Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hump Day... is Wednesday, my least the last time I checked on my handy-dandy wall calendar...The middle of the week..nothing wrong with being in the middle...or on top or on the   I have TONS to was the weekly luncheon with the gals..It was an official luncheon..and all business...of course..and we totally talked telecom...however, if George Clooney does decide to settle down...we're all in line...mmmmm, yeah...he is pretty dreamy...and delicious...and hangs out in a villa in Italy...he is just as yummy as a certain chainsaw juggler...go figure..

" offense Mama...but George Clooney..he is WAY out of your league.  How about you focus....Just sayin'..."

She is a HUGE crab I will move my latest discovery on The You is wondrous and amazing..much like those that juggle chainsaws..'Raise Your Glass...What's the deal-io???'  I am willing to raise my glass...of the martini variety, of course...tee-hee...and...I totally wanna be a Warbler... I realize they are all male, but what ever happened to equal opportunity..I want to have my opportunity to show that Darren Chriss a thing or two..just sayin'..I'm not too school for cool....I'm, in fact, too cool for school...hahahahahahha..

"Mama..I know you like to pretend you play a 15 year old on television...however, you do not..for reals...STOP..just make us some dinner...I am hungry..There were lots of explosions around here tonight..I still can't seem to figure it all out..."

My ginormous puffy foot is still puffy and case you still speaks to me...tonight it wanted pizza...I can't say that I blamed ginormous puffy foot...if I were ginormous and puffy, I would TOTALLY want pizza...Pizza knee socks and Green Day and Darren Chriss and chainsaw jugglers...just sayin'

Yes...we have probably done way too much chair dancing tonight..ahhh..big sighs and butterflies...I was wound up...Epic events on the west side on this Wednesday..those things tend to happen when individuals from the east side pay a visit...shhh...I did end up cooking....yep...I did..A pizza...of the Margherita variety...I would have loved a margarita to accompany said didn't work out...I was going to make a salad..but I was distracted...a distraction which was amazing..astounding...astonishing... marvelous...unexpected... and delicious...I'll stop..

Slam..slam..oh, hot jam...I love that Raise Your Glass Song, and I STILL really wanna be a the ACLU..they'll  totally help me become one..I just know it!  My pizza...yep..again..these is TOTALLY the fault of a certain hot chainsaw components..I have regained composure...for now...

Fresh basil....mozzarella...tomato, garlic and his partner in crime..olive's all about the oil..

Here is the pizza crust...

Rolling in the telecom..hahahahahahaha....

Shall we move along...progress torwards the final willl behoove everyone...I am quite certain...

Sliced Mozzarella

Sliced Tomatoes....

Add Basil to the pizza....

Add some tomatoes and a little parmesan..

Bake in the oven...425..for 20 minutes or sure and shake bootie..Hop around the house on one foot..I know I should keep this secret...but I did secretly shake bootie to Hey Soul Sister...I should stop...I will...I promise..I became TOTALLY's like those chainsaw jugglers...the things they do to should be illegal.. hmmmmmm...

The cooked pizza!  Yeah, I know what you've been she ever going to end...As I have always professed..I'm like a #2 pencil..I ALWAYS have a point..I do...and I am eager to share..yep...and here is the final pizza...

I plated this baby....but..heck, it's pizza for heaven's can't do much with that, except eat there will be no special platings...But It was delicious and did blow my mind...kinda, maybe, sorta like a chainsaw juggler...hmmm...yum..

Hahahahahah..I am wrong in all the right ways!  Raise your glass..of the martini variety, I say...butterflies, big sighs, chainsaw jugglers and distractions...all my knee socks..Before long I will be a Warbler...again, that ACLU can do wonders.  Go make always need a partner in's just the right thing to do...

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