Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I have tried and tried..to work the mullet into this blog..merely because I was driving down Barbur and saw a 'gentleman' sporting one...however, I am not one to point fingers..early '80's we ALL had them..those school pictures with the psychedelic lighting..yup...we did...run AND hide...and burn the photos...but I DID have a point....we are ALL about business tonight..in the front..no partying..tee-hee..nope...

"So, Mama..did you know that those that reside from New Jersey are inclined to own rather large pencils..much like your giant green pencil?!?!?  Simply stating the obvious and such....Oh, and they are kinda, sorta cute, too..shhh......."

Yeah...yeah...ya, know....we never really grow up...we only learn how to act in public..hahahhahaha...And we did cook some food...I have made it my goal to focus this evening....wholeheartedly...which IS a word..my chickadee!  Distractions...jeesh...and ugh...and oh, dear...

"I'm all about business, Mama...you'll miss me when I'm gone...BTW..not to be coy...however, wasn't there a boy...???  Merely curious..It is my nature...I must take after you!  Again, the dog days are over!"

Alright...alright already...chorizo enchiladas with red sauce and crispy potatoes...absolute and complete heartburn..yup..and ugh....shall the disaster commence...

Enchilada sauce....Salsa, tomato sauce, garlic, chicken stock, garlic and a mixture of cayenne, paprika, oregano, basil, parsley, cumin, chili powder and.well..that's it!

It does require the chopping of vegetables.....no fingers...so it was a GOOD night!

You were forewarned...it's been slow, I've been lax...I am NOT about to let you down...it's all about the play by play...I blame, um...I know the answer....hmmmm...

Begin with a pan...not of the flute variety...just a pan...play a little music..grab a wand..it will behoove you..fo'sho'!

Brown onions and garlic in butter and olive oil..for just a bit...not too long...you have other things to do....yup...

You then add your sauce, herbs and such..no regrets!

We shall move along...proceed to fry up the chorizo...unphotogenic...sorry...so we will be minus a step in this equation...no worries..you WILL survive..and I shall survive..hahahaha....

Shred some cheese....again...that was on our agenda..we DID have one of those...an agenda, of course....

Colby Jack...Wiggety-whack!  And Smack!  Can't beat that!  Fo'Sho'!

Proceed to drench your tortilla in the sauce..it IS only right....

IT WILL stick on the frontal of your left side brain..in case you wondered...when we collide, of course....

Shall we move along..the chorizo...it has been neglected and yearns to be united with colby jack cheese...destiny...fate, one might say....

It blows your mind...my sweet moonbeam..yup...and totally...like residents of the Garden State one might even say...

To accompany the enchiladas, we had crispy potatoes with peppers and onions...

No introduction necessary...at least I don't beleive there should be one..if you disagree..see me after class...hahahhahah...

These components needed to be cooked..in nothing other than THE...SKILLET OF JUSTICE....yup...lucky evening for the Lone Foodie, no doubt....

Eventually, they finished cooking..hard to believe, I know!   Utter and complete chaos here over on the west side...I'll never sleep....

Weird and awesome photo...Do NOT ask me how I did this...However, I LOVE it!

Again..I have worked and worked on my focusing..it has improved...dinner was delicious...chorizo and Mexican crema are my NEW favorite foods..yup....although the heartburn...makes me want to cry..shhhhh...plating a tad sketchy...and hideous...

Ba...dum...ba....Happiness....Briefly...Isn't happiness always brief???  Simply an observation....

I would have been happier with a better plating...and less heartburn...however I AM fickle...I now have afflictions for others...but, again, I feel it is necessary to be a tad coy..about boys...and whether or not I am smitten..although I will continue to wear my fittens...good night my chickadees!  It is NOT over....nope and yup....ambiguity...it is TOTALLY my new thing!  hahhahah..sweet dreams!

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