Sunday, October 16, 2011

Basket Case...

Today we were busy little much so, we didn't even have time to find something fun at The Fred Meyer...I know!  Boo and hiss to the Nth degree..we journeyed up to the house for tomatoes...last of the season..when I arrived I found THESE in the garage..

Da-dum-dum...chanterelles...ick...Don't ever look back!

I almost turned and ran back to the 4runner shrieking...However, I refrained...I stopped...chuckled...turned to Jeff and told him how very overjoyed I was that I didn't live at the house any longer...He didn't appreciate my honesty...or much else for that matter...teehee...Never will I have to clean 250 pounds of mushrooms a week...EVER AGAIN!  No orange-stained fingers for this Lone Foodie!  I then proceeded to hop around on my good foot doing a happy dance...I only shake bootie in the privacy of my own apartment..or at Erasure concerts...or for know...that guy with the dangerous profession...then I picked some tomatoes..

Here are a few of the plants from the back yard..they are gigantic...and filled with didn't take long for me to remember that picking tomatoes isn't all that much fun...and it is spider-filled...not may be fun-filled if Spiderman were involved...of the Toby Maguire variety...hmmm..just something to contemplate...

I did get lots of gorgeous tomatoes, was a successful trip...

Magnificent and, um..I know the answer...I do..for reals!  It's on the tip of my tongue..the very tip....
hmmmm...give me a minute...

After a trip to the house we ran our errands...yep..the excitement never ceases over here on the west side...for a super-hero and her car has begun to make a strange noise...SO, being an ingenious gal and such...I just turned up the radio and I can't even hear it!  I'm sure it'll go away..someday....hahahaha...anyone interested in buying a 4runner...????

"Oh, Mama...what are ya gonna do when there is a commercial break...????  And please, for the millionth time...quit taking my picture...I didn't even do my hair today...and don't even get me started on my nails!"

Moving along...again, as previously mentioned we did not purchase nor did we have time to goof around with any new toys or distractions....well, we DID mess around with my powerful and magic wand a bit..but shhhhh....we had lots of cooking to do..I'm getting a cold....I can feel it creeping into my upper respiratory we had chicken and noodles...and puffy foot really wanted chicken...she ALWAYS does!

No longer ginormous...but puffy and painful nonetheless...and totally in need of some toe-concealer...hahahaha...but she does have an eye-catching new tattoo...I thought that might make her feel better....alas, it did not....

"Whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis??  That's Crazy, Mama!  Hey, Soul Sister and Geek Stink Breath When I Come Around...Hahahahahaha...  How do ya' like them apples!...I'm on a roll!"

In order to have chicken and noodles, we had to make was easy...and we got to use the dutch oven of righteousness!  Again, win-win!!

Chicken Breast (which will be shredded in the future for the dish), celery, carrots, onion, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, peppercorns and herbs...cover with water and simmer away...for hours, just gets better with me!  hahahahaha...not really...I was way better ten years ago..

Here is the stock cooking on the case you were curious...I'm always curious...another affliction...can't help myself...And, total bonus..while it can shake bootie to The You Tube and play with your magic's not complicated and that is the beauty...we listened to a wide array of music tonight...I couldn't concentrate...I was all over the place..but, did..maybe, kinda, sorta....include this guy named Darren....shhhhh....I am unable to confirm...hahahaha

Hot and steamy lots of things I know...

Extracurricular activities, aside from bootie shaking and such, included making our egg noodles...I know, I know...I made noodles last Sunday...but these are different..they don't have semolina flour..and they are skinny...BIG difference...gigantic, one might me think...I know...I do...

Flour, butter, cream and egg

Mix them all up...all mixed up...toss it around...tossing is fun!  Have no fear!

You then proceed to roll the dough get to use your rolling pin..huh, go figure!  As I have always professed, every day is jam-packed with excitement in these embellishment necessary at this juncture...absolutely none!  Do you need an relax..from the excitement...???

See!  Told ya!  hahaha..Snap!...a cylindrical food preparation utensil ..used to flatten my dough..and it is wooden...makes me miss my Pez Woody...I hope he is happy with Gayle....

Continue by cutting your dough into little skinny strips....and allow it to dry on a plate...did you need a moment to compose yourself before I proceed to reveal these next steps..???  I understand if you is pretty intense..but, that IS how I roll..and rock and such..WooHah!

Now, before I move along to the components of our chicken and it was not merely chicken and noodles in this recipe as the name would allege....I will reveal a photo of the initiative of an E.V. when it comes to 'cleaning' dishes...

The tilt of her head...that tongue..too sweet...that moment made my night....Mama's gal....

And it made me shall we chop some vegetables for the chicken and noodles...what else are you going to do...???  that's what I thought!

Carrots, celery, onions, garlic, herbs (Leeks not pictured...wardrobe malfunction...we'll leave it at that...)

Shredded chicken...also part of this dish...yep, insert gasp here...I know, my friends....a rollercoaster of emotions with the making of chicken and noodles...totes!

Brown the veggies in butter and olive oil...then add your stock, chicken and noodles..

Here are what all of the ingredients look like after they have been assembled together...

I served this atop mashed potatoes...and..shhhhh...with butter...sorry...I don't feel well... I needed carbs and butter and calories and comfort food...lots of everything... in massive amounts, no doubt...right now I have no regrets...but the button on my jeans undoubtedly will tomorrow'sho'

Ladle the chicken and noodles on top....they belong on top....a perfect situation...and a great Weezer song, too!

Oodles and Oodles of Noodles!  It was so warm and delicious and electric and will make your heart I have chainsaw jugglers for $2000, Alex...I knew that was the answer!

I know..I know...chicken again...Not to mention, I have already neglected Bob, the Blender...but..I do have a little 'insider' blog information..he will be here tomorrow night..I have a trick up my involves...'ll find out tomorrow night...and it absolutely and positively does not involve's gansta, even...teehee...It'll blow your mind...kinda, sorta like, ummm...that guy...Now Puffy foot hurts..and is tired...and aches..aches all over..broken things need to mend...I'm tired...Sweet dreams...see all y'all is going to be Monday...I know..I can hardly wait...Monday'sho'....SWAK CSJ...

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