Thursday, January 19, 2012

That Which Does Not Kill Us...

makes us....more bitter...hahahahaha...I am an absolute ray of sunshine over here on the west side..yup..and I'll bet you thought I was going to quote Nietzsche..hahahaaha... do I appear to be stronger????  tisk-tisk...  We are back after a two day 'vacation' of sorts...Truthfully, Tuesday we purposely did not blog...we ate frozen pierogies (and they were delish, thank you Mrs. T) and watched Glee!  Yup..after six months we turned on our gigantic television..hahahaha....nah, it's a teeny-tiny thing..but it was a hoot, and we go to see Puck and Blaine...big sighs....

"Ahhh, Mama...I love German Philosophers...speaking of which..All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking...winkety-wink and hint-hint...hahahahaha..See, I can play your game, too!!!"

She thinks she's such a smarty-pants...and she knows that I am a sucker for a sweet face..but, yes..we did finally cook tonight...It is our oasis...last night we had a bowl of cereal, as I had a hot date with a spreadsheet and some general ledger was rather intense..I'm totally hoping it'll happen again sometime in the very near future...I am certain I am unable to live without either..OMG..if I never saw either again, I'd be doing some sort of happy dance, with the blinds closed, of course..Where were we???  Oh, and soy-glazed ribs with Caesar salad..

Rib Components: Peanut Oil, Honey, Crushed Red Pepper, Soy Sauce, Cumin, Garlic, Green Onion, Orange, Lemon and Lime

The ribs..they play a vital role in this dish so they received special attention..and these were prepared unlike any other way I've ever prepared ribs..which is why they've been cut into separate'll soon see...these puzzle pieces will soon come together...

Place your ribs in this vessel of beauty...your Le Creuset..aka the dutch oven of righteousness...add soy sauce..

Sprinkle with crushed red pepper and cumin...

Add enough water to cover the ribs....this photo is odd, to say the least..but it was included merely because it reminded me of a red blood cell..and I am certain the thought of those and cooking do not necessarily go hand-in-hand...I just had to...couldn't help myself..sorry..keep in mind red blood cells are a vital part of your existence...they are the principal means of delivering oxygen to the body tissues...maybe we could give the circulatory system a little finger clap???  Just a little one, perhaps...I won't hurt...for reals...Oh, and BTW..I became SO sidetracked, I forgot to tell you to allow this to simmer for an hour or so...and while it does...well, um, know what to do...take me back to Summer Paradise, baby...shake bootie...

We shall move along to the assembly of our rib sauce...I will forewarn you...I do have photos of the creation of the sauce..none of the final sauce..The story is soooo long, neither one of us has the time...nor would you even want to hear the gory details...but it has to do with a semi-working camera, a smudged lens and someome who, unknowingly mind you, acted in a significantly counterproductive my defense, martinis were NOT involved...nope...

"C'mon, Mama...just be need to beat around the bush...Just tell them you were an idiot..It's ok..I don't judge...nor will they!  hahahahahahaha"

The rib sauce consists of soy, orange juice and honey...Again, the gigantic man-hand has made an appearance...I've had few responses for the hand double on CL..but that may be a sign...perhaps there was a reason I was bestowed with these make orange juice!!!...I'll bet I'd have an awfully bright future with Tropicana!  I may have found my' sho'...

Add the sauce mixture discussed above to garlic, green onions and crushed red pepper which was previously sauteed...again, the photo of this saute'll just move along..and focus on these tremendously amazing action shots...all while shaking some more's Bowling for Soup!  In music the passions enjoy themselves...

In addition to bootie shaking and such...while your ribs are cooking...make a salad...I have not had any vegetables in a few days, so I felt it was best...honestly, I had no idea what to serve with these ribs..I have a few ideas in retrospect..but..we shall move along...Caesar salad....keep in mind, this is not El was not prepared tableside...hahahahahaha...

Dressing Components: Olive Oil, Mayonnaise, Worcestershire Sauce, Garlic, Lemon (pepper and sugar not pictured)...
Romaine Lettuce and Parmesan Cheese...

Mixing the dressing...This photo does not actually depict the actual mixing..but it was weird..and I liked it..however that is what really was taking a mason jar...the creation of Caesar dressing...shhhhhhh...

Homemade Croutons were part of the Salad...This was some left over Grand Central Bread, with olive oil, oregano, basil, garlic and onion on a cookie sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes...again..I did have a photo of the final croutons..yeah...moving along...

"Oh, Mama...just remember...Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even in their blunders!  I told you I'd fit in just fine around here..hahahahahahaha"

Caesar Salad

Orange and Soy-Glazed Ribs
After your ribs have simmered in your dutch oven, remove, coat with your sauce and broil...I also had photos for this process...I feel like a broken record...but that smudge on my lens, unbeknownst to me at the time, really messed everything we have to fill in the blanks with words...and I'm sure you would have preferred the pictures..Proceed to top with lemon, lime and orange zest...feel free to throw in a few citrus curls as can't hurt!  BTW..this pic...UGH and UGH...I took approximately 650 photos of this plate...the one that finally worked was an hour and a half later...these ribs looked a lot better when they weren't cold...c'est la vie, no???

E.V. rather enjoyed the she is devouring one..I have this gut feeling that I probably should not have given her any ribs...One can only imagine I will be paying for this mistake at 3am, if you know what I mean...Yup...I'm a slow learner, in case you haven't noticed..ugh...don't they make a pill for that or something???  tisk-tisk...

That's what we've got this evening...and I'm not really THAT bitter...hahahahahaa..nah, I'm kidding..We have faith...and faith is not wanting to know what is, in that respect we have a plethora of faith..yup...I'm off to apply for a job with Tropicana...making orange juice is prolly way better than spreadsheets and such..merely a hunch...make ribs in this fashion...they were quite tasty...just think twice before you share them with your dog...Do not forget the wisdom of German philsophers or the importance of the circulatory system..I am thoughtful and always here to help!  I wish a sassy gal luck in the biggest way tomorrow...remember..without music, life would be a was only a kiss...G'night my internet friends...we shall return...This is Written-Off Penny, signing off..over and out..and giving a shout out to Six-Fiddy and Hazzent Cleared da Bank!!!  hahahahahaahahahahahahhahaa...

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