Monday, October 24, 2011

The Girl Got Hot...

Oh, my goodness NEW favorite song!  I found it always, thank YOU to The You Tube...and Weezer...We tried to start the week off on a positive note over here on the west's a little slow..Three things happened that were relatively good...however, compared to the forty-five other bad things...they pale in comparison..yep, we are a ray of sunshine today..please be aware..hahahahaha...

"Mama...what WAS that noise!?!?!"  Oh, Eves...that was the sound of Mama's heart's worries..

During the running of our errands...I did find something relatively, well totally humorous actually, at The Fred Meyer...

A writing instrument...get it..????  It's my new magical writes...and it is a guitar..NOW do you get it???? hahahahaha...The label claimed I would be able to write like a rockstar..huh...I'm having doubts..Has my writing, thus far, been similar to that of a rock star..????  Merely curious...Although, I did have a bit of fun with my new writing instrument...and it had real strings..for reals!  However, they made no noise...shhhhh...

While we were over at the wall, Russ showed up and passed out Reese's Pieces...'tis the season for Halloween candy.  They were scrumptious!  I don't think I've had Reese's Pieces since E.T. was in theaters...  I immediately whipped out my giant pencil and added them to my grocery list for tomorrow...I totally and absolutely need more of those...they were sooo delicious!...and, in case you is my glorious and giant pencil..every gal should be so lucky...

It STILL causes me to giggle...I just love this thing!  It rocks..and rolls..and writes, even...We're eloping next week...Vegas, I believe..shhhh..please keep that on the DL...I do NOT want to ruin things...I will soon become Mrs. Giant Green Pencil..What could be better?!?!?!?!?  We're writing our own vows, too....They're pretty heavy....And filled with points....tisk-tisk...

"Mama, I just love those Reese's Pieces...please share!  Ummm and Yummm!  Otherwise I will continue to slobber all over your bed..."

Yes, E.V...I always share..I'm that kinda worries...NOW before we delve into the chaos of cooking...I wanted to provide an update on ginormous puffy is no longer ginormous, albeit still a little puffy....but, today, for the first time in two weeks I was able to wear a pair of boots!  Little finger clap...teeny-tiny one...I promise to keep it a secret...
"Yay, Mama!  Boots rock!!"  Although the foot still really least my wardrobe selection has opened back that I can wear my boots...that's what is is...seriously...

This evening we had spicy crispy beef and fried rice...No chicken...I thought that may make a few of you happy...well, I roll no other way...well, I can, but...shhhhhh....

Thinly sliced beef, Soy Sauce, Hot Chili Sauce, Rice Vinegar, Red Bell Pepper, Garlic, Ginger, Oil and Cornstarch....

Crispy fried is topped with a sauce made from rice vinegar, ginger, soy and chili sauce....and combined with the sliced red peppers....none of the photos for these steps turned IS going to be a long'sho'...just like that Laura Ingalls Wilder book...teehee...great book, though!

I also prepared fried a few more of these photos turned out...totally random...hahahahaha, like me!

Rice, Oyster Sauce, Soy Sauce, Carrot, Onion, Peas, Garlic and Egg

Chop up the vegetables...shake some bootie...turn up the IS before no one can rightfully complain....we hope..tisk-tisk...

Fry up your egg...then remove....This was the ONLY stovetop shot that worked out tonight...big sigh...perhaps tomorrow, my friends...we can only hope for more action shots...

Once you remove the egg, you add your onions and garlic, then the carrots and rice...then the peas and egg..oyster and soy sauce...fry away...fry far, far away if you're lucky...hahahahaha...

Fried Rice...Oh, yeah....

The completed meal...I know..I know...It IS about time..sorry, my bad...distractions...aches...

I really enjoyed this dish...especially the crispy beef...however, anything fried in oil, as I have previously professed is outstanding...I enjoyed the rice as well..rice is nice..and worth the don't have to say it twice..that should suffice...although you could if you wanted...just sayin'

We are never, never land...where they have unlimited amounts of Reese's Pieces...where rice is nice and free of mice and lice...and all of the guys look and sound like Darren Chriss...and everyone wears knee socks...and hearts do not get broken....and chainsaw jugglers are on every corner...and dogs have thumbs and can help with the housework...people do not turn into puddles of mush...and every radio station plays Green Day 24-7...the Perfect Situation, no???  However, we do plan on making a pit-stop, of sorts, along the way...I have pink hair tomorrow I'll have pink hair...why is not permanent...heck, what is..?????  No regrets!  Good night, my friends...This girl got'sho'  winkety-wink and tee-hee...

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