Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuff Stuff....

Ah, yes..those that currently reside on the west side are rather 'tuff'..our life is absolutely and utterly enthralling...yup..borderline gansta, even..we're all about tuff stuff...hahaha...for reals!..just go to The Fred Meyer....they have a plethora of tuff stuff...and I happen to own the aforementioned tuff stuff....yup..lucky me!  Please, take a seat...I will show you..just a little peek, though..winkety-wink..

My new bling!  $.50..Can't go wrong..nope...Who on earth would not want one of these necklaces????  That's what I thought...even if you are not willing to admit it out loud...I KNOW...it's my sixth sense...the nose twitches...hahahaha...

"Ya, know Mama..it is SO tough over here on the west side....gun shops have "Back To School" sales....hahahahahahahha"

She is sassy and such...I have no idea from where that would come...I am very calm, and mild mannered...never say a word...tisk-tisk..it's not anti-American...it's anti-war!....Holiday...live..rocks....absolutely and undisputedly wand worthy!  Turn it up!!  Shake some bootie...you will feel a million times better....trust me, I speak from experience!

We still have our little dog-friend...I believe she may be a tad scared...she hides in the corner...I have tried and tried....I am completely certain it is not me...hahahhaha...

Don't wanna be an American idiot..one nation controlled by the media...sooo..turn off your television...yup..and go read a book!..for reals!

Where was I????  Bling...and inflatable dogs aside..I did cook...yeah, I did...I had almost forgotten..it has been an amazing and terrific day..well..aside from the work aspect..

"So, Mama....I wanna be the minority..I don't need no authority!!  That Billie Joe fella is awfully cute and such...."

Yup...shall we move along...it is getting late...I have an early start...:-)  Onion jam...polenta croutons..salad with vinagrette and steak..Shall we begin with the onion jam...I had never made it before..it turned out..surprisingly and was quite tasty...and easy..hmm....lips are zipped tonight, my friends...yup..

Onion, wine, vinegar, honey and thyme...I shall refrain from any wine or thyme jokes..although I have plenty...for the record, mind you....consider yourself lucky, I suppose...

Onion jam..in quite a pickle...hahahahah..or a jam...see..I can only resist for SOOO long...then...well, you know..allow it to all cook on the stovetop...the top of one's stove, one might say...

Final onion jam...you'll be tripin' away to paradise....hahah..that is a complete and utter embellishment...I jest..however, it was rather tasty...

Moving along...polenta croutons are on the agenda..I AM all about agendas...they are best..they keep you in line..healthy...always move forward...going straight will get you nowhere..nope...and yup...I enjoy being ambiguous..keeps you on your toes!

Yawn..and ummm..and ugh...the boring beginning of a polenta crouton...Stock...(resisting a joke here as well....), parmesan, garlic and corn meal...

Stovetop...top of the stove..and top of the mornin' , to ya, too!  ..hahahahha...whisk, shake bootie...it will behoove you to do so...I speak from experience!

Polenta croutons...baked in the oven for a bit..

I served everything with some greens and a vinaigrette..

I never anticipated this would turn out....however...greens tossed with a vinaigrette of olive oil, garlic, sherry, dijon, pepper and a little sugar..yum and um...

Meanwhile, there is a steak to cook...Chuck Woolery style..two and two, of course...

I even named him Chuck..before I sliced him into bits...for presentation purposes, of course...tisk-tisk..no reference to my super-cool neighbor on the 4th floor penthouse apartment, of course... :-)

The finale..not quite a finale, so to speak..but for an amateur..it's the best one can do on a Tuesday night, surrounded by distractions of gigantic proportions....yup...

Remember....trip your way to paradise...close your eyes..being the minority is not a bad thing...life on the west side is hardly enthralling....find 'tuff stuff' at The Fred Meyer..what part of party don't you understand...you will miss me, eventually....take a chance and don't ever look back..have I covered every single cliche???  Did I leave any out...Yeah, I did...don't put off tomorrow what you can do today...and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link..hahhahaahha...that was my point this evening...the importance of the cliche..so go use a cliche or two, or three....however, as I think...they aren't all that important...tisk-tisk..oh, my goodness me...

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