Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Last Song....

Goodness, gracious...oh, dear...oh, of the GREATEST songs EVER!  Again, I owe my life to The You Tube...The All American Rejects...I had totally forgotten...Swing Swing...hmmm..great stuff!  Wand worthy, even...Reminds me of the day when I hung out with 29603....hahaha...he's out there...Let the madness ensue...again, as I have gotten way off apologies...but, heck, that Tyson Ritter can call me anytime!  fo'sho'  We had our weekly luncheon, which meant we did take a trip into the big city..didn't even get lost...hmmm....go figure!

My automobile photograpy is improving...I took this on I-5, going at least 65...drinking coffee and petting the dog...shhhh don't tell Geico, or the DMV....

We did walk around a bit before we ventured into Petite Provence on Alberta..which was delicious...E.V. loves it in the big city...she and absolute city dog....

"Swing...Swing..Mama...that is THE way to roll in the big city..I know!  For reals!  Did you get that Tyson's phone number...he is awfully cute and such...just sayin'..."

We did stop at The Fred Meyer..not the new one..I have concluded I do not really care for the new one...we needed a few usual...

"Hurry it up, Mama...It is COLD out here.....I'm shivering like a mobster in a tax office...tee-hee, and throw in a tisk-tisk..."

She is quite the smarty-pants...again, as I have professed a multitude of times....takes after her Mama...we did have a great ride home...and I did score some sweet items...of the ginormous variety..shhhhh....super cool, my friends...super-duper cool...would you expect anything less...?????

A ginormous toothbrush and comb...Yep..and they even match my GIANT pencil..SWEET!!!  Again...the ensuing of madness...shall commence ASAP!!!  They are going to be the best man and the maid of honor at our Vegas case you were wondering..shhhh.....I haven't told my fiance, yet...soon...GIANT pencil will be aware...shhhhhh...hahahahahaha...

"Oh, Mama...It's colder out here than our first mother-in-law...hahahahahaha"

I did take my new ginormous items over to 'The Wall.'  Again, as usual, they were a hoot!

I ALSO purchased these new fingerless glove things at The Fred Meyer...they allow me to type..but they keep my hands warm...kinda, sorta like leg warmers, but for the wrists...and they are pink!

I Love them!!  AND they match my new pink hair...what could be better..?????  Well, actually, lots of things...but we can be happy about this for the time being....alright..???  And every day will be like a holiday!  YAY!!! 

OK..OK...OK...these afflictions for which I feel the need to apologize...I did cook..nothing spectacular...nothing flashy..however, no pizza, nor any don't go running off at this juncture..the best is yet to come..Yep...One can imagine you are probably scratching your head trying to determine how that is possible...however, it is...I me, my friends...

We had pasta carbonara...Never made before..this was a total experiment...however, I really did love it!  Simple and delicious...I shall jokes from me tonight...I never, ever, ever make any jokes, and I am not about to start now..nope...not at all....tee-hee..I've got a TON of jokes, actually..almost bursting.....see me later if you want to hear some of them...hahahahahahahaha

Pepper-crusted bacon, parsley, garlic, egg, parmesan and olive oil...Pasta.(not shown)..

Begin by frying up your not fear...fry and cry and cry and is cleansing...then shake a little will dry the tears...tears of sorrow...yep...totes!

Mix together your egg and shredded'll want this to be ready when the pasta has finished boiling....why??? because I said so!  That's why!  NO sleep Til Brooklyn!

Combine your cooked pasta with the crisp bacon and is all coming simple, easy...amazing....

You then add your egg and cheese to the pasta and the egg can briefly sure and remove the pan from the stove for this combination...I WAS going to be fancy and poach an egg...but I tried, and failed...I have tried before..for Jeff's birthday..back in May...and 10 eggs later...I gave up..poaching eggs is difficult..I won't even get into it at this point...we should proceed..we have a dinner to address and such...

Pasta me to make a disclaimer of sorts..from the photos I viewed and recipes I read on the world wide web, my sauce should have been silky and smooth...and the eggs were to not be that respect I absolutely and totally failed..however, it did taste delicious!  I topped with parsley, of the Italian variety...perhaps there is a little culinary secret of the carbonara variety to which I have not been made aware....perhaps someone will fill me in at a later date...Oh, well..I am a I have always claimed...

Remember..every day will be like a holiday..if you cook, of course...always let the madness ensue...listen to The All American Rejects...make, fingerless gloves knee socks..and Tyson Ritter...It is you that I need, my tumbleweed...ginormous combs and toothbrushes are the bee's knees...for reals!  We shall never be erased...from existence!  Not on my watch, anyway!  hahahahah...gotta love Doc Brown....Have a ginormously terrific evening..with combs and toothbrushes and pencils, even!  tisk-tisk...

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