Thursday, November 10, 2011

Walking Ferrets....

Apparently people do that sort of thing...literally walk their ferrets, on leashes and such...having been here six whole months, I really thought I had seen everything until this evening...Yup...allow me to introduce Rocky, the ferret...

Wish..totally wish I had my this is a hideous phone shot...but THAT is Rocky...and he walks on a leash...he was afraid of E.V....who wouldn't be???  hahaha...No, this guy was an absolute nut job...for reals...I can spot them a mile away!  I should know, right???? ;-)

SO, aside from a crazy neighbor across the street at the ghetto-plex...we had a hideous and boring you care...I know...just sayin' and such...I found no new toys at the Fred if you move along now, I will not hold you accountable...nor will I judge..I'm not that kinda's a free country..feel free to seek out other internet entertainment..the world wide web is filled with endless opportunities...from what I hear...

"Mama, I'm a gal with a mind like a diamond..and I always know what's best...I have all of the right allocations..and I am sharp as a tack!  In case you wondered...I'll leave the short skirt and long jacket up to you...since I know you possess a plethora of those things... hahahahahahaha"

We shall move along..I am tired...the week has been never-ending..Poprocks and Coke...that IS what I need..yup...for reals...well, that and a million of other things...but, again, that is another blog...I'll stop...our meal...we did eat..hazelnut pesto with penne, pancetta, french green beans and onions...

Our pesto this evening consists of hazelnuts, Italian parsley, olive oil and garlic..I'm on pins and was so yummy!!!  Try it!  I implore you!!!!!  No regrets!

Carefully place all of the above ingredients into your blender...of the Bob variety, no doubt...then listen to NOFX...does a body good!  For reals!!  Nah, I lied about everything..being careful, absolutely not necessary...and listening to NOFX does not do a body good..well, I take THAT one it does...White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean..rock on, my friends..rock on..oh, and don't forget to roll!

While all of your pesto components blend away....saute up some pancetta...then throw in some onions and your french green beans...a delicious combination....

Saute...all-day...saute' French...for 'to jump' which makes perfect sense...doesn't it???? It will not block your airway..or an aisleway..or requre an ashtray...nor lead you astray...your beans will thank you, they are French, after all...they know the drill..hahahhaaha

Can you visualize the components of our pasta???  Nope....well, then perhaps I shall show you....please have a IS that enthralling! Not like those from New Jersey, but you'll get the idea... Yup....

Pasta, beans and pancetta before they entered the land of the Skillet Of Justice...they will NEVER be the same..however, that is a good thing..

Things do begin to come together...meld, so to speak...a thing of beauty..just like vodka and vermouth..hahahahha...or Darren Chriss..or coyness and boys..and Billie Joe...and big blue fuzzy boots...I'll stop...we're so close to the finish'll be happy I ceased with these random thoughts..Yup!

Add the cooked pasta to your green beans and onions...with a little pesto, pasta water and parmesan cheese....continue to disturb the relative position of these a circular movement...or you can just stir...whatever works best for you...rouse to activity!  hahahahaha

Eventually, you will have dinner...yeah...I know!  And I am sure you had suspicions..whether or not you were willing to admit this would be possible...would I ever let you down???  Nope..Not me!  I'm more reliable than the USPS...for reals!  Lone Foodie 2012!  hahahahaha...Vote For Me...I CAN make a palate at a time..

Hazelnut Pesto (which smells clean and divine and delicious...) accompanied by pasta, parmesan, pancetta, French green beans and, well, that's it!

Dream come true!  I'm dreaming in the morning..dreaming all through the day..and when I'm dreaming of you I know it's all OK...Do not fear your blender or the world of pesto...As I leave, will you be someone to say goodbye????...I'll see you again...remember all the simple things you WILL miss me when I am gone..however, this is not my last song..I knew it would be this way..but...stay'll find a way some how...Yup...and I would make an EXCELLENT president BTW...just sayin'!...tisk-tisk..Do you know what's worth dying for....

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