Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Squirrel Pancakes...

Um, yeah...a terribly, horribly, unfortunately calamitous incident occurred this afternoon.  Categorically unavoidable.  I tried...really hard..for reals...I was on my way back from the house, picking up chanterelle mushrooms for my Thanksgiving stuffing...the situation was innocent...out of nowhere...this little, precious squirrel ran into the road as I was driving home....

"Oh, Mama!!  What was that?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I'm sorry, Eves...that was the sound of a little angelic squirrel under our front tire.  Yup.  I totally squished him...I even went back to check and make sure he could not be saved.  He was beyond being saved....My karma, what was left of it, is now totally gone...and there is a squirrel pancake in the middle of Pomona Street.....But if it makes anyone feel any better, I was able to wear my new boots today!

How's that for a segue!?!?!?!?  Squirrel pancakes to boots...only here, my friends!  Was that a callous remark???  I am totally not that kind of person....Well, I blame the boots and their awesomeness..I wore them to bed last night...and all day today.."Yeah, Mama...I love the boots!  They kinda-sorta rock like this boy I know..you may know him...well, um, yep...I'm most certain you do!"  I did take them off to shower, in case you were curious...just to clarify and such....

Cooking was on our agenda this evening, which is probably best.  My mother will be arriving tomorrow night..and is staying for FIVE WHOLE days, with me, in my apartment....isn't that wonderful?????  That was totally not a facetious remark...nope...not by any means..I'm just so excited I can hardly contain myself...winkety-wink....I'm sure we'll have a fantabulous time!  This means my blogging opportunities may not be normal ..not that they're ever normal or anything...but I won't be posting every day...much to your chagrin I am sure!  tisk-tisk...I'll be standing on top of the Sellwood bridge....contemplating...hahahahaha...just kidding...

"Don't jump, Mama!  How would I get home???  I don't have thumbs...I can't put the 4runner in drive!"

Shall we commence with dinner...I'm really on a dry spell with these toys and such...I'm working on finding some, but it is a slow process...WIP, as I continue to profess...dinner was nothing fancy...I'm almost afraid to say it out loud..but it was rather delicious...chicken...yup...along with pasta and broccoli with herb butter...please, don't hate me..it was all I had in the freezer...besides, I love chicken, so save the sass...only I am allowed to complain..why???  because I said so!

Pasta, herbs, parmesan cheese, broccoli, olive oil, butter and garlic (I forgot to include garlic in the photo)..oops..I continue to disappoint...these darn distractions!  jeesh!!

Begin by creating an herb butter...I personally liked this quite a bit...softened butter, minced garlic, oregano, rosemary and thyme...You'll have time to make this butter...tisk-tisk...these jokes...virtually impossible to resist!  I know, you don't really have time for my shenanigans...hahahahaha...I promise to stop...

Clean and create little beautiful florets of broccoli...it is painless...and spectacular...yeah...we probably should get out more often....but broccoli is beautiful and deliciously tasty!  Besides, use this as an opportunity....New Found Glory + Bootie Shaking = Terrific Evening...The ultimate mathematical equation...yup!  Totally beats Avogadro...for reals!

Dry, dry, dry the heck out of your chicken...I have a reason which will come to light in a moment...season with pepper...

Now, the chicken was prepared with minimal ingredients...pepper and olive oil...the process was more about the technique...I have lots of opinions on techniques, however, for the sake of time I shall refrain...but sometimes it is all about the technique..not necessarily the ingredients...just sayin'!

It all begins on the stove top...skin side down...relatively high heat for approximately 10-13 minutes...render the fat and such...that is crucial....then place in the oven for another 15 minutes to finish cooking...The skin was crispily, fantabulously delicious!  Yeah, portmanteau..wanna make something of it????  Blending rocks...I am rather linguistic in case you failed to notice...teehee....Well it does rock, like knee socks and new boots and boys....oh, and Green Day and Darren Chriss!

"So, Mama...ya know what else rocks...while we ARE on the subject....hmmm... clean sheets and new dresses...Well, that, and bacon..I do love bacon...oh, and M&M's...."

My meager meal...for a Tuesday...Although, I did rather enjoy the carbs and chicken...Neither can be beaten...

We're off...leaving on a jet plane....don't know when we'll be back again...well, perhaps after my mother goes back to PA..hahaha...TOTALLY kidding!  I've decided to become a life coach...it's my new calling...I would make an excellent one, no????  My motto...Drink Up!  It would make for a distinctive, yet attractive business card...merely something which one should consider...it does beat telecom, fo' sho'...Go listen to Lost in My Mind... I found that today!  I LOVE it!!  Not nearly as good as Radiolab...but I have a lot of catching up to do on that...Shall we all embrace the holiday..avoid squishing squirrels...and seriously consider hiring me to be your life coach...I don't work for free...However I would do a spectacular job!  Take a look at my life...hahahahahahahahaha...I just fell off my office chair after that remark.  We will be returning...yeah..shhhhh.....

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