Sunday, October 30, 2011

Woman's Best Friend....

Today I received, quite possibly, the most perfect pet...I use the term 'pet' rather is a pet nonetheless...and does not require 3am walks...and what were you expecting...????  Allow me to introduce the newest addition to my posse...and as we covered earlier this week..I DO have a posse...tisk-tisk...

Isn't she a HOOT?!?!?!?!?  I love her!  I named her she does make me happy...she is apt...for the APT...hahahahahaha...

However, I do sense a bit of competition, so to speak...amongst other dog in this household...
"Um, yeah, Mama...get rid of that call it a dog...but it isn' has invaded my territory...and is just a tad to 'happy' if you ask me...."

Shall the mayhem ensue...a dog-fight of sorts...should be a hoot!  A little girl-on-girl fight...hahahaha...nah....not really....I'm making all of this's been a slow evening..for a Saturday night...yup...totally..shhhhhhh...

Today was...full of distractions...interesting...although I DID get to wear my case you cared..or wondered...which I highly doubt...although, I thought I'd throw that out there...JIC...

My gals...both awaiting plates to clean...patiently....hahahaha...the shenanigans...never cease over here on the west side...again, shhhhhh....

Hmmm...I DID make soup....a bisque actually, and a burger...B2B...bisque to burger....not nearly as stupendous as F2F...but...what are you going to do...other than sing SO loud...every redneck in America can hear you!  hahaha...yes!!!  King for a Day...still absolutely and totally wand worthy...and on the menu this evening as well..

Shrimp, sherry, seafood stock, butter, thyme, garlic, cream and tomato IS probably best I mentioned the the unfortunate event you were not able to read them in the photo...hahahahah...I am case you were wondering..

Toss shrimp in a little thyme...however, only if you have the time..sorry...I am rather certain I have exhausted that joke....just couldn't is super late...insomnia does not do a body good...nope...however, fittens...they are a different story...but now I have gotten way off track...SO..I have been listening to something I should not..I won't mention any names....Darren..*cough* Criss...ahem....anyhoo...roast in the oven for 10 minutes...give or take...

Meanwhile...prepare the other is a struggle...daily life is a struggle...especially for us...yup....oh, and BTW..yup is my new favorite is!  fo'sho'

OH, my precious Felicity!  I love her so...She well as rolls...yup...

Moving the cooking portion of the blog..which was my original intention, so to speak...

Saute garlic, onions and then add your cooked shrimp...a little cayenne...

We then get to move the other highlight of the evening...well, it IS morning by now...we get to use the blender!  Yup....Bob...makes an all his glory...accompanied by my new friends from this week...most of the ginormous variety...

Bob the Blender...almost ready for action..yup...almost...

Now, once you have sauteed needs to be blended..hence the need for Bob..I'm always thinking...and prepared...I should have been a boy scout...just like I should have been one of those Warblers..equal opportunity, my friends...yup....

Looking down the barrel of a blender...yup...blend away!  Shake a little bootie, too...grab that sweet moonbeam...watching you is the only drug I need...yup...

It all comes this chaotic atmosphere....perhaps not the best place for one with an aversion for chaos...just sayin'...yup...

Flour and butter...a little roux...then add a bit of tomato paste and the shrimp mixture you blended..oh, and a little heavy essentially, there are zero fat and calories in this'sho'...

"So, Mama...know why the shrimp wouldn't share his treasure????  Because he was a little shellfish...hahahahahahahha...again, I continue to crack myself up!"

I did make a burger...of the buffalo variety...cajunized..since The Fred Meyer..which typically has EVERYTHING..did not have jalapenos...I was crushed..oh, well...I'll live, I suppose...I am a survivor..yup...

My burger...and my fitten...not EXACTLY the perfect does not want to eat a burger while wearing these...nope..I speak from experience...just sayin'...yet again..The burger had onions, bacon and cheddar cheese...hmmmm...

Again..for the millionth time...this lighting..I AM at a loss..still diligently working on a solution..I do not want to eat dinner at I will figure something out....for reals!  yup...
Bisque...ick...not ick..but the photo is ick...but tasty...yup...

The complete meal...completely me!!....although, it was enjoyed...and the heartburn continues to linger..yup...

I did have a little help in the clean-up department...thankfully....."So, Mama...a shrimp walks into a bar.....hahahahahahhahahaha...Got any more dirty dishes????"

We are off...yup...make some was delicious!  Do not neglect Green Day or new inflatable pets...(although I sense a nose IS twitching...)....of the Felicity variety..they rock...Fittens, continue to be this household...I wish to give a shout-out and Happy Birthday to a loyal reader..out in No Po...who continues to get younger each year...just like me...have a great day, Amy...thanks for reading!..  Always look on the bright side...yup...

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