Monday, October 31, 2011

I Miss You....

Gotta, love, love, love blink-182..well, you don't, one ever listens to me anyway..hahaha..regardless, it is is Halloween..ick...i am predisposed to complaining...yup...ick..So, before I trek further into the blog..and my hysterical find at The Fred Meyer...and my meal..I will take a moment to get one thing off my chest...of the flat variety, do doubt...tisk-tisk...jesting evening shout-out, so to speak..

In loving the greatest dad..08/03/47-10/31/08

Moving my hysterical find..Raise your glass, my friends....shake some bootie, is'sho'

The newest, and flashiest addition to the Brennan posse...Tinsel Tim!

Personally, I feel it is a tad early for Christmas merchandise to be available..but, heck..gotta pick this stuff up before it is gone!  I'm using him to write up my Christmas cards..which will be going out next week...hahahahahaha...hardly..that is the capricious Lesley talking...haahahaha..nah...I don't do, get over it now..need a tissue???

"So, Mama...What's grosser than gross??? Pork-flavored jolly ranchers!  Ahh, I continue to crack myself up!!  hahahahahah"

I can share with you a spectacular photo of Tinsel Tim....which features one of his greatest attributes...hmmmmm..can you even begin to imagine????

His FOOT...silly!  I hadn't really given it all that much thought until I began writing about Tinsel would think...he should, in all actuality have TWO feet, no???  There were no disclaimers on the packaging, and, as you know, I always inspect that, very carefully..but he is an Ostrich, right???  Even they have two legs...I will let this go for now..but it still is rather upsetting...disturbing, even...regardless, he is a complete and utter hoot..However I do have a proclivity for obsessing about irrelevant things...hmmm...WIP, my friends...

Now, I was able to find something else on The You addition to blink-182...Mumford and Sons!  They make for excellent chair dancing....and wand worthy, even..shhh..and that Mumford...can call me anytime...I'm way taller than that Carey Mulligan chick..and we have the same haircut...just sayin'...tisk-tisk..

"Yup, Mama...You look like a million dollars...AFTER taxes...hahahahahahaha"

Oh, my goodness...we have strayed sooo far off cooking even feasible at this point??? hmmm...well...I suppose if we focus..that entire focusing concept, is rather difficult at times...Alright, already..WE had crying ...only I am allowed to participate in the aforementioned crying ..and it typically never involves chicken...just chainsaw jugglers...yes..I wanted there...get over it! all begins with Savory Cherry Compote....

Cherries, honey, rosemary, red onion and olive oil...

It is savory...not unsavory like myself...hahahaha...again, yet another lame attempt by the Lone Foodie with a clever remark...Witticisms...I'll give those up...for Lent, perhaps...when is Lent?????  I should know the answer to that question...I should!

Saute red onion in olive oil, add cherries, rosemary and honey....cook for a bit..

Proceed to flatten a chicken IS fun....and then continue to slice your finger...and from what I recall..the index finger is a rather important HURTS!  Regardless, I stuffed the flattened chicken breast with feta cheese, rosemary and garlic...browned in a skillet, the finished in the oven..

See!  You were going to complain about chicken...who could EVER complain about is YUM and total of I really need to whip out my list...and my whip, for that matter????  hahahahaha...just kidding...about the list, um, no..the whip..that's right..I was totally kidding about the whip...tisk-tisk..

To accompany our chicken and cherry compote, of the savory variety..we had couscous..with toasted pine nuts and asparagus tips...I have tons of tips regarding asparagus....feel free to expert, of the tip department, so to speak....

Couscous, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, asparagus and pine nuts

We are THISCLOSE to the final meal...I know how you feel...this evening will end, my're not stuck in some bizarre Twilight Zone...or the perpetual blog, so to speak...nope..I'd never lie to you..

Feta stuffed chicken...cherry compote and couscous...Again, I STRUGGLED with this is off...way off...  I find it most unfortunate that its appearance was not of the same caliber as its was actually rather's like a chicken with black, for is!

OK...I need a time machine...H.G. Wells....where are you??????  I wanna be a time traveler..well, that and one of those Warblers...however I would not want to visit the Island of Doctor Moreau...I am willing to take responsibility for the things I have created...see above...SO, where is that paper bag????  hahahaha...just sayin'  Go listen to Mumford and Sons...appreciate all of the small things...if you love something, you must set it free...even if it kills you inside...being capricious is not necessarily a bad my hoot-owl book...don't forget your fittens...see you all tomorrow..yup...I'm still on the yup thing..OH, and go purchase a Tinsel Tim..hurry!  Before The Fred Meyer runs out!  No regrets!  Isn't it ironic, don't you think????

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