Thursday, January 5, 2012

It Was Only A Kiss....

How did it end up like this...???  I swear it was only a kiss...for reals...and a good one at that...But, yet an appropriate time to be a tad on the coy side...boys may or may not have been involved..however, it was total fun and worth a mention..and I really should get out more..and we found a new band..I am certain you are overjoyed!!  Now my neighbor, on the otherhand..not so much...The Killers!!!  OMG...they rock!  Mr. Brightside..big sighs and butterflies.....ahhhhh....

"Oh, Mama...I just can't look...are you sure it was only a kiss?????"

Yup..we were out last night..on the east side even...shhhh....but, we're back!  Just in time, I cook and the like...things familiar...the things we do...not necessarily well, but we do them...mostly 'cause we feel like it...and that is, this evening...herb and pancetta stuffed pork tenderloin, roasted fennel and potato puree and roasted broccolini...a complete experiment..I love experiments...only nothing blew up or caught on fire or set of alarms or required stitches or law enforcement or a body bag or, I suppose those are signs of a successful evening???  That is yet to be determined...I think...but I think way tooooo much..sorry for is you that ultimately suffers, no doubt...

Fennel-Potato Puree Components: me see..fennel and potatoes, yup..Oh, and butter, garlic olive oil and cream...and I so totally think I want to start a punk rock band..and I have the perfect name...The Fennel Fronds!  I love that word...fronds...and it is absolutely a super-cool name for a my hoot-owl notebook!

Chop...dice..slice...use sharp objects, with caution, of course..And totes shake some bootie....The Killers...were our band of choice...and I am pretty certain they're sampling Ode To Joy...which only makes it that much can't beat Symphony #9....or Beethoven...nope...

OMG...we've gotten so way off track..again, it is just not my fault...I blame that kiss...oh, and Brandon Flowers..., again, he should not be allowed to be soooo cute!!  However, I am NOT complaining...not in the least...destiny is calling me..right into his arms, fo' sho'!  hahahahahahahaha...that's only if Puck and Darren are too busy.. ;-)

"My sweet Mama...that looks delish!  I'm coming out of my out, Portland!!  Hahahahahahahahahaha"

SO, we should address the other portion of our does exist and it does not deserve to be, no, no...and you could also listen to a little Simple Plan..we did..shhhhhh...Again, welcome to my is lame and nerdy and filled with terrible puns and science jokes..but, heck...we have fun..and that's all that my grits!  hahahahahahhaha...Mel's Diner...loved that...and Flo...Now I totally want a bee-hive and a pack of gum...LOL....oh, and a pink-polyester waitress uniform.. yeah... shhhhh...

Tenderloin Components:  Pancetta, Pork, Pepper, Thyme, Parsley and Olive Oil

Cook your pancetta...I did have about 49 pictures of that process..again...WIP, my friends...and they were all blurry...and hideous...and disappointing...I shall spare you the hideousness of the situation..Instead, close your eyes and envision pancetta can do it!  I know you can!!

Once you have stuffed the tenderloin with herbs and pancetta...wrap up and secure with some sure and soak your twine in H20..otherwise it catches on fire...yeah...again, I speak from me on this one, folks...oven fires are THE worst...especially when they ignite your sleeves and singe your eyebrows and eye lashes and your dish towels..but, I'll get the picture...not that that's ever happened to me...nope, never has...I merely read about it on The Google...totes....felt it would be kind of me to pass this type of information along...a civic duty of sorts...a PSA, in fact!

Roast your pork in the oven...375 for approximately 35 minutes or so...again...this allows for some free enjoy tunes and not pass up this opportunity..

"Um...Mama...PLEASE  stop making noise or otherwise communicating...I'm hungry!!  I am not an impolite kinda gal..but seriously..."

Our final the fennel-potato puree..once roasted I put it in the blender..Yeah, Bob made an appearance..but, again..bad photos...Yikes!!  I also made a little pan sauce by deglazing with some sherry..again, it was totally a terrible photo night...I blame distractions and a fickle camera..regardless..this was not nearly as photogenic as I had hoped..but it was rather tasty...and you can't really beat broccolini...well, you can and I did..hence no photos prior to the roasting...tisk-tisk...

Hmmm....I would love to be Mrs. BrightSide..that's all I'm gonna say..It was only a kiss...Fo' sho'!...this is what we've got on a Thursday..Sassy gals continue to rock...I'm already so over this year, yet it has just begun!  hahahahahahahaha....Destiny is calling me!  Fennel-potato puree is soo delish..and I highly recommend making such a thing....I never...I never...I never...Gotta, gotta, gotta be down because I want it all...not too much to ask, IMHO, of course...G'night my internet friends....I'll let you go...but you have to promise to return!  I do know where you live...all three of's not hard to keep track...hahahahahahaha....

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