Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rain SUCKS...

I know..I know...I am rather premature with my complaints, considering there will be at least another five months of this drizzle..and these dreary conditions...But, I was not prepared..Nope..and it is awful!  Fortunately, I have the You Tube..and my super-cool next door neighbor moved up to the fourth there is no one next to me..and I can be as loud as I want!  Music, full blast!  hahahahahahhaha....I have big plans..I found Anything '80's and soooooooooo awesome...  However, music is NOT the only thing on my there a chainsaw juggler in the house interested in a drive-by???  Merely asking..I'm a thoughtful kinda gal..

"Aww...Mama...perhaps you need to tone things down just a bit..  Your music gives me a headache.."

I did have an opportunity to work on my automobile photography...hey, at least I'm not talking on the phone while I drive.  That is WAY worse...and illegal..I'd never think of doing such a thing..Nope..I am all about abiding by the abiding citizen, one might say...We ran errands...all captured on my camera...for the entire world wide web to witness...hahahhaha...say that ten times fast..yep, that's what I thought!

"Mama...look out for that car...oh, and that pole..and that sign..and that woman pushing her infant in that stroller...Have you lost your vision???  I don't understand.....Please, just take me home..."

 She did peek out the window...

Then we arrived at our destination..The Fred Meyer...They have everything anyone could and would ever want...For reals!

"This is your chance at redemption, Mama...bring me a special treat...a bone..some candy...a chainsaw juggler...something..I deserve it!"

I did score these awesome socks at The Fred Meyer..

They're a hoot!   Who doesn't love a great pair of owl socks..??  Well, can one actually use the words great and owl socks in the same sentence???? it feasible???  Is it right???  Something to consider...

The Owl Socks were sooo exciting, we had no choice but to come home and clean and do laundry..just to compensate for what took place at The Fred Meyer...We are pretty edgy and such..and tend to be a little out of does need a bit of tranquility at some point..and I suppose when owl socks become the pinnacle of your day...well,...I'll stop...before I become too sad and begin crying...and that is bad... I'm not even chopping onions..

After our daily fix of automobile photography...we did cook.  Yep.  No cakes.  I am so over cakes...they're soo Myspace....hahahahahah...get it??  We had beef ribs, cheddar polenta fries and kale.  Our prognosis was negative...however I have found the antidote...ribs...yep...well, perhaps that and a can't really go wrong with a martini...oh, and maybe a chainsaw juggler...just sayin'....

Shall we commence with polenta...cream, cornmeal, butter, chicken stock and cheese..

Here are the exhilarating events which lead up to polenta fries..Hold on, my friends...a death grip will be necessary....the ride is wild...and bumpy...and thrilling...yep..

Amazing transformation, no???  Peanut oil works wonders...

Shall we move along to the ribs...of the beef variety...

Ribs and the rub...It is necessary to rub the ribs...Rubbing ribs is fun..who knew!

They were placed in the oven...baked at 280 degrees for 3-4 hours...

After they roasted..and prior to the barbecue sauce application...I poured some liquor into the bottom of the pan.  I dare not say the name out loud of the liquor in question...otherwise, Leon Phelps will ruin my entire evening...and I will giggle and laugh uncontrollably...But, that is what I did...

Allow me to introduce the barbecue sauce...a little shy..just give her some time..her sauciness and spiciness will soon shine...she's piquant...can't beat that...nope...kinda, maybe, sorta like this gal...hahhahahaha...I will stop.....

Ketchup, vinegar, onion, garlic, cayenne, brown sugar, paprika, tobasco and honey.  Do not ever buy sauce from a bottle...homemade is the only way to go...and much easier and tastier...and way less gross...bottled barbecue sauce, just like slugs...ick...

It takes only moments to prepare...and worth every moment.... sweet...spicy...yummy..delicious...CSJ worthy

For our vegetable, we had kale.  Again, kale is soooo delicious...with a little butter...

After all of these shenanigans and nonsense...we is our dinner..

Our Sunday Evening Meal...Henry and Ribsy....Great Book!

Nibble on some ribs..while chillin' in your'll need a bib...I am not being glib....and my name's not Hoover and I don't give a dam...hahahahha...sit on a wall...laugh, again, about slugs..lift your head up high..things could be worse..I think...Dance in your chair and shake some bootie....Like MacArthur....I Shall Return...he meant business...and so do I!  Boasting is what we both do best..tee-hee... ;-)

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