Friday, January 27, 2012


We are rather parenthetical over here on the west side...I love brackets, whether the be round or square or even curly or squiggly..I don't discriminate...hahahahaha...well, my internet has been an interesting week and the fact I'm even discussing brackets...well, we should move either along or have me's been an interesting was no exception...and typically one would associate interesting with crappy...however, for once, that is not the case...and I have an announcement, of sorts...please have a seat...I'd feel much better..not that I'm all that considerate....I actually just feel better by pretending I'd feel better by the fact you were seated...tisk-tisk...again, I do realize that I am the only one whom finds myself to be remotely funny..that's OK...I'm used to it by's been so long...I don't mind...nope...anyhoo..where was I????  Oh, yeah...look out, I come!!!!!  (insert evil laugh here...) But, for reals, I am coming to PA...for a book signing/tour....hahahahaahahaha...OMG...I just fell off my office chair...that is so totes not the's for pleasure, not business...AND for the first time in 8 years, I cannot wait!  I am super excited...I get to hang out with the awesomest person on the planet..that's all I'll say..and the excitement has carried over because I haven't even complained once about the fact my ghetto cam ruined 75% of this evening's we'll be having like the second shortest blog in me...I can talk..I can talk all night if you'd like..try me...hahahahaha...again, I'm kidding...but you have been usual, I have a contingency should always have one of those...while I may have a paucity of cooking photos, I have an overabundance of E.V. photos...again, you're just SO darn lucky!!!!  Can someone say Powerball ticket????

"Oh,'s fortunate for you I don't have a paucity of paws...hahahahahahaha...otherwise, it would be rather difficult to take me for a walk...I love Latin, BTW...and being a lame nerd...I do take after you, no????"

"But I totes hate these boots...they still make me sneeze....seriously....get these things out of my face!  Is that Puck I hear????? Where it began...I can't begin...but I do know that I LOVE Puck...Turn it up, Mama..Oh, and I want a mohawk!!!!!"

Alright...alright..we cooked..something new..something sorta Spanish..something I would make again, however...I will state this it did upset me a bit...the looked NOTHING like it did on Epicurious..although I followed the directions and it was super yum....but it did cause super heartburn...I blame the garlic...fortunately I didn't have a date or plans or anything along those smelling like garlic was the least of my least I didn't have to worry about vampires!!  Chicken with Romesco and Bacon....

Dinner Components:  Olive Oil, Almonds, Lettuce, Balsamic Vinegar, Bread Crumbs, Paprika, Chicken, Roasted Red Pepper, Parsley, Garlic and Bacon...
You'd think with a list this long I'd have more than four dinner prep photos...again, it was TOTALLY not my was ghetto cam...I actually want to cry...but I won't..there's no crying on this website...nope...we don't cry over boys nor do we cry over lost's not our policy, so we just complain...again, lucky you!!

Our second favorite activity of all time..beating the crap out of a piece of chicken..It's SO much fun...I wish I could do this for a living..and you can shake bootie while this event takes place...Were you wondering what our first favorite activity of all time was????'s a secret....It was only a kiss...

"So, Mama...why did the turtle cross the road???  TO get to the Shell Station..!!!  hahahahahahahahahaha...I do crack myself up.."

Coat your chicken with bread crumbs, garlic and parsley...brown 4-5 minutes per side...

Have no fear....the dishwasher is here!!!!!!  hahahahahahaha  Isn't she the sweetest pea, ever????

Toss some lettuce with olive oil and balsamic will soon accompany your chicken and Romesco...

"Oh, Mama....I'm sooooooooooooooo tired....will you please call me when dinner is ready???????  Again, we should take time out to admire my I am awfully sweet...."

Chicken with Romesco and Bacon
Again, the photo on Epicurious looks way better...and I don't know why...although, I'm guessing they don't have a ghetto cam...and they have better lighting and real chefs and I could go on all night..but, I'll stop!  hahahahaha
What was missing this evening..hmmm....I have a list...I like lists....They help you stay organized...Although, I do tend to lose these lists..but this list was made in my mind...and I have yet to lose least I don't think I's currently under review...SO...Romesco sauce is made in your blender..yeah, we got to use Bob..he did not get to make an appearance...back to the blender...add roasted red pepper, olive oil, bread crumbs, almonds, garlic, balsamic vinegar and paprika..that sauce accompanies your lettuce and chicken..woo and freaking hoo, no???  I so wish I had these pictutres..

Well, we internet friends...a Thursday night...a failed ghetto cam...a delicious meal..and Puck....Where it began...I'll stop, I'll stop...I promise...BUT again, his hands...yeah...I'll just stop....but he could totes get a job with AT&T...reach out and touch someone..specifically me...hahahahahahaha...I'm kidding...he's too smart for AT&T...Make Romesco, and even chicken...It is late and we should be going to sleep...we have a trip into the big city tomorrow...but we'll be here tomorrow torture you, no's my civic duty...I try my best!!  Can you tell?????  Look out, PA....some Doc-sporting gals are about to show you a thing or two!!!  This is Written-off penny saying g'night and such...see all y'all tomorrow!!!

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