Friday, October 21, 2011

Losing Stuff....

As I had predicted last was, in fact, Crapic...yep...epically crappy..I just knew it!  I have a sixth sense which causes my nose to was twitching uncontrollably...I just KNEW it was going to be crapic..The only good thing that came out of the meeting..aside from a great lunch afterwards with the gals, was the fact I was able to wear my new Hello Kitty tights!

"Love the tights, Mama...they're almost better than knee socks!  AND they are covered in rockin' Hello Kitty's...."

Well, she does have awfully great taste, I taught her well...But, unfortunately, that was pretty much the highlight of our day....I should have saved it for later...however...I did find this light saber at the 7-11 which was pretty funny...

Don't ask me how I got my camera to take this photo....usually the flash goes off and ruins the lighting...stroke of luck, perhaps...a stroke of luck for the saber..??? tisk-tisk...

Alright, Hello Kitty tights and light sabers aside...the rest of the day was crapic...well, basically like my ENTIRE week...and I keep losing stuff...I can't figure it all out...distractions, perhaps...the worst part about losing stuff is the fact I don't know where it is..or where it went...or how it was lost socks in the good lip car blackberry...and most importantly, chainsaw jugglers....they all seem to become lost..where could they be...???  anywhere...that is the WORST part!

"Relax, Mama...retrace your steps...exactly where were these items last seen...that is the question...which will solve the riddle of your missing items..."

She's a hoot!  And if it weren't for her, I would still be crying...I blame the crying on.. um...., the onions in tonight's meal...yeah, that's the ticket!  Totally the onions...Nothing else would make me cry AT just made a pizza...Buffalo Chicken pizza makes everything better...yep...well, nope it doesn't, but shhhhhhhhhhhhhh....shall we pretend it does?!!?!?!?!  It looks pretty and it is scrumptious...just like that Darren Chriss...couldn't resist...especially because it is SO totally true...

"It'll be OK, Mama...Please don't cry...It will get, yeah, that's the ticket!  fo'sho'..."

My dough...I am always rollin' in the dough over here on the west side..again, it is this lucrative telecom career to which I refer, TOTALLY NOT!!  hahahaha

Blue Cheese, Garlic, Mozzarella, Cream Cheese, and a splash of maintain that is is..for hit me when I was shakin' bootie...

Add sliced red will make you cry...the slicing...yep, totally..onions make one cry for no other reason than the fact they are onions...then go shake more bootie...and play around with your's a hoot!

Shredded chicken...tossed in butter and tabasco sauce...spicy and saucy....just like me!  hahahahaha..not really...

I minced up a jalapeno and threw that on top...I'm a woman on the edge this Friday evening over here on the west side..what else is a gal to do????

The final pizza...425 degrees...10 minutes or was chainsaw might, too...

"Mama...I love pre-cleaning these dishes....YUM!!!  "

Raise your glass to a totally and absolutely crapic week...!  Yep!!  Losing things, especially very special things, like those that juggle dangerously sharp objects just sucks...I'm sure it is that smurf...yep...that's the ticket...that smurf...Well, we always have certain Warblers...and Hello Kitty Tights...and Pizza...and light sabers..and Green Day..and nice neighbors...and martinis....Remember...use the force, Luke..use the force...and please join us tomorrow...however, I suspect force may be involved in doing so....tisk-tisk..

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