Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bring On The Sting...

Sooo, last evening, my sisters and I attended a concert...and for the record...ERASURE knee socks...and bee's buttons..and chainsaw jugglers.. I only wish I had silver Doc Martens...would have killed for a pair..  yep.....  Victim of Love...A Little Respect...Stop..Chains of Love..Sometimes...Chorus..oh..and they ended with Oh L' this Lone Foodie never shakes any bootie outside of the apartment, however last night was a different did involve probably way too many martinis and vodka-tonics..but those awfully nice security guards at the Crystal Ballroom assured me I would be allowed was a wobbly evening...however, no posting of bail was necessary..whew!...hahahahaha...  For the record, the only better show in which I attended was Green Day...circa 1996..I was THISCLOSE to Billie Joe and it ROCKED!  Worth every drop of blood on my shirt...for reals!..Doesn't get much better than front row..

"Oh, should have stayed home with me...the couch is a comfy place...and I missed you!"

I did go to The Fred Meyer again...found nothing that was equivalent to my Pocket Volcano..nothing that was capable of producing hot lava...or that was scientific in nature..or gadget-like..or hand there a CSJ in the house..????  I did purchase a little friend for Phinneaus..  You know, my jock, um, I mean jack-o-lantern..

Allow me to introduce... Phi..Get it??? Pumpkin Phi...pumpkin pie????  Hahahahahah..and it even matches Phinneaus...Phin and Phi...TWINS!  Not to mention, the golden ratio in the life and universe...Fibonacci Series...He's changed my, not really...again, as usual, I jest...couldn't help afflictions..I am in therapy.  As you can see, it isn't helping, as of yet...WIP, my friends, WIP....

I carved up was expected...He knew about it...I explained the rules right from the beginning...There were no secrets, nor were there any surprises...And, as usual, my stellar knife skills certainly shined through this evening..with the intricate and complicated features on this new pumpkin...I went all out..that IS my I roll, one might even say...

Meet..for the first time on the world wide web..Phi..he is a phi-nomenon!  Hahahahaha!

He is one seedy character...again..that is a joke one cannot resist...I tried.  I tried sooo hard, one cannot imagine..but..I possess zero, of course, have to suffer...

Here are my boys...together..Keeping it real..and keeping me company in the kitchen..I don't know what I would do without them...and those tooth-less grins...again, my knife skills do not allow for me to create teeth..we looked into pumpkin dentures..however, they were too expensive...maybe one of them could wear my fangs..something one could consider...

P2P...Not nearly as excellent as F2F...but....improvisation, folks...

Here are a few shots of my fantastic side-kick..all super-heros require a side-kick..and E.V. unequivocally fits the bill...she is precious..and patient...and've seen me..would you expect anything else..???

Here we are getting coffee..boy, did that Americano with six pounds of sugar taste spectacular today..thank you Starbucks!.....

"OK, Mama...I would like for us to return home...Do you know why bees hum????  Because they don't know the words!"  Hahahahaha...Oh, E.V., And I always thought it was because they were too busy stinging stuff and making honey...huh..go figure...Good one, Eves.. ;-)

Now raise your hands up in the you just don't care..because we are going to cook!  Yep...I know..I know..that IS why I am here..I do have these inclincations for getting off track.  I certainly hope you were seated for that it was shocking..and unexpected..and so unlike me..however, it is totally and absolutely correct! bad...portobello mushroom marinated in balsamic and garlic, parmesan polenta and honey mustard brussels sprouts.

Portobello mushroom, balsamic vinegar, garlic, olive oil and minced rosemary...Quite a pretty sight...Like butterflies...they rock, in fact, like chainsaw jugglers...

This marinated mushroom is then broiled...a few minutes on each is it doesn't take too much...Yum!

Shall we proceed to our polenta..a plethora of polenta...hahahah..not really..I just thought that was pocket volcanos..again..I am working on things...someday, my friends, some the mean time...get those fists in the air!  It is the least you can do for regrets..none!

Cornmeal, cream, butter, stock, bacon and parmesan cheese..

Cook them all up in a sauce pan...rather saucy...huh???  Again, no regrets....

Dearly beloved...are you listening...I can't remember a word you were saying...however..this polenta is rockin' and shaking bootie and such...For lack of a better word...and was scrumptious!

Distractions aside, we finally did eat....hard to believe as one can imagine...but quite true..  I run away...leave behind this we gooooooooooooooo...

I was not exactly pleased with the plating..and to be quite honest...I HATED tasted very good..but I couldn't get stuff to coordinate... I will let it go.  Tomorrow is another day...and I can make something else...However, disappointment sucks....and I really hated this

I don't feel any shame...I won't apologize...I am what I am...Bee's buttons rock...and they do wear them...for reals... as do Erasure and Green Day, oh, that and chainsaw jugglers..remember to put your fist in the air....wave it around even...go wild..wear some doc martens...and knee socks, they all rock...make mushrooms and polenta and sprouts..I don't care if you don't care...Yep, I am back..sorry..need that tissue, now???  See you later, alligator..

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