Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Giant Pencil....

Yeah...I have one..wanna make something of it???!!???  Hahahaha...It IS the E.V. and I did what we could to make today extraordinary, in addition to make up for earlier this week, which case you cared..  I found, perhaps, the GREATEST, thing ever...I understand if it becomes a strain to contain your excitement...I felt the SAME the greatness of my find is enormously awesome...Allow me to introduce....little finger clap, my friends...puhhhhleese...I rarely beg..however this occasion does warrant a little begging, of the finger clap variety, mind you....
MY GIANT PENCIL!  AND it is GREEN!!  WOO-freaking-HOO!!!  And, the best part is that it is a functioning, in addition to being uber-cool, it writes, too...BOY, I cannot wait to whip this out write something is a total hoot..makes me giggle..uncontrollably...thank YOU, Finnegan's...

I already have it right next to my trusty Hoot-Owl notebook...

It's like those Boy Scouts...always be never, ever know when an idea will pop into your head...and now I can write it down with my new GIANT PENCIL!  Things couldn't be better...well, really they could..a whole lot..but shall we focus on my splendid giant pencil...

We did have a little fun on the car ride home..

E.V. and the new pencil bonded immediately!  You can tell by the look on her face, she just loves, loves, loves the new pencil..tisk-tisk..."Mama, will you get this THING off of me!  Please!!"

We did stop briefly for groceries...but not at The Fred need, as my earlier trip to the toy store satisifed our entertainment objectives for the day...

"Mama...please take that creepy giant pencil with you...and bring me a bone...and hobble as fast as you can..I don't have all day!"

She really needs to relax..And I did take the pencil with me...I certainly did not want anyone trying to steal it...I did drive all the way over to Bridgeport Village and spent $5.00.  I was not about to leave that unattended in my vehicle...

We did return home...I felt it was necessary to show my new giant pencil around...make him feel at home and was the right thing to do...not to mention, I'm a thoughtful and gracious kinda gal...shhhhhhhh...

Here we are in the elevator...

We journeyed over to the wall...with a little visitor, Myra...I will divulge a little more information about her will be worth the wait..she IS rather special..

My Giant Pencil on the couch...he hung out there while I taught him the secrets of shaking bootie around the house..He concurs...Darren Chriss, Beastie Boys and Green Day knee socks...and Hello Kitty Tights...although, he probably wouldn't admit it out loud..just sayin'

"Hey, Mama...what did the paper say to the pencil????  Lookin' Sharp!  tisk-tisk..and can I get a tee-hee...????"

She is a smarty-pants...aside from showing our new giant pencil a supreme time over here at the apartment...we did cook..not only dinner, but some carrot cake mini muffins with cream cheese is the weekend..that is how we roll over on the west side on the weekends..shhhhhhh....and we were trying to keep busy...

Flour, Brown Sugar, Shredded Carrot, Egg, Pistachios, Oil, Baking Soda, Ground Ginger and Nutmeg

Throw all ingredients into a bowl and mix is fun! ...Shake some bootie while you're at it...increases the fun !  And, if you have a wand...grab that...even keeps the muffins happy.....happy muffins are tasty muffins...shhhh....little blog secret...

Mini-muffins...baked at 350 degrees for approximately 20 minutes....

Once they have cooled, they need to be frosted...

At this are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to use, yet another, kitchen device...your mixer!  WooHoo!  It IS Saturday holding back..nope..not around here, anyway..that's fo'sho'...Cream Cheese, Powdered Sugar, Butter and Vanilla..whip away...the ingredients will not is their destiny....

Cream Cheese Frosted Mini Carrot Cake Cup Cakes...Say THAT ten times fast...I triple dog dare ya!  hahahahahaha....They were rather yummy...I needed sugar in the worst way...well, that and a martini...hahahahaha..

"Hurry up, Mama...dirty more dishes...I love this part of the evening...I may need to reveal my superior Jedi mind tricks if you don't get this show on the road...for reals! do bees get to school???  On a school buzz, silly!  hahahahaha"

Dinner this evening was Chicken Kiev with twice baked potatoes and seared zucchini...We shall commence with the ingredients for the filling of the chicken..

Butter, lemon, dill and cayenne...This is combined and flattened in plastic will soon patient, my friends...and it is totally worth the wait...

Once you have mixed together the filling, as it does need to rest in the refrigerator for a bit...move along to the other ingredients..

Yeah..I know..chicken, AGAIN..hush up...I don't want to hear any sass...THIS was very good...Chicken, Panko Bread Crumbs, Flour, Egg, Parsley...keep in mind, this will all come together in the not lose faith...I have not let you down as of yet...well, except for maybe this one time..but, ah...anyway, moving along...

Ta-Daaa...the butter combination you made earlier and placed in the once that has solidified and flavors have atop a flattened chicken breast, a chicken breast which you previously pounded with a mallet...and the process was fun...shhh...Myra is eavesdropping in the background, and she is impressionable...please, be on your best behavior!  teehee....You will want to fold the ends over the butter and roll up each piece tightly to enclose...this process was hard...and, secretly, took me a good 20 minutes to accomplish..but, I am slow...shall we please keep that on the DL...

Take your stuffed chicken and dredge in flour..moving along to the egg...then the Panko-Parsley mixture until coated...Shaking bootie along the way..No Sleep Till Brooklyn is fun, as this is boring why not make it IS Saturday night BTW...

Coated Chicken Kiev...we're getting closer...patience, is a virtue...

Cook in oil until golden brown on all sides...

As for the sides...the twice baked potatoes...I prepared mashed potatoes and added a little sour cream...baked in the oven in a ramekin, so it would maintain a round shape...then topped with minced chives...then seared the zucchini in a pan...I didn't take photos of was YAWN and BORING...absolutely NOTHING like giant pencils and such....

Our final meal...The chicken did have a crisp exterior and a luscious core of dill-flavored butter...the potatoes and zucchini were the perfect partners in crime for this dish... Simple comfort food from a couple of simple gals on the west side..tee-hee..

Today was refreshing and fun..We made the most of it and we did our best not to cry, as you do know...there is no crying in baseball!  SO...go buy a a giant pencil..and have some fun with it...shake bootie...make muffins...listen to MMMBop, I promise not to tell a soul...for reals!  Have a great evening....we'll be here tomorrow...xoxoxooxoxox...

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