Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goin' Rogue....

Hahahahahaha..and LOL..although we are large, destructive, anomalous, unpredictable and playfully mischevious...we are not unprincipled, deceitful, nor unreliable...nor are we wandering beggars, nor vagrants...but HECK!  If Sarah Palin can do it, why can't we!  But then again, she's like the 'pocket politician.'...just this wee little tiny thing...you could totally fit her in your pocket...I, on the other hand...may, on a good day, fit into Paul Bunyan's pocket...hahahahahaha..and I wish to add this disclaimer..there is nothing wrong with being little..nor being Sarah..nor fitting into someone's pocket...The Google states you can judge a woman's intelligence based on her shoe size..sooo..hmmm..just sayin'.... much like a guys' shoe size, only it's not typically in reference to intelligence..tisk-tisk...so it must be true...Heck, she can see Russia from her back porch..she's sooo global...I, on the other hand, am THISCLOSE to Canada...so I must be, um, well...International!?!?!?!??!  The next international sensation, no doubt!...oh, and we now absolutely and unequivocally love...are you ready for this??? .... Justin Bieber!!!  His musical talent could actually fit into a thimble...speaking of small things...hahahahahahahahaha....OMG.....so totally not..we love him about as much as we're interested in goin' rogue...and Sarah Palin...I felt that the internet needed a terrible joke and such..what a way to commence this new year, no???

"Oh, Mama..Mama..Mama... No Hablo Ingles!"

"And...BTW...I STILL hate those stupid boots...I so totally look forward to flip-flop season...these things make me sneeze!"

Alright..alright..we're back, my sweet chickadees!  With a vengance, in fact...wound up beyond belief and cooking fiends...interesting question, would you be a friend with a fiend???  Hmmm...quite the conundrum...To kick-start 2012, we made buttermilk ranch chicken stuffed with spinach, onions and bacon, mashed garlic potatoes and roasted baby carrots..
Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing is THE only way to go...corporate, store-purchased dressing is just downright ICK in my hoot-owl notebook!  Mayonnaise, Mexican Sour Cream, Buttermilk, Sherry, Paprika, Tabasco, Garlic and minced herbs..

Mixed Up Buttermilk Ranch Dressing...like The Cure...GREAT album, BTW...Robert Smith was the Forerunner of Guy-liner..he paved the way for its social acceptance...he was and he did..for reals...I was a witness...I'm that old..that was back in the day when I had to wrestle dinosaurs for my food! And use a typewriter...LOL...

We roasted baby carrots...here they are all cute and sweet, tossed in olive oil and pepper...

Proceed to roast these carrots in the oven..no regrets...

"Oh, Mama...No Hablo Ingles...I'm still not speaking to you!"

You will need to cook bacon (those photos were HORRIBLE...I tried..I did...I had about 35 shots of blurry bacon..so, we'll just pretend you got to see that event occur over here on the west side..once you've cooked your bacon, remove and saute minced red onion and spinach...and, yup...it IS a new year..but hardly a new me..SO shake a little bootie!!  We DO lead the Good Life..and Weezer was our poison..well, that and martinis..shhhh....Pinkerton rocks..like knee socks..and you make me want to shout!!  I could never, ever neglect the World Tour 2005!!

Add Spinach..it's good for ya!  Filled with vitamins and minerals and chlorophyll..and that is way better than chloroform...Should we take a moment to discuss photosynthesis????  I've got all night...you????  hahahahahahaha..I always did have a 'thing' for green...tisk-tisk...

Sauteed spinach, red onion and bacon..on a Monday night..on the west side...I think I'm falling for you....there is no other one...

Now once you have stuffed your chicken breast...brown and then roast in the oven..again...I prolly had 50 photos of these events...again..they were just plain awful!!  But, once the chicken has roasted...slice..no fingers..just chicken...and trust me, I speak from experience and have lost almost more than one fingertip...serrated knives..are dangerous...yup...and they hurt!

"Oh, Mama!!!  El Scorcho!!  No Hablo Ingles!!!"

Our final meal...we were a tad more on track, so to speak, this evening in the focus department, were we not???  Or was it just me???  Anyhoo...buttermilk ranch chicken stuffed with spinach, onion and bacon, garlic mashed potatoes and roasted baby carrots...

Remember..bacon rocks!  I shall build a shrine for the swine, oh..and the bovine...they both are divine..in my feeble mind, of course...I look into the mirror, I can't believe what I see..tell me who's that funky dude staring back at me......shake bootie..embrace the new year...do NOT listen to Justin Bieber...I was merely jesting...screw this crap I've had it...excuse me if I drool...I won't cause a scene....cook...go rogue...it's time I got back to the Good Life...and I don't even know how I got off track...at this point in our closing, I could share a cliche...but I have decided it is best if I do not...please join me tomorrow my friends...the year is young...peace out and g'night..

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