Friday, October 14, 2011

Going Ba+Na2s 4 Ba+Na2s....

Get it...????  I'll give you a few can't beat a good conundrum...well, I feel it's a good one, superior one might say..IMHO of course...hahahaha...Has the suspense driven you mad...???  I shall reveal the is going bananas for bananas...You just cannot beat the outlandish and perplexing mishmash of chemistry and fruit a humorous equation..hahahahaha...I will allow you a moment or two to regain your I am rather certain you were overcome with laughter..I was...

"So, Mama...speaking of bananas...what did the boy banana say to the girl banana???  You have a lot of appeal...hahahahahahahaha..."

She is quite the smarty-pants...and can appreciate bananas as much as the next ginormous puffy foot wanted banana bread...again, we heed demands made by this the consequences are dire...besides...bananas rock...they are delicious..healthy...come in a variety of sizes and colors...are an excellent source of potassium and definitely do a body good, one might even say..

"How about this one, Mama...what is long and yellow and always points north????  A magnetic banana!  hahahahahaha...good one, huh???"

Yes, are pretty clever...shall we reveal our new friend on the world wide web..????  Is everyone ready???  The newest member to our apartment...replacing my pumpkin fleet...but not my wand...I still have my powerful and magical wand...It went with us to The Fred Meyer today...for reals...

"Oh, Mama...I'm so excited...I can't even look...the wand is sitting right next to me!  I love powerful and magical wands...speaking of which, how is that chainsaw juggler..??"

Yes...the wand to Hey Soul Sister and Green Day and Bloodhound while you cook...however, again, as a reminder, and my nightly PSA...possesses highly flamable ribbons...Where were we....oh, yeah, our new guest!  It is sooo exciting!  Here he is...

Busta...Busta Banana...kinda, sorta like Busta Rhymes..WooHah!  Got you all in check!  Fun song, BTW...much like Shimmy Shimmy Ya!

Now, Busta was a rather assertive banana...expecting me to sit next to him on the couch and such...I explained I'm not that kinda gal..and if his behavior did not improve, he would have to deal with a certain chainsaw juggler...and CSJ does know a thing or two about handling and controlling mischievous bananas...That put an end to that...Busta settled down...lucky for him, that's all I'll say...

So, getting back to the reason this banana was in the house in the first ginormous puffy foot..It hurts...really, really hurts...I am going to the doctor tomorrow...the swelling has actually gotten worse...wanna see..???  Yep, I just knew you did!  I can sense these's my super-hero nature kicking nose was twitching...

Foxy in Roxy..hahahaha...I love Roxy..these flip flops..and I love my butterfly tattoo..and butterflies...and the things they do...but I do not love the swelling..and the fact my toes look black and gross and ick...oh, and I tremendously dislike the pain...

The entire idea of my foot saddened I played around and shook some bootie with my new wand..since it is so super-cool...I also found another song on The You Tube..shhhh.....Teenage Dream...ahhh..that Darren Chriss...big sighs...he's like chainsaw jugglers..and he has the voice of an angel..heck, he could sing to me the terms and conditions of my cell phone contract and it would STILL cause me to melt into a puddle..a puddle of my own drool...hmmmmm...hahahaha...Drooling is socially acceptable..especially when it involves those that juggle chainsaws....FYI...

"WooHah, Mama....right on, crouton...!!  I concur and understand, rubberband!  I would totally be his Valentine...just sayin.'  Now go hobble into The Fred Meyer and get me that bone...and make it snappy!"

She is SUCH a spoiled brat...but smart and sassy...I've taught her to appreciate the finer things in life..hahahahaha..nah, but she CAN spot a super cutie hot guy from at least a mile away...she does get that from me... ;-)  Ahem...I've been struggling..the impediment of epic proportions..I can only blame those that juggle chainsaws...well, that and magic wands and Warblers and such...

"Alright, Mama..I am tired...I'll wait on the couch.  How about you give me a call when dinner is ready...OK???  BTW....did you know that bananas are never lonely because they hang out in bunches???  hahahahahahaha"

We did make banana bread for was delicious...and warm...and tasted like bananas...and it was sweet...hmmmm..makes me think...about lots of things, in fact...

Flour, egg, butter, vanilla, brown sugar and Busta the banana...He knew he had to take one for the banana team...I was clear of my intentions from the very beginning..teehee...

Proceed to mix...cook...slice and eat....easy, my friends!  Say adios to Busta...Busta the Banana....he was tasty...that's all that matters...

While the bread baked...I advanced to the next was Friday night....lots of free time...and feel no lack of plans...E.V. and I have our wand..and Darren...and The Bloodhound Gang..and chainsaw jugglers..and Busta Banana...hahahahahaha...My ginormous puffy foot wanted steak and carrots and potatoes...typical!  It originally wanted chicken, but I put my foot down and said no way...hahahahaha..get it..???

Rib eye topped with garlic shrimp cream sauce...this includes sherry, garlic, shrimp, cream, butter and fresh herbs...

The steak was seared in a brought me to tears...literally...a little smoky..and wand ribbons..shhhh...However, I did NOT set off any alarms...tee-hee...

Two and Two....two minutes on each side...and that reminds me of the Love Connection and Chuck Woolery...he always said that prior to the commercial break...ah...we'll be back in two and two...hahahaha...

Allow the steak to rest and assemble your garlic shrimp cream sauce...

I had a few left over shrimp in the freezer and baked them while the Busta Banana Bread Baked...add butter and garlic to the pan...deglaze...add cream and shrimp...cook briefly until slightly thickened...

Our starchy side...the potatoes...were spicy potato wedges...easy...and delicious..again, I shall refrain..teehee...

Tossed with olive oil, garlic, cayenne paprika and pepper...Bake at 400 until crispy and delicious...

This evening's blog-worthy photos...I was way behind...speaking of which....hmmm...well, my lighting was limited...but we all know about carrots..and their have not missed out...not too much..

Allow me to display two versions of with sour cream and one without...I, of course, ate the latter version...You can click on each photo for an enlarged view...and then cast your vote....Text to..hahahahaha...just kidding...about the voting part, but you can click...

Rib eye topped with garlic shrimp cream sauce, roasted spicy potato wedges and carrots...I love, love, love the mini skillet...shhhhh...but it is just tooo cute! 

That's all, my friends...don't ever look back...being the underdog...a hoot...and he speaks in rhymes....have no fear...underdog is here!  Great cartoon!!  magic wands still Roxy flip flops and chainsaw jugglers and mini skillets...and knee socks..oh, and and Billie Joe and banana bread and the weekends..we're off to limp along to bed...shhhhhhhhhh...Oh, and Darren..I will totally be your Valentine!  Let's trade digits!  hahahahahahahah..speaking of trading, I have a few baseball cards I'd love to show TGIF...SWAK!

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