Monday, October 10, 2011

Walkin' Catastrophe....

The title is quite apropos…to me in foot…it is in bad shape…it is ghastly..shocking..appalling..horrific…terrible…  Enough drama yet???...coincidentally…the title is the name of a rockin’ Pinhead Gunpowder song…I found them this evening…The You Tube…and its wonders never cease to amaze!  Old Skool Billie Joe…super old skool…great stuff…Mahogany…awesome song!  Is there a sk8er boy in the house who wants to crash the mall with me…perhaps share a 40…steal a mailbox...get into trouble and such??!!!??  Sorry..I got totally carried away…again..I DO TRY….
“Mama…You forgot to mention Big Yellow Taxi…grrrrreat cover!  As Tony would say..just sayin’!”
Hahahaha…good call, Eves…yes, she is correct…Aside from Pinhead Gunpowder we did regress…into Hey Soul Sister…shhhhhhhhhh…but when that Darren Chriss sings that ‘so gangsta’ line and has that  smirk…it makes me melt…into a puddle…a huge, gigantic puddle…it blows my mind…like activities synonymous with chainsaw jugglers…I would TOTALLY cut a rug with either one of them…fo’ sho’ my friends…fo’ sho’  Ahhhh…these afflictions…I blame my mammoth foot…It still really hurts..It has been speaking to me as well…for reals…
It…as in ‘this foot,’ is large enough to warrant its own zip code…of the 90210 variety...hahahahahaha....I’ll have gross veins and ick forever…SO never, ever, ever stand on a swiveling me…again, I speak from experience..Nor should one attempt to disable smoke alarms...they are there for a reason...for people like me...Yep...otherwise..we would all be up in smoke...
My ginormous foot wanted carbs for dinner..I didn’t want to do it..but I could not resist the power of the gigantic, puffy foot…quite…I caved..again, I am weak…I have weaknesses…allow me to elaborate…weaknesses for chainsaw jugglers…and, um…let me see…Joel Madden, Billie Joe, Piere Bouvier, Jimmy Pop, Ralf Schumacher, Darren Chriss, Knee socks, Martini’s, Lip Gloss, Pixie Dust, Coach Bags, The You Tube, Le Creuset, IT Guys, Phish Food Ice cream, Chicken McNuggets, Environmental Engineers..and oh, and Uggs…can’t forget those…love those…and if we’re going to discuss footwear…Doc Martens..I have three those, too.. they last FOREVER!  Sorry…my ambulatory state has caused my mind to wander…they say not all whom wander are lost..well, I am lost…got directions???  I don’t want to end up in Chinatown again…tee-hee…
Mama…please curtail your impulses to over-share..aren’t you cooking something????  BTW...rockin' pink bracelets...sooo glad you're my mama!  That's fo'sho'!  That's CRAZY!"
She is correct!  That's CRAZY!  Like an enthusiastic, wise man once said…whom, BTW, is not an accredited zoologist…Brian Fellow!  Hahahahahaha…OMG…I still find that to be absolutely and undisputibly hysterical..It’s CRAZY!!  Alright, alright….I promise to stop now…shall we blame pain medication..??? nah….this is pure insanity at this point…I’ve been sitting in front of a computer for hours…allocating stuff…my magic pen has run out of ink..,exhausted...I am ready to jump off of the Sellwood bridge at this point…tee-hee…I chose that one, because I can find it and won’t get lost!  That’s CRAZY..I’m Brian Fellow!
"You know, Mama…couldn’t we just talk about that Darren guy…or at least the chainsaw juggler..I kinda, maybe, sorta like them both quite a bit…they are soo hot and such...Hot guys rock....shhhhhhh…."
Our dinner…yes..that was my original intent and focus…again..this focusing issue..I do try.. these distractions..I tremendously dislike distractions..they’re, well, distracting if you ask me!  Sooo, considering my current foot condition, we were forced to work with what was in the house…I was not about to lurch about The Fred Meyer….However, if anyone is willing to give me a piggy-back ride tomorrow so I can shop..I am available…I’m not too heavy…literally I am not..however…I AM heavy…tee-hee…Shrimp Scampi with pasta…Yep..Now, while you make this…you MUST, I implore you, go listen to Karma Chameleon…Culture Club!  That song rocks!  Like knee socks..and bee’s buttons…and those that juggle chainsaws!  Although…I wouldn’t wanna marry Boy offense..I can handle guyliner…but a gal’s gotta draw the line...tisk-tisk…anyway…awesome song…perhaps we could just share some make-up tips???  I am always interested in tips…who wouldn’t be…???
Shrimp, lemon, garlic, rosemary, shallot, butter. egg yolk. sherry, bread crumbs and butter...who knew?!?!?!?
Be sure and butterfly and marinate your shrimp....butterflies are beautiful...and they rock...and having them is actually a honor...and CSJ's tend to bestow those upon others...and that kinda, sorta, maybe rocks, too....shhhhhh...........
Olive oil, pepper and that's all folks...KISS approach...SWAK even!
All, with the exception of the shrimp became a topping...I wanna be a topping...for some reason I feel that might be a banana split, is the topping all mixed my brain..and the bones in my left foot...Wasn't that a movie???
No stoppin' the toppin'....nope...not at is OUT of control...All of the components are mixed with softened butter...butter that melted, immediately, from the sight of Darren Chriss and a chainsaw need for a microwave, my it hot in here???  Or is it just me????? 
I did chop stuff up..Yep...that is a high-tech term...perhaps a Gordon-Ramsay-type of term for the culinary skills utilized in this evening's is the stuff in which I chopped...
Little finger clap?!?!?!?  I chopped...just phalanges, as one could say...they all remained intact..uninjured....unlike my puffy foot...

In the mean time...because I have TONS and TONS of free time on my hands...I gave myself a tattoo...The Fred Meyer...again..has a plethora of gems...
Hard Core..Yep...Totes...Tisk-tisk...
Moving along....the hightlight of our Monday evening.....well, that is a tad exaggerated...our's hot..steamy...sultry...smouldering....irresistable..enticing.. alluring...again my embellishment hindrance....
I livened things up by throwing in my magic pen...and a sneaky shot of my I do roll in such a manner...and well, but only in my free time...when I'm not shaking bootie and such...or allocating is a tough life..hard to manage....good thing I take notes...keep track of what is going on...

Here is the cooked a mini version of the skillet of justice...I have no name for this skillet...I should, but I do not...I have no justification for this excuse..tisk-tisk...

It was, actually better than good...It was very good..Way better than Red Lobster and not so Ick and Corporate..however they do have those great cheddar bay biscuits..shhhhh.

Poor E.V....she was getting tired...couldn't take much more...

SO we had dinner...
Again...I HATED THIS PLATING...Loved the food...but..the plating...sheer and utter disappointment....shall we forget this existed....I'll brighten your spirits with this lovely shot instead....

Found this on my desktop...I remember that weekend...yep...totally...miss you, dad! 
My father and I...the farm..Memorial Day weekend...a few years back....

Moving along....we need to address a certain orange fleet that had previously taken over my kitchen...the gang, so to speak.... apartment was INFESTED with fruit flies..the boys have all been thrown down the rubbish chute...good-by Phin, Phi, Patch and will be missed...RIP....stupid jerks...they gave me fruit flies..I should have known!!!  You just can't trust seedy characters these days...

Alas, I am done..remember...never, ever stand on a chair with swiveling capabilities...your left foot will never forgive nice and appreciate those that juggle chainsaws...after all, it is a hard and long job....Pinhead Gunpowder rocks...Darren Chriss will melt you into a puddle (and your butter, too)...Karma Chameleon is awesome....Carbs are delicious, and Brian Fellow's Safari hoot...raise your hand in the air...give a shout out....always look on the bright side of life....good night, my friends...sleep tight...don't let the bedbugs bite...bugs are Ick BTW!

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