Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Paratroopers and Pizza...

It's all about Fall Fun over here on the west side...Yep...Let's see...shall we say, today was..hmmm..there is a word..a real word..but I felt it necessary to create my very own new word to describe today...Craptific!  That's it...!!  One could even say today was the EXACT opposite of last Wednesday..For reals!

"Hey, 'bout we hit that liquor store on Barbur...we can get frisky with some whiskey....forget this week ever existed...tisk-tisk"

She IS a smarty-pants, and certainly takes after her Mama..and I like the way she thinks...sassy gal and such...yeah..however, as I have professed repeatedly...The Fred Meyer...has the cure for everything!  We needed to keep busy...keep our minds off of things...participate in some nonsense...nonsense does a body good...I am a guru in the nonsense department, an authority one might even say...

I found these neon glowing bracelets, which look spectacular next to my skeletons...not the ones in my closet, mind you...teehee

I was going to put them on my wrist, but it is not something you can do alone...they are too stiff...and you need two hands...improvisation, my friends...I was not about to waste awesome glowing bracelets...besides..they look quite fetching in my kitchen...they provide some indirect mood lighting..hahahahahaha...Bob the blender and I wanted to be alone...hahahahahahahahha...soooo not Bob's dreams....

Shall we move along to my next's possum and chainsaw jugglers  and Green Day and Darren Chriss and the Sound of Science and clean sheets and new blenders...

"Oh, forgot to add super-awesome nice neighbors that take certain individuals for walks and such...add that to your list..."

Right on, crouton!  Way to go, E.V...always thinking!  Just like your Mama! terrfic find...ready for little finger clap is necessary, however it probably would be best if you were sitting..precautionary purposes, of course....
G.I. Joe...the great American Hero!  And I have Eight, yep, I did not stutter...Eight of my disposal!  Total Hoot...And they even have parachutes...BONUS!  And they technically are not G.I. Joe's...just sayin'...

I took one of the boys around on a tour...we visited the wall and the lobby..I wanted to show him a good time before he was tactically inserted into the battlefield via air for defense purposes...AKA...before I threw him off the side of my balcony..hahahahaha..

He did have a good time...He told me himself..shhhhh..those macho jumpmasters never want anyone to know they really have feelings...

Now, to instigate this precise airborn operation...I had to recruit an accomplice, of sorts... I needed someone to assist with the proper exit of this paratrooper....My neighbor from across the street, Adam, agreed to lend a hand...

Body position..check...canopy..check..keeping a sharp lookout...

Prepare to land...A successful descent!

"Mama...aren't you supposed to be cooking and not playing around with paratroopers...puhleese....move along..."

Sooo shall we...I kept things easy this evening, as today was super crazy at work and I have a lot going on in my mind and such and I made pizza last Wednesday...that turned out well...However, this is a different pizza..yep...I like to mix things up over here on the west side..we're pretty hard core that way..shhhhh...nah, not really!  again, embellishment...

Pistachio Prosciutto Pizza.....say THAT three times fast...tongue twister...twisting comment...mmmmm
Pistachios, olive oil, red onion, cream cheese, garlic, rosemary, prosciutto and parmesan..

The evolution of a pizza...Lesley Brennan style...bootie shaking is questions asked....

Dough...drizzled with olive oil..

The sauce is a mixture of cream cheese, minced rosemary and garlic, grated parmesan and a splash of chainsaw jugglers...

Thinly slice red onion and place atop...

Add pulverized pistachios..which you can personally pulverize with your rolling pin...great stress is...

Add the prosciutto....bake in the oven...10-15 regrets!

Our final Pistachio Prosciutto Pizza...

It will not is palatable (delicious actually)...certified by a panel of's your  pal...can cause has's better than a parachute is paradise...a paradox..we are off, my friends..We will be here tomorrow...Yep...we will...and we love you just the way you are!  Nighty night...sleep tight..Tomorrow is another day...

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