Monday, November 28, 2011

Soup Dragons...

I totally had forgotten they existed..again...the wonders of The You Tube never, ever cease to amaze...and truly I'm Free and it IS a Divine addition to the fact I did make soup tonight!  Great songs BTW....Could anything be more befitting...relevant.. germane..material..pertinent...???  I think not!  And to think I had previously mentioned nothing good ever came from the early 90's..I stand corrected!  Well...perhaps I became a tad caught up in the excitement...there were those perms, and acid wash denim and penny loafers and sweatpants, oh, and slap bracelets and..alright..I'll stop..I may have been a little overzealous...yeah, perhaps the early 90's weren't all that great after all...hmmm...but great the Soup Dragons...

"Oh, Mama..Stop!  Collaborate and Listen......It's HammerTime.. where on earth did I put my digital watch????"

Alright...where were we...anyhoo...I did acquire a new toy...something rather humor-filled..yeah...were you it killing you???  Not necessarily the item itself, but the packaging...and you know I am a very astute observer in regards to packages and such...yup...can't help myself...WIP, my friends..

I SO totally want to be a deliquent WITH a comb...a switch-blade comb, in fact!  It IS so drama fillled!  Shocking...Wild inducing!  I do possess this comb...however, I am not guilty of a misdeed or an offense, nor do I have any overdue obligations...well, maybe a library book or two, shhh.....Huh...However, I still really wanna be one..., a delinquent, that is....shhh...again, I blame the is rather alluring..or perhaps the fact that it is unabridged...that's it!  Yup...I was going to use it to comb my is winter'sho'!  hahahahahaha... razor, what razor????  I'm totally kidding...maybe..

"You're losing me, Mama...yawn, and can we throw in a sigh...there are a multitude of things I could disclose at this juncture....darn that NDA!  You were rather sneaky to coerse me into signing that stupid thing...I could have made millions!..Millions, I say!"

Again, I did teach her the beauty of embellishment...oh, and smoke and mirrors..that is how I maintain my role on television on the new version of 90210...oh, and how I still have Darren Chriss wrapped around my little finger...tisk-tisk...

Apologies, my friends...we were wound up this evening...regaining control of your very own apartment and not being fixed up with waiters and random guys at bars by your mother can have that affect...heee and throw in a tee...We did cook...nothing nearly as fancy as I was planning on cooking...but, it did take quite a bit to restore order...

At this point we are only at, to put things into perspective..if you were to would most definitely need to use the bathroom down the block at the Chevron...but we are THISCLOSE...I need one more day, at least...I am certain the Green Day world tour 2005 will really help out...yup!  Oh, and Boys Don't Cry...

"It's Just Like Heaven, isn't it, Mama?!?!?!?!?!  Now let me out!"

This evening we had mushroom required lots of mincing and dicing and such...right up my alley..I needed that...mincing and dicing is relaxing...for reals!  You get Lost in My Mind...LOVE that song!

Chicken stock, butter, flour, cream, shallots, thyme, garlic, mushrooms...

The beauty of this step is that you can totally shake bootie and mince and chop...and slice and fingers, of course...but it is quite relaxing...for reals.I kid you not, and I speak from experience...

Saute...yeah, I DID say that out loud...we are addicted to the world of saute...perhaps we should enter rehab...for saute addicts and such...hahahaha..oh, no...just kidding..we seriously have larger issues..again, I am rather certain that would be another blog or a VH1 reality show...hahahahaha...Regardless...butter, shallot and garlic...

Add the mushrooms which you minced earlier...if you are a true Oregonian, you'd use something seasonal, no doubt...I was lazy, did not want to venture into the Tillamook Forest, nor up to the the Fred Meyer had to complaints...nah..not really..and you know I never complain!

Add chicken stock (not pictured) and then add a little cream..I also added some cream cheese, as cream cheese makes everything impromptu maneuver..whimsical..but, I am that kinda gal..shhh...I blame my switch-blade comb...for reals!

I decided a little toasted bread would best accompany a nice, warm soup...and I happened to have bread at my disposal...go figure!

Butter +Bread+Skillet=Deliciousness
Equations rock, whether they be algebraic or linear or functional or differntial or integral or foodical (I made that last one it obvious???)

Mushroom Soup!  It was delicious!

We were a little out there tonight..I blame excitement...I did want to prepare something a little fancier...but time slipped away...It was Monday...following a holiday..I have a MILLION excuses...You are the one heart's desire..I could have sworn you were an angel..heck, you could have even been an angle...tisk-tisk...and will love you whether you come from a mesothermal or microthermal climate...I do have an open mind...I am that kinda gal!  We'll be here tomorrow...I am free to do what I want, to be what I choose...ah, the You Tube...yup!  Have a great evening!!!  We'll see you tomorrow..I hope...We shall pay tribute to those who are a hoot and whom are cute...and you know who you are...darn that East side!! ;-)

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