Friday, October 28, 2011


They are way better than mittens....harm no shall be quite smitten...once you have been bitten...there shall be no hittin'...nor spittin' should be gettin' some fittens as they rock..and roll...and keep you warm..and are don't just be sittin' in your kitchen... friend...enjoy the world of the does a body good...just sayin'...and I sooo promise to spell out the rest of the words this evenin', for reals, I song..still, it is...OH, and BTW...fittens are a the name of my fingerless mittens....I probably should have mentioned that eons bad!  I got a little carried away...That Tyson...hmmm...complete and utter are fittens...

My Pink Fittens....Oh, and E.V...whom did not want to pose...she is SO over my camera!

So we did run an errand, or two The Fred Meyer, of course....where I did score a Yo-Yo...Yep..And I shall share a secret with my world wide web friends...Using a Yo-Yo is so totally not like riding a bike....I did try dazzling 'The Wall' with my Yo-Yo tricks, however, much to my chagrin...complete and utter disaster...Yo-Yo tricks CAN, and are total disasters to one's poor head...that is ALL I will say....hmmmm...

"Yo Mama is so ugly..she makes blind children cry!"  hahahahahha...How'd you like that, Mama?!?!?!?!?

Not so much Eves...not so much...tisk-tisk...  Here is my Yo-Yo...A little disappointing, as I thought it glowed and blinked...well, in addition to the fact it dispensed candy...Oh, and learn....I am STILL working on perfecting my skills...WIP, as usual..especially in the Yo-Yo department, Fo'Sho'!

On a bright note...aside from being a pink and purple did get along swimmingly with my ginormous comb and toothbrush, my giant pencil AND my powerful and magic wand....I guess I couldn't ask for much else...well..hmmm..I could...and would hope for more...but it is probably best not to be too picky at this point..

"Yo mama was such an ugly baby that her parents had to feed her with a slingshot!"  Hahahahahhaa

Enough, already E.V..enough..We have had just about enough of your jokes..are you finished???
"Um, why, no Mama..but thanks for asking...Yo Mama is so fat that she has to iron her pants on the driveway...hahahahaha..Alright..alright..I'm done now..My stomach hurts..from the laughter, no doubt!"

Moving along...we did actually cook this evening..aside from playing around with yo-yo's and such...we had buffalo tacos and refried pinto beans...aka frijoles refritos..for those that are a tad on the fancy side..tee-hee...myself excluded, of course!

Pinto Beans, Garlic, Onion, Chicken Stock and Bacon Pan Drippings...

Rinse your in a pan with the stock and simmer away...for an hour or two..this is good, as you can shake some bootie...listen to some one cares!  I promise not to spill the beans!!  tisk-tisk...The Girl Got STILL an excellent selection...just sayin!

Once they have softened, add the bacon grease and onions...saute then smash up with a potato regrets...nada...none...and it is an opportunity to release aggressions..not that you would have IS better than crying while mincing up is me...I speak from experience here people...

Shall we move along to the tacos....the highlight of our evening...Um, yeah...I did not stutter..that is HOW exciting things are over here on the west side...Taco Thursday...woo and freaking hoo...Raise Your Glass!!  Drool a little over Darren one will tell..for reals!
Ground Buffalo, Taco Seasoning, Cheddar Cheese, Onion, Corn Tortillas, Sour Cream (salsa and lettuce not pictured, oops)..I blame the excitement of tacos....seriously..I was so caught up in the excitement...oops, again...

I do not make my own salsa...I can't make salsa to save my life...kinda, sorta like poaching an egg...just can't do it...a true confession on a Thursday Lesley Brennan...shhhh....Proceed to brown your buffalo in a skillet...not of the justice variety...unfortunately..perhaps next time...

Browning of the buffalo...simple..once it has browned merely add your taco seasoning...which consists of cumin, chili powder, onion and garlic powder, paprika, cayenne and oregano..

While that cooks, make your own taco shells...You will NOT regret this one, my friends..totes!  They are SOOOOO wonderful..Sort of a PITA to make, but totally worth every last second...and your apartment will stink for weeks..but, who cares...really????

Olive and canola oil...fry away..again..fry and live alone...who is even going to know?!?!?!?  hahahahaha...seriously, though..they are a million times better than anything else....

Prepare the taco toppings...a taco is not a taco without onions and cheese and lime and lettuce..nope...not around here anyway...

"Ummm...Mama...I promise...cross my heart and hope to die...I will not make any more jokes at your expense if you promise to share tacos...Puhhhleeseee....!!!!"

A plate of chaos...a hard meal to plate, actually...Much like eating these...They require finesse, which I totally lack...and would only eat in front of E.V. merely because she did sign that NDA...hahahahhaha..they were super delicious, though...and a major cause of heart burn...which is better than heart break, I think...I'll have to get back to you on that one....

It is late...I was sooo behind this evening..I tried my best...WIP...keep that on the DL..go buy a WILL see how hard it really is...for reals! still awesome!  Don't spill the beans...make your own taco shells..and tacos, for that fittens...ryhme...I dare you to try and poach an egg..hahahahha...You mama is so lazy that she came in last place in a recent snail marathon...hahahahaha...just kidding..sorry...couldn't help myself..these afflictions and such..I and lots of things..all of which, I will save for tomorrow...yeah..please don't cry...every tear a waterfall...

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