Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fun Up To Fun Down...

Um, yeah...again..another Monday.  Why do I feel as though I am always saying that???  Why isn't it that I am always saying, um, yeah...another trip to Figi...or um, yeah..another winning lottery ticket...????  It's not fair!  Nope..I should have those types of problems...not mundane Mondays which were mediocre, at best...

"Hey, Mama...ya want some cheese with your whine???  Huh???  Get over it!  tee-hee"

She's such a smarty-pants..I STILL have no idea from where it comes...Nope...absolutely none..However, as you can see, my automobile photography continues to improve!  Not to mention, I can now steer with my knees..shhhhh...AND we do have a new toy!  One that is so FunTastic I am ready to move to Houston..and become part of the FunTastic team...I'll bet the benefits are FanTastic!  tisk-tisk..

30 whole pieces of farm animal fun..and made in China...We heeded the package advice and played!  Yup!!  However, I am having second thoughts about Houston..Isn't it hot there and don't they have things like tornadoes...and aren't all people from Texas stupid...well, at least according to Sandy the Squirrel from Spongebob Squarepants...but can you really trust a cartoon squirrel?????

Here's the gang, so to speak...a few extra members to add to my ever-growing posse..again, I DO have a posse...wanna make something of it?????

The aerial view...Close your eyes....Pretend you're in an airplane..and they are real animals...can you visualize it????  Maybe it's that evil olive in my martini...hahaha...My favorite is that mama pig nursing the piglets...and that IS what it is..it isn't a dead pig with seven extra legs, although it kinda, sorta looks like it, no????  And it was funny they included deciduous as well as coniferous trees...seems almost like a litle too much thought...especially if they can't make animals that look like animals, ya know???

"So, Mama...do ya know what kind of pig does karate???  A Pork Chop!  hahahahahaha...get it????"

Lame toys and bad jokes aside, we did cook..with a little more success this evening...we won't even delve into last evening's disaster...I've erased it from my memory with my mind erasing pen...like that one from Men In Black...I have one of those..keep it on the DL..shhhh...

Steak with sauteed beet greens and creamy horseradish beets...Not to mention, I learned a rather valuable and important lesson this evening...beet greens are delicious!  Who knew???  I'd never had them..but, yeah..and they are so pretty!

Beets...I shall refrain from any beet jokes and the fact one cannot beat beets...although, it is difficult...I'm ready to burst with my beet jokes..I've thought of nothing all day..yeah, I do need a life as I am secretly a huge nerd..You've seen the aerial view of my farm animals...need I say more???....Yup..shhhhh..

"I guess if you can't take the beet, ya gotta get outta the kitchen...right, Mama????  Hahaahahaha...aren't puns fun????" 

Alright..alright..I promise we will focus..for reals!  You need to make a marinade for the steak...you must..it is imperative..your future hinges upon this one act...yup...

Olive oil, dijon mustard, rosemary, garlic, pepper and worcestershire sauce

Marinate your steak..the longer the better..a minimum of three hours...then if you are lucky and possess a grill, you can grill..otherwise..sear in a lowly old pan...like me...not that I'm lowly..just that I had to use a pan...I do not own a grill...no worries...

Chuck Woolery style...two and two...no other way..you can't go wrong!

Time to make the horseradish sauce for your beets..And hurry it up!  We don't have all night!!  Jeesh!!  hahahahahaha...

Horseradish, shallots, lemon juice and sour cream...on a side note, I will never, ever, ever buy regular sour cream again..sorry Tillamook!  This Mexican sour cream is heavenly...way better than any other sour cream I have ever had...well, I'll step down from my soap-box now...but be sure and purchase this instead of regular sour cream..mix these all up in a bowl and patiently wait for your beets to roast...shake bootie...grab your wand..play with those new farm animals..endless possibilities..

Once the beets have roasted and have been diced, combine with the horseradish cream..
these were soooo great...a million times better than I expected..the color was a little weird..not that I don't love pink, heck, my vacuum is pink..but for presentation purposes, it was a tad awkward..delicious nonetheless...you must make this..

Proceed to saute up your beet greens...again..no regrets here..

Three minues with a little olive oil and heat...allow the wilting to commence...like me in the presence of um...a certain member of the Warblers..or this guitar player from a band that starts with Green and ends with Day????!  hahahahahah...

Our Meal this evening...hot pink and such..like my fittens..but much tastier...!  Make this...Yup...I believe beets may be my new favorite thing...I am rather fickle..like last week..it was all about sea bass..well, now it's all about beets..

We're all a little happier this evening on the west side, considering things turned out..for the most part..and the night was not complete with out a little Beat It...couldn't help it...oh, and 99 Red Balloons...still on my radar...and the Weezer cover of Brain Stew!  Well, that and FunTastic farm animals..and boys...especially those whom reside over on the east side...perhaps I should move to the east...hmmm..Oh, and Twisted Sister...that STILL makes me wanna rock...as it rocks...so shake some bootie..take it from me...The Lone Foodie...N..to the E...to the R..to the D...capitalized to emphasize the meaning..of course...as that is how we do roll...over here on the west side...Reconsider a relocation to Houston...there could be a problem..haahhhaha...again, it's like those beet jokes...um...I so want a pair of leather pants right about now...and something with fringe..but it is late....it shall be best for everyone if I bid my farewell....until tomorrow...

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