mango, red pepper, jalapeno, basil, red onion and lime juice...I totally forgot to include the onion...he's currently me..hahahha..not really...

You have an opportunity to whip out a large knife and cut stuff up to IS fun...shake bootie...turn up the music...Darren Chriss absolutely loves this part of the evening...again, shhhh....hahahhahaha...I just know him..yup...

West Coast Choppers...Zero motorcycles were harmed for this photo...tisk-tisk...oh, and throw in a tee-hee....

As usual, these shenanigans which take place over on the west side did not prevent us from creating mango WAS our destiny..and it WAS tasty..

Beautiful, no???  Colorful, no????  Tasty, no????  You'd better run!!  hahahahaha...

Alright...I have gotten soo caught up...The You Tube is just as bad as The Fred Meyer..oh, and those from the east coast..hmmm...distractions.....we have rice!  It does not deserve to be neglected...especially when it is so yummy...

This portion is awfully you need a moment to grab a pen...take notes, perhaps..hahahhaa..rice and coconut milk..yup..that's the Lone Foodie!  tisk-tisk..sorry..I DID try..could NOT has been a LONG week...yup....

Moving along to the star of the show, so to speak...he does not live in a pineapple under the sea...nope...sorry...but he is filled with humor, nonetheless...yup...

Hazelnuts, panko and sea bass....enough said...While you brown it on the sure and wave a wand..listen to some great makes everything taste a million times better....again, I speak from experience....

"The Dog Days are over, Mama...."

Now, I did have photos of the cooking process...of course, they all sucked..WIP...did you really want to see rice cook??????  Didn't think's hard enough to keep your attention at this me to introduce dinner...

Chilean Sea Bass, Hazelnut Panko Crust, Coconut Rice, Mango Salsa.....I wanted a cocktail with an umbrella and such..oh, and to be lying in the sand on a beach...I'm not picky...hahahah....we'll leave well enough alone...

We're all finished here this you can breathe a gigantic sigh of relief...being coy about a Day world tour from the east of green have fun...we'll see you tomorrow..yup..sorry...

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